In the Electric Moon we activate our service as we enter even more fully into the noospheric stage of planetary intelligence. Every adjustment we make in consciousness has an immediate effect on the energy that is able to move through us.
To bridge the gap from cybersphere to noosphere, the Foundation for the Law of Time has introduced the TimeSpace Navigator phone app. Many thinkers including Marshall McLuhan, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Vladimir Vernadsky perceived that the next evolutionary stage would be intermediated by a global electronic communication network.
The present cybersphere is essentially what Marshall McLuhan envisioned in the 1960s as "the global village."
"Today after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our electronic nervous system itself in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned. Rapidly we approach the final phase of the extensions of man - the technological simulation of consciousness … "
Of course all technology springs from consciousness; the TimeSpace Navigator Program serves as a self-organizing tool for human consciousness as we make our way into the realization of the noosphere.
In this TimeSpace 3 Ride we clear the past through an astral projection exercise, and then cultivate the power to project our mind into Earth consciousness. This ride also focusses us on the ability to work in group soul travel/teleportation.
The First Ride (TS-1) introduces us to the TimeSpace environment. There we reawaken our ancient memory of the primal TimeSpace reality and our innate capacities for astral travel. We are reminded that we are co-conductors of reality. Download now.
The Second Ride (TS-2) enters us deeply into the Present moment and stabilizes our mental clarity through deep body relaxation. In this Ride we discover the Gate to the Dream World that opens into fourth-dimensional time. Here, in the fourth-dimensional realm of galactic time, we can begin to access the video library of astral movies. Astral movies are an archive of parallel realities that are always playing simultaneously to your life pattern. Download now.
You can click on the Kin of each of the Star Traveler's Synchronicities to find a list of all the people registered on whose signature is that Kin! If you feel so inspired, click the signature on that day and wish them a happy galactic birthday!
Dali 1 - Kin 15, Blue Lunar Eagle (20 Sep) Day 767 of 812
Welcome to the Electric Moon! This Moon’s totem animal is the deer, reminding us of the importance of staying in gentle attunement with nature. Tune into the equinox this Moon on Gamma 3 - Kin 17, Red Self-Existing Earth (22 Sep).
This Moon includes 3 galactic activation portals: The first is Kin 20, Yellow Resonant Sun, the second is Kin 22, White Solar Wind, and the final one is Kin 39, Blue Cosmic Storm.
Gamma 3 - Kin 17, Red Self-Existing Earth (22 Sep) Day 769 of 812
Equinox (Autumn in Northern Hemisphere, Spring in Southern Hemisphere).
Limi 6 - Kin 22, White Solar Wind (27 Sep) Day 774 of 812
Galactic activation portal day.
Limi 6 - Kin 20, Yellow Resonant Sun (25 Sep) Day 772 of 812
Limi 13 - Kin 27, Blue Magnetic Hand (2 Oct) Day 779 of 812
Today begins the 13-day Blue Hand Wavespell of Accomplishment, the third (transforming) Wavespell of the Red Eastern Castle of Turning - Hand tribe transforms turning through power of accomplishment; truth of galactic Earth remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 39, Electric Moon Kali 25 (14 Oct).
Special thanks to Martin Kuipers for these wonderful wavespell tracks.
Seli 16 - Kin 30, White Self-Existing Dog (5 Oct) Day 782 of 812
Kali 25 - Kin 39, Blue Cosmic Storm (14 Oct) Day 791 of 812
Galactic activation portal.
Alpha 26 - Kin 40, Yellow Magnetic Sun (15 Oct) Day 792 of 812
Today is a Pacal Votan Clear Signand begins the 13-day Yellow Sun Wavespell of Universal Fire, the fourth and final (ripening) Wavespell of the Red Eastern Castle of Turning - Sun tribe ripens turning through power of universal fire; truth of galactic Pluto remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 52, Self-Existing Moon Gamma 10 (27 Oct).
Limi 27 - Kin 41, Red Lunar Dragon (16 Oct) Day 793 of 812
Full Moon.
Silio 28 - Kin 42, White Electric Wind (17 Oct) Day 794 of 812
Continuing our One Moon = One Kin count which began in the Magnetic Moon of the Yellow Overtone Seed Year (1997), this Moon corresponds to Kin 250, White Electric Dog:
I activate in order to love
Bonding loyalty
I seal the process of heart
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of timelessness
I am a polar kin... I establish the white galactic spectrum
Just as each daily kin has a fifth force oracle, so does the entire moon have a fifth force oracle. For this moon, the oracle is based on the Kin 250, White Electric Dog:
Kin 250, White Electric Dog(SP Mercury) is supported by Kin 29, Red Electric Moon (GK Mercury); guided by Kin 94, White Electric Wizard (SP Maldek); challenged/strengthened by Kin 120, Yellow Electric Sun (GK Pluto); and receives hidden/unexpected power from Kin 11, Blue Spectral Monkey [Galactic signature of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan!] (SP Venus).
This Moon, the fourth-dimensional planetary influences are Mercury, Venus, Maldek and Pluto. In the Telektonon board, the orbits of Mercury and Pluto together hold Circuit 1: the alpha-omega recharge circuit; Venus is on Circuit 2: the allied memory-instinct circuit and Maldek is on Circuit 5: the internalizing intelligence circuit.
GK - Telepathic powers of authority (Jupiter/Yellow Seed); Internalizing instinctual life force programs (Maldek/Red Serpent). [*Disrupted, needs repair]
SP - Visionary perceptual structures (Jupiter/Blue Eagle); Transcendent internalizing perceptual structures (Maldek/White Wizard). [*Disrupted, needs to be activated]
*Note: The disrupted circuits represent the focalization of the karmic debris of all of the lost worlds as they are contained in the orbits of planets Maldek (the Asteroid Belt) and Mars. The repair of these circuits is a major purpose of the codes of the Law of Time and 13 Moon calendar. The repair/activation of these circuits represents the Sun's attainment of its next stage of evolution, and entry into cosmic civilization.
Note the four powers of the four solar seals that hold these circuits:
Red Serpent - Sex/Life Force [Disrupted, needs repair]
White Worldbridger - Death [Disrupted, needs repair]
Red Skywalker - Prophecy/Space [Disrupted, needs cultivating]
White Wizard - Timelessness [Disrupted, needs to be activated]
In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Electric Moon:
Red Week 1 - Initiate Heptad 9: Art awakens Love (Electric Moon 1-7 / September 20-26)
White Week 2 - Refine Heptad 10: Purification transmits Love (Electric Moon 8-14 / Sept 27 - Oct 3)
Blue Week 3 - Transform Heptad 11: Spirit evolves Magic (Electric Moon 15-21 / October 4-10)