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Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time - Issue #54

Welcome to the 2014 Electric Deer Moon Edition of the Noos-letter

[Deer]Welcome to the Electric Deer Moon of Service! This is the third moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell, holding the power of activation and bonding. This Moon begins with the Cosmic Serpent, sign of the transcendence of life force corresponding to the destroyed planet, Maldek.

On Electric Moon 2 we enter the Worldbridger wavespell of death. Electric Moon 13, Kin 77: Red Crystal Earth (October 2) marks five spins (1300 days) since the tsunami that caused the meltdown at the Fukushima power plant in Japan. The country's nuclear reactors were switched off after the catastrophe, but now two reactors have been approved be switched back on by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, despite regular earthquakes in the area. 

Greenpeace Japan issued the statement: 

"The government … is ignoring the lessons of Fukushima and attempting to prevent the renewable energy revolution, trying to take the nation back to its dependence on dangerous and unreliable nuclear power," said Kazue Suzuki for the organisation.

On the planet holon, Japan is located in the Worldbridger zone, which corresponds to planet Mars. Kin 77 occurs precisely 21 days after the 13th anniversary of 9-11 and is also the 49th day of the 812-day cycle that began on August 15, 2014, Kin 29. 49 (7 x 7) is the number of days in the bardo of Tibetan buddhism.

Twelve days later on Kin 89 (October 14, 2014) marks five spins since the passing of Valum Votan. It was in 1989 that he made the groundbreaking discovery of the Law of Time. The Law of Time distinguishes between the artificial/mechanistic timing frequency (12:60) of modern human civilization, and the natural universal timing frequency of synchronization (13:20) characterizing the rest of life on Earth.

The Law of Time views the current multiple global crises as part of the inevitable biosphere-noosphere transition, marking the most significant stage in the whole of the evolution of life on Earth.

Valum Votan describes the shift into the noosphere:   

"Foreseen as the evolutionary transformation of the biosphere into its next state or condition by its chief theorists, Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the noosphere represents a radical shift of mind and consciousness. In fact, its advent is the commencement of the next stage of planetary evolution. By its nature it could only be brought about by a human participatory event.

"As the planetary mind, it is a vast and singular expression of but a single entity, the planet as a living system. From the human perspective, the noosphere represents the advance to universal telepathy. From the noosphere's perspective, its manifestation means the absorption of the individualized human units of consciousness into the functioning of but one mind in which all contradictions are resolved into higher harmonic perceptions."

Electric Moon-At-A-Glance

[13 Moon calendar]

Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Continuing our One Moon = One Kin count which began in the Magnetic Moon of the Yellow Overtone Seed Year (1997), this Electric Moon is the 224th Moon since that time, so it corresponds to

Kin 224, Yellow Electric Seed:

I activate in order to target
Bonding awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of elegance

Just as each daily kin has a fifth force oracle, we can also see what the fifth force oracle is for this whole Moon by looking at the oracle for the Yellow Electric Seed:

[Fifth Force Oracle graphic for Kin 224]The Yellow Electric Seed (GK Jupiter) is supported by the Blue Electric Eagle (signature of Harmonic Convergence of 1987! SP Jupiter), guided by the Yellow Electric Star (GK Venus), challenged by the White Electric Wizard (SP Maldek) and receiving hidden/occult support from the Red Spectral Earth (SP Uranus).

Planetary influences are Venus, Maldek, Jupiter and Uranus. In the Telektonon board Jupiter and Maldek complete the internalizing intelligence circuit. Venus holds the inner half of the allied memory/instinct circuit while Uranus holds the outer half of the telektonon earth spirit speaking tube circuit.

Book of the Transcendence describes these circuits as the following:

Allied memory/instinct circuit (2nd Circuit):

[Dragon Seal][Star Seal]GK (Galactic-Karmic in-breath) - Cosmic memory/akashic access codes/power of total recall (Neptune/Red Dragon); Instinctual + innate aesthetic structures and skills (Venus/Yellow Star)

[Mirror Seal][Monkey Seal]SP (Solar-Prophetic out-breath) - Supreme powers of cosmic samadhi (Neptune/White Mirror); Instinctual powers of innate cosmic magnetism (Venus/Blue Monkey).

Telektonon earth spirit speaking tube circuit (3rd Circuit):

[Wind Seal][Hand Seal]GK - Innate telepathic spiritual programs (Uranus/White Wind); Instinctual biotelepathic structures of knowing (Earth/Blue Hand).

[Earth Seal][Human Seal]SP - Telepathic powers of time travel + interdimensional navigation (Uranus/Red Earth); Instinctual free will wisdom of the divine plan (Earth/Yellow Human).

Internalizing intelligence circuit (5th Circuit):

[Seed Seal][Serpent Seal]GK - Telepathic powers of authority (Jupiter/Yellow Seed); Internalizing instinctual life force programs (Maldek/Red Serpent).

[Eagle Seal][Wizard Seal]SP - Visionary perceptual structures (Jupiter/Blue Eagle); Transcendent internalizing perceptual structures (Maldek/White Wizard).

As you can see there is a vast lode of knowledge coded into every facet of the synchronic order. This particular facet is derived from the codes of the five interplanetary circuits of the solar system in conjunction with the solar seals and how they code the planets in those circuits.

See also: 13:20 Planetary Geomancy.

Click to enlarge.

Star Traveler's Synchronicities - Electric Moon - Red Solar Moon Year

[Seal & Tone]Dali 1 - Kin 65, Red Cosmic Serpent (20 Sep)

Welcome once again to the Electric Deer Moon of Service! This Moon starts off with a bang with the Red Cosmic Serpent, the "13 Serpent" or raft of thirteen serpents that Quetzalcoatl departed upon, 13th and final day of the Red Skywalker wavespell of prophecy...

[Seal & Tone]Seli 2 - Kin 66, White Magnetic Worldbridger (21 Sep)

UN International Day of Peace. Globally synchronized peace meditation organized by Today also begins the 13-day White Worldbridger wavespell, power of Death. (Ends on Kin 78, Electric Moon Silio 14 / 3 October).

[Seal & Tone]Kali 4 - Kin 68, Yellow Electric Star (23 Sep)

Magic Turtle day and Equinox (Autumn/N. Hemisphere, Spring/S. Hemisphere). Perfect Guide Kin of the Yellow Electric Seed: the Kin that codes this moon as described above!

[Seal & Tone]Alpha 5 - Kin 69, Red Self-Existing Moon (24 Sep)

New Moon and galactic activation portal day! (First of five galactic portal days in this Moon).

[Seal & Tone]Dali 8 - Kin 72, Yellow Resonant Human (27 Sep)

Galactic activation portal day.

[Seal & Tone]Limi 13 - Kin 77, Red Crystal Earth (2 Oct)

Galactic activation portal day. 5 spins since Fukushima, 1300 days. Key code of the consciousness that dwells in the center of the Earth, also known as Ah Vuc Ti Cab.

[Seal & Tone]Dali 15 - Kin 79, Blue Magnetic Storm (4 Oct)

Today begins the 13-day Blue Storm wavespell, power of Self-Generation. (Ends on Kin 91, Electric Moon Limi 27 / 16 October).

[Seal & Tone]Gamma 17 - Kin 81, Red Electric Dragon (6 Oct)

Magic Turtle Day.

[Seal & Tone]Silio 21 - Kin 85, Red Resonant Serpent (10 Oct)

Galactic activation portal and rainbow bridge meditation day! Become the rainbow serpent!

[Seal & Tone]Gamma 24 - Kin 88, Yellow Planetary Star (13 Oct)

Galactic activation portal day.

[Seal & Tone]Kali 25 - Kin 89, Red Spectral Moon (14 Oct)

Five galactic spins (1300 days = 260 days x 5) since Valum Votan's ascension. This is also the galactic signature of the death of Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon.

[Seal & Tone]Alpha 26 - Kin 90, White Crystal Dog (15 Oct)

Galactic signature of both the Water Messenger Masaru Emoto and the day of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

[Seal & Tone]Silio 28 - Kin 92, Yellow Magnetic Human (17 Oct)

Today begins the 13-day Yellow Human wavespell, power of Free Will, this is the fourth and final wavespell of the 52-day White Northern Castle of Crossing. (Ends on Kin 104, Self-Existing Alpha 12 / 29 October).

Heptad Path Codes for the Electric Moon

Week 1 - Initiate
[Star Seal][Dog Seal]Heptad 1: Art awakens love
(Dali 1 - Silio 7 / 20-26 Sep)

Week 2 - Refine
[Moon Seal][Dog Seal]Heptad 2: Purification transmits love
(Dali 8 - Silio 14 / 27 Sep - 3 Oct)

Week 3 - Transform
[Wind Seal][Monkey Seal]Heptad 3: Spirit evolves magic
(Dali 15 - Silio 21 / 4 Oct - 10 Oct)

Week 4 - Ripen
[Wind Seal][Human Seal]Heptad 4: Spirit evolves wisdom
(Dali 22 - Silio 28 / 11 Oct - 17 Oct)

Learn more about the Heptad Paths in the Hunab Ku 21

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Previous Issues of the Noos-letter: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #10 | #11 | #12 | #13 | #14 | #15 | #16 | #17 | #18 | #19 | #20 | #21 | #22 | #23 | #24 | #25 | #26 | #27 | #28 | #29 | #30 | #31 | #32 | #33 | #34 | #35 | #36 | #37 | #38 | #39 | #40 | #41 | #42 | #43 | #44 | #45 | #46 | #47 | #48 | #49 | #50 | #51 | #52 | #53 | #54 | #55 | #56 | #57 | #58 | #59 | #60 | #61 | #62 | #63 | #64 | #65 | #66 | #67 | #68 | #69 | #70 | #71 | #72 | #73 | #74 | #75 | #76 | #77 | #78 | #79 | #80 | #81 | #82 | #83 | #84 | #85 | #86 | #87 | #88 | #89 | #90 | #91 | #92 | #93 | #94 | #95 | #96 | #97 | #98 БългарскиEspañolHrvatskiFrançaisNederlandsPortuguêsРусский языкSrpski

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