Welcome to the 2017 Solar Jaguar Moon Edition of the Noos-letter
Welcome to the Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, the ninth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.
This Moon calls us to envision a fresh and cosmically objective perspective of the present global situation. Self-reflection is key. How can we be of service to the Earth? How can we cultivate sacred perceptions in a world that appears 'out of order?' What are the "Master ideas" that we live by?
Master ideas are what govern why we do what we do. What are the Master ideas of this current civilization? What is the new planetary myth?
Solar Moon 14 marks the Equinox, the perfect balance of light and dark. This day lands on Yellow Magnetic Warrior when we "Unify in order to Question…”
The 17th day of this Moon marks the sixth year anniversary of the passing of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan (March 23, 2011). In his honor we are creating a special TimeSpace interactive meditation. Stay tuned.
… What is occurring in the world and the Earth environment is due to historical forces of irreversible inevitability working themselves out in an increasingly dissonant crescendo, with an outcome that can only be of a highly dubious nature. This perspective breeds a certain helplessness or cynicism, apathy or impotent outrage.
On the surface of it, nothing seems to change the tendencies, trends and direction of the entire apparatus of human civilization, taking the Earth with it as it goes. This view characterizes the materialist economic outlook on reality that prevails in human thinking today.
This, of course, is a great generalization, and within this perspective there are many shades of difference in attitude or degrees of despair or myopic hope. Even though on the surface things seem totally hopeless, is it possible that actually all of this is being orchestrated, as it were, from above, for the fulfillment of an epic of such grandeur that the present state of consciousness could scarcely conceive it possible? -Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan
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Star Traveler's Synchronicities - Solar Moon - Spectral Storm Year
You can click on the Kin of each of the Star Traveler's Synchronicities to find a list of all the people registered on galacticSpacebook.com whose signature is that Kin! If you feel so inspired, click the signature on that day and wish them a happy galactic birthday!
Dali 1 - Kin 183, Blue Magnetic Night (7 Mar)
This Moon begins at the same time as the Blue Night Wavespell of Abundance - attuning this whole Moon to the Dreamer's inuitive power of infinite Abundance...
This Moon has a total of six galactic activation portals: Kin 184, Yellow Lunar Seed (8 Mar), Kin 189, Red Resonant Moon (13 Mar), Kin 192, Yellow Planetary Human (16 Mar), Kin 197, Red Lunar Earth (21 Mar), Kin 203, Blue Galactic Night (27 Mar), Kin 210, White Lunar Dog (3 Apr).
Today begins the 13-day Blue Night Wavespell of Abundance the third (transforming) Wavespell of the Yellow Southern Castle of Giving - Night tribe transforms giving through power of abundance. Truth of galactic Saturn remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 195, Blue Cosmic Eagle on the 13th day of this Moon (19 Mar)
Seli 2 - Kin 184, Yellow Lunar Seed (8 Mar)
The first of six galactic activation portals this Moon: Stabilizing awareness... Today is also the final day of the 65-day Sun Season of Universal Fire: Yellow Galactic Spectrum.
Gamma 3 - Kin 185, Red Electric Serpent (11 Feb)
Today also begins the 65-day Serpent Season of Life Force: Red Galactic Spectrum. This cycle ends on Kin 249, Red Lunar Moon - Spectral Moon Kali 11 (11.11) (12 May).
65-day cycles (galactic seasons or spectrum):
Limi 6 - Kin 188, Yellow Rhythmic Star (12 Mar)
Full Moon.
Silio 7 - Kin 189, Red Resonant Moon (13 Mar)
The second of six galactic activation portals this Moon: Inspiring flow...
Gamma 10 - Kin 192, Yellow Planetary Human (16 Mar)
The third of six galactic activation portals this Moon: Producing wisdom...
Silio 14 - Kin 196, Yellow Magnetic Warrior (20 Mar)
Today also begins the 13-day Yellow Warrior Wavespell of Intelligence, the fourth (ripening) Wavespell of the Yellow Southern Castle of Giving - Warrior tribe ripens giving through power of intelligence. Truth of solar Saturn remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 208, Yellow Cosmic Star on the 26th day of this Moon (1 Apr)
Dali 15 - Kin 197, Red Lunar Earth (21 Mar)
The fourth of six galactic activation portals this Moon: Stabilizing synchronicity...
Gamma 17 - Kin 199, Blue Self-Existing Storm (23 Mar)
Today we give thanks and appreciation to the profound work and vision of José Argüelles/Valum Votan, founder of the Foundation for the Law of Time, who died six years ago this day. A man of singular vision and unswerving, incomparable integrity, humor and warmth - thank you!
Bookmark this 90 minute presentation by him made several years ago at the Prophet's Conference:
Silio 21 - Kin 203, Blue Galactic Night (27 Mar)
The fifth of six galactic activation portal this Moon: Modeling intuition...
Dali 22 - Kin 204, Yellow Solar Seed (28 Mar)
New Moon.
Limi 27 - Kin 209, Red Magnetic Moon (2 Apr)
Today begins both the 52-day Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of the Matrix - and the 13-day Red Moon Wavespell of Universal Water, the first (initiating) Wavespell of the Green Central Castle of Enchantment - Moon tribe initiates enchantment through power of universal water. Truth of galactic Mercury remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 221, Red Cosmic Dragon on the Planetary Moon Kali 11 (14 Apr)
Silio 28 - Kin 210, White Lunar Dog (3 Apr)
The sixth and final galactic activation portal this Moon: Stabilizing loyalty.
Special thanks to Marjon Planetary Serpent of PAN-Holland for the Moon Codes!
Continuing our One Moon = One Kin count which began in the Magnetic Moon of the Yellow Overtone Seed Year (1997), this Moon corresponds to Kin 256, Yellow Solar Warrior:
I pulse in order to question
Realizing fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of free will
Just as each daily kin has a fifth force oracle, so does the entire moon have a fifth force oracle. For this moon, the oracle is based on the Kin 256, Yellow Solar Warrior:
Kin 256, Yellow Solar Warrior (SP Saturn) is supported by Kin 243, Blue Solar Night (GK Saturn); guided by Kin 152, Yellow Solar Human (SP Earth); challenged by Kin 230, White Solar Worldbridger (GK Mars); and receives hidden/unexpected power from Kin 5, Red Overtone Serpent (GK Maldek).
This Moon, the fourth-dimensional planetary influences are Saturn, Earth, Mars and Maldek. In the Telektonon board, the orbit of Earth holds Circuit 3: the telektonon earth spirit speaking tube circuit, the orbits of Mars and Saturn together hold Circuit 4: the externalizing intelligence circuitand Maldek holds Circuit 5: the internalizing intelligence circuit.
SP - Telepathic powers of time travel + interdimensional navigation (Uranus/Red Earth); Instinctual free will wisdom of the divine plan (Earth/Yellow Human).
Externalizing intelligence circuit (4th Circuit):
GK - Externalizing telepathic spiritual abundance potential (Saturn/Blue Night); Externalizing instrinctual programs of order and dominance (Mars/White Worldbridger) [*Needs repair].
GK - Telepathic powers of authority (Jupiter/Yellow Seed); Internalizing instinctual life force programs (Maldek/Red Serpent). [*Disrupted, needs repair]
SP - Visionary perceptual structures (Jupiter/Blue Eagle); Transcendent internalizing perceptual structures (Maldek/White Wizard). [*Disrupted, needs to be activated]
*Note: The disrupted circuits represent the focalization of the karmic debris of all of the lost worlds as they are contained in the orbits of planets Maldek (the Asteroid Belt) and Mars. The repair of these circuits is a major purpose of the codes of the Law of Time and 13 Moon calendar. The repair/activation of these circuits represents the Sun's attainment of its next stage of evolution, and entry into cosmic civilization.
Note the four powers of the four solar seals that hold these circuits:
Red Serpent - Sex/Life Force [Disrupted, needs repair]
White Worldbridger - Death [Disrupted, needs repair]
Red Skywalker - Prophecy/Space [Disrupted, needs cultivating]
White Wizard - Timelessness [Disrupted, needs to be activated]
In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Solar Moon:
Red Week 1 - Initiate Heptad 33: Sex electrifies navigation.
(Dali 1 - Silio 7 / Mar 7-13)
White Week 2 - Refine Heptad 34: Navigation electrifies wisdom.
(Dali 8 - Silio 14 / Mar 14-20)
Blue Week 3 - Transform Heptad 35: Death electrifies self-generation. (Dali 15 - Silio 21 / Mar 21-27)
A "Tin Kinanta" is the Mayan word for what the Law of Time calls the biosolar telepath: one who has obtained their solar telepathy, initiating the enactment of the evolution of solar consciousness. Notice how all the Heptad Paths of this Solar Moon are within the two primary vertical channels connecting the third eye, heart and sacral chakras via the Vulom magnetic attraction force field meditation described in Book of the Transcendence ... It is also interesting to note that these Heptad Paths illustrate a vertical activation of the four primary light-heat elements: Dum Kuali (primal heat), Dum Duar (primal light), Kemio (light of inner heat), and Kum (heat of inner light). Learn more in Book of the Avatar.