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Welcome to the Spectral Serpent Moon Edition
of the Noos-letter
Spectral Moon-At-A-GlanceStar Traveler's Synchronicities |
Greetings and welcome to the Synchronic view of the Spectral Moon - Please put on your 4-D glasses now! Again, as of Resonant Moon 1 (January 10) we have been cruising along through the Seven Mystic Moons. We are now in the fifth of the final seven moons of the revelation of the 16-year Telektonon Cube of the Law. The seventh moon culminates at Galactic Synchronization (26 July 2013) - the omega point signaling the commencement of a new galactic beam. The Seven Mystic Moons recapitulate the Seven Lost Generations of the prophecy of Pacal Votan, as well as the primal Seven Days of Creation, reclaiming the interval of Lost Time in Eternity. Last Moon we completed Planetary Life Force - the self-generating, self-propagating life force energy which generates life on a planetary level. Now with the Fifth Mystic Moon/fifth day of creation we recapitulate the creation power of Spectral Death. This corresponds to Kin 206, White Spectral Worldbridger, with the affirmation:
In Book of the Avatar, which describes in detail the full 13.7-Billion year cycle of the universe in terms of a 13-tone wavespell, it describes the fifth day of creation as "cooperation of terrestrial cycles to create the biosphere, including oxygen in the atmosphere and institution of sex by multicellular algae". It is fascinating, then to contemplate that since we have attained planetary life force, this current stage is coded by the power of Spectral Death. Life and death are a unitary circuit. All that lives dies, yet all that dies ultimately lives again… In The Arcturus Probe, death is described by Arc-Tara the Queen of Death as "nothing more than the available truth that any individual unit of being has at its disposal in dealing with its life. If an individual ignores truth or denies death, then this storehouse of death becomes concealed, and the individual will live on a current of self-generating illusions. But if the individual unit lives by truth, then death is revealed as the inexhaustible storehouse of truth." Last Moon corresponded to Kin 205, Red Planetary Serpent (GK Maldek), this Moon is Kin 206, White Spectral Worldbridger (GK Mars), so these moons simultaneously provide the time travel opportunity to harmonize the karma of the lost planets (See: "Arcturus Remembered"), and to heighten our perceptions of these two factors - sex and death - which is key to the triggering of the rainbow bridge. ("Blog: Sex & Resurrection") Heptad Path & Codons codes for the White Spectral Worldbridger Moon In the Spectral Moon - "Attain Electroetheric Form" - each of the four heptad paths connect the four Power of Harmony Cells/The Four Courts within the Galactic Superstructure/Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree of Life and Knowledge. These four courts are the Court of the Avatar/Knowledge, Court of the Compassionate One/Love, Court of the Prophet/Prophecy and Court of the Pathfinder/Intelligence.
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