Welcome to the 2016 Planetary Dog Moon Edition of the Noos-letter
Welcome to the Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, the tenth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.
At this time, we are seeing major perturbations on the world stage as the interior psychic landscape is shifting. What is happening in the external world first begins in our collective mind.
The Dynamics of Time indicates that the human species is participating in an experiment within the free will zone of the galaxy. In this process, human consciousness has been imprisoned by a false perception of time that is perpetuating an illusory fence around its mind.
This false perception of time and material reality freezes our perceptions and emotions into the physical plane, creating neurosis and self-destructive vehicles on Earth.
The floodgates of repressed emotional energy release when we choose to take responsibility for our minds and exchange our illusions for a deeper experience of Essence.
This Moon's totem animal is dog, signifying love and emotions. In the pulsar geometry, the tenth tone is the final tone of the first-dimensional life pulsar that manifests the challenge. The main challenge is to master ourselves.
The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. —Carl Gustav Jung
By untangling ourselves from the shackles of illusion, we enter ever-deepening states of wholeness and integration of our physical, emotional, spiritual and etheric bodies. Once this integration occurs, then we can explore higher planes of existence and co-creative capacities that allow us to unveil a new picture of reality and what's possible.
The beginning and the basis of this exploration (of new consciousness) must be through a complete purification of the mind. To purify the mind is to deepen the mind, is to lose the sense of the grasping self, the petty tyrant and thief who wants to interpret all experience right away by an unexamined and predetermined egoic structure of self. In contrast to this petty thief, is the all abiding timespace continuum of the galactic mind. This galactic timespace continuum is selfless, endless and ultimately timeless, though paradoxically realized only through a knowing of time.
You can click on the Kin of each of the Star Traveler's Synchronicities to find a list of all the people registered on galacticSpacebook.com whose signature is that Kin! If you feel so inspired, click the signature on that day and wish them a happy galactic birthday!
Dali 1 - Kin 106, White Lunar Worldbridger (4 Apr) Day 598 of 812
Welcome to the Planetary Moon! This year, this Moon has 10 galactic activation portals! Today begins a sequence of 10 galactic activation portal days in a row!
Gamma 3 - Kin 108, Yellow Self-Existing Star (6 Apr) Day 600 of 812
Third day of the 10-days-in-a-row of galactic activation portals! Kin 108 is the code kin for the GM108X galactic mayan mind transmission...
Kali 4 - Kin 109, Red Overtone Moon (7 Apr) Day 601 of 812
New Moon. Today is the fourth day of this 10-days-in-a-row of galactic activation portals.
Seli 9 - Kin 114, White Planetary Wizard (12 Apr) Day 606 of 812
Ninth day of the 10-days-in-a-row of galactic activation portals. Today is the galactic signature of this entire year: White Planetary Wizard. Today is exactly 260 Kin from the beginning of this year. It is interesting to note that this entire Moon is coded by Yellow Planetary Seed, the perfect antipode of White Planetary Wizard...
Gamma 10 - Kin 115, Blue Spectral Eagle (13 Apr) Day 607 of 812
Today is the tenth and final day of this 10-days-in-a-row of galactic activation portals.
Limi 13 - Kin 118, White Magnetic Mirror (16 Apr) Day 610 of 812
Today begins the 13-day White Mirror Wavespell of Endlessness, the second (refining) Wavespell of the 52-day Blue Western Castle of Burning: Court of Magic: Mirror tribe refines burning through power of endlessness. Truth of solar Neptune remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 130, Planetary Moon 26 (28 Apr).
Dali 15 - Kin 120, Yellow Electric Sun (18 Apr) Day 612 of 812
Today begins the 65-day Sun Season of Enlightenment: Yellow Galactic Spectrum. This cycle ends on Kin 184, Yellow Lunar Seed - Crystal Moon Seli 23 (June 21, 2016).
65-day cycles (galactic seasons or spectrum):
There are four 65-day cycles within a 260-day spin. These cycles are coded by the third (electric) tone of the four kin of the polar earth family, i.e. Red Electric Serpent, White Electric Dog, Blue Electric Eagle and Yellow Electric Sun. Learn more in The Call of Pacal Votan...
Seli 16 - Kin 121, Red Self-Existing Dragon (19 Apr) Day 613 of 812
Galactic signature of the discovery of the Law of Time... Today also begins the 20-day "Mystic Column" the central 20 days of the 260-day Tzolkin in which there are no galactic activation portals.
Gamma 24 - Kin 129, Red Crystal Moon (27 Apr) Day 621 of 812
Today begins the central 4-day cycle/Harmonic of the Tzolkin - these four days are known as the "Mystic Void"...
Limi 26 - Kin 131, Blue Magnetic Monkey (29 Apr) Day 623 of 812
Today begins the 13-day Blue Monkey Wavespell of Magic, the third (transforming) Wavespell of the 52-day Blue Western Castle of Burning: Court of Magic: Moneky tribe transforms burning through power of magic. Truth of solar Venus remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 143, Spectral Moon 10 (11 May).
Silio 28 - Kin 133, Red Electric Skywalker (1 May) Day 625 of 812
Continuing our One Moon = One Kin count which began in the Magnetic Moon of the Yellow Overtone Seed Year (1997), this Moon corresponds to Kin 244, Yellow Planetary Seed:
I perfect in order to target
Producing awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the
power of free will
Just as each daily kin has a fifth force oracle, so does the entire moon have a fifth force oracle. For this moon, the oracle is based on the Kin 244, Yellow Planetary Seed:
Kin 244, Yellow Planetary Seed (GK Jupiter) is supported by Kin 75, Blue Planetary Eagle (SP Jupiter); guided by Kin 192, Yellow Planetary Human (SP Earth); challenged by Kin 114, White Planetary Wizard (SP Maldek); and receives hidden/unexpected power from Kin 17, Red Self-Existing Earth (SP Uranus).
This Moon, the fourth-dimensional planetary influences are Earth, Maldek, Jupiter and Uranus.In the Telektonon board, the orbits of Earth and Uranus together hold Circuit 3: the telektonon earth spirit speaking ube circuit; and the orbits of Maldek and Jupiter together hold Circuit 5: the internalizing intelligence circuit;
SP(Solar-Prophetic out-breath) - Telepathic powers of time travel + interdimensional navigation (Uranus/Red Earth); Instinctual free will wisdom of the divine plan (Earth/Yellow Human).
*Note: The disrupted circuits represent the focalization of the karmic debris of all of the lost worlds as they are contained in the orbits of planets Maldek (the Asteroid Belt) and Mars. The repair of these circuits is a major purpose of the codes of the Law of Time and 13 Moon calendar. The repair/activation of these circuits represents the Sun's attainment of its next stage of evolution, and entry into cosmic civilization.
Note the four powers of the four solar seals that hold these circuits:
Red Serpent - Sex/Life Force [Disrupted, needs repair]
White Worldbridger - Death [Disrupted, needs repair]
Red Skywalker - Prophecy/Space [Disrupted, needs cultivating]
White Wizard - Timelessness [Disrupted, needs to be activated]
In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Planetary Moon:
Red Week 1 - Initiate Heptad 37: Art stabilizes meditation.
(Planetary Moon Dali 1 - Silio 7 / Apr 4-10)
White Week 2 - Refine Heptad 38: Meditation stabilizes vision.
(Planetary Moon Dali 8 - Silio 14 / Apr 11-17)
Blue Week 3 - Transform Heptad 39: Purification stabilizes enlightenment.
(Planetary Moon Dali 15 - Silio 21 / Apr 18-24)
It is interesting to note how the paths of this Moon are all horizontal "stabilizers"... The planet is the stage in cosmic evolution where not only a horizon becomes possible, but it also provides the necessary stability to host life. In the PlanetaryMoon Heptad Paths, the Yellow Sun and White Mirror appear twice. Yellow Sun indicates "enlightenment" and "life" and White Mirror signifies "order" and "endlessness". These are joined by the Yellow Star (art/beauty/elegance), Blue Eagle (creation/mind/vision), Red Moon (purification/flow) and White Wizard (enchantment/receptivity/timelessness). Feel the perfection of the Planetary Moon...