Cultivating Inner Resonance - Path of the Galactic Masters
Call for a Unified Telepathic Exploration of the Inner Planes
In the 13-tone Wavespell cosmology, the 7th position is the Resonant Tone - the tone of attunement. It is the center point of the 13 Tones. Attunement is a quality of being centered, or "in tune".
On the body the Resonant Tone corresponds to the spine (the central channel) with six articulations on either side (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles) (6 + 1 + 6 = 13).
To stay attuned requires discipline of exertion on the inner planes. It is this discipline of exertion on the inner planes that is a chief virtue of all galactic masters, messengers, prophets, seers and seekers of truth.
In honor of all the galactic masters, and in honor of the 75th anniversary of the birth of Valum Votan (7.15), all are invited to a special study session of the inner realms for this Resonant Moon. Let the example of these adepts inspire us to cultivate our inner light as one telepathically unified noosphere!
Resonant Moon mini-course in Attunement and Inner Cultivation
Premise: "Don't initiate. Be initiated."
Reading: Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change and
Book of the Initiation, Cosmic History Chronicles Volume IV.
About the Reading:
 Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change: The Visionary Life and Work of José Argüelles provides a detailed, living account of a true galactic master of our times. Author Stephanie South says that the life of Valum Votan (José Argüelles) is like a "synchronic template" - a pattern that can inspire and resonate with virtually any type of person, and perhaps within the narrative of his life, each person may find a unique magic key into their own inner journey of transformation and transcendence.
Book of the Initiation's special focus is on discovering the hidden side of things, as well as the cultivation of the inner light, or finding the hidden rainbow. This Volume also includes brief biographies of many galactic adepts of the past. As the fourth of the seven-volume Cosmic History Chronicles, the Book of the Initiation also represents the center! So during this Resonant Moon let us dive into the center within the center!

Throughout the course of this Moon, gather your will power to realize the divinity within you and do whatever is in your power to revivify your own spiritual practice — whatever you can do within your means to create that space wherein you feel that intimate bond with the Divine, Omnipresent, Galactic Source.
Since we are in the Resonant Moon we are aiming to create a noospheric resonance of clarity so that we may channel our own highest inner vision — of ourselves and of the universe. The more you put into this, the more you (and all beings) will get out of it!
From Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change:
"The following is an excerpt taken from Jose’s most recent journal regarding his thoughts on his spiritual practice and meditation process:
"Sometimes it appears the spiritual methods may be intense, excessive, zealous — but if they were not so, how could the habitual tendencies of the lower self be overcome? So you repeat prayers, precepts and mantras and examine yourself daily, you read holy books, wisdom texts and lives of inspired masters; you meditate, practice breath control and do yoga — so that slowly you build a life lived closer and closer to the spirit level-and farther from the animal level — that drives most of humanity in circles of self-reinforcing opinions and generally destructive habits and modes of life — through this process, one whose goals is to be rid of ego and become aware of being lived by another force, another element larger and more universal that the mere self with a given name and surname.
"There is a Holy command that you enter into and become the cosmos — the inexorability of the passing of the worldly life must be surpassed by the immediacy of an ever expanding spiritual consciousness — and to each who follows a path with whole hearted devotion and to the best of their ability, contains things that become revealed which may be totally unique to the configurations of that person’s soul and life mission and which may serve to even further set apart that spiritual order of existence from the rest of the ways of the world, and even from the ways of much of the spiritual world."
Special Now Available for Cultivating Inner Resonance Course:

Order Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change: The Visionary Life and Work of José Argüelles/Valum Votan and get Book of the Initiation at HALF PRICE - PLUS a FREE 2013-2014 Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, and a FREE Wall calendar from Japan (while supplies last).
Following is the 4-week Syllabus of this experimental telepathic mini-course, coded by the powers of the four weeks, and the 4 Heptad Paths of the Resonant Moon.
Week 1 - Initiate: Heptad Path 25: Navigation synchronizes meditation
Enter the Labyrinth: During this week read Chapters 1-4 of Book of the Initiation. This culminates with a brief account of the lives of 11 different galactic adepts or initates. Also, especially absorb the attributes and precepts described on pp. 40-42, 45-46 and the Rainbow Ladder of Hierarchy on page 44. Read the Author's Preface and Introduction to Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change.
Draw your own labyrinth in 13 steps.
Extra study: To further refine your galactic lens, study the Appendix of Book of the Initiation. From page 246, pick one or more Chromatics (5-day cycles) to start tracking daily along with your 13 Moon calendar - take note of your experience…
Week 2 - Refine: Heptad Path 26: Meditation reflects self-generation
In this week, refine your galactic lens with chapters 5-7 of Book of the Initiation, kicking off with a treatise on the creative power and its capacity to tame the lower forces, followed by a full chapter on the life of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (HPB) and culminating with a chapter on the GM108X as the grand unifying hermetic stream... Study this along with chapters 39-41 of Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change.
Extra fun: Find your own unique way to amplify your creative force, while taming your habitual tendencies… If you feel inspired to share with the other participants email us photos, videos or recordings of your creations and we'll create a special Page on to house your art!
Week 3 - Transform: Heptad Path 27: Self-generation catalyzes enlightenment
Chapters 8-10, Book of the Initiation. Chapter 35 of Time Synchronicity and Calendar Change.
Activity: From page 146 of Book of the Initiation, choose two of the Ten Doors Opening to the Mysteries of Nature, one from the upper half ("literate") and one from the lower half ("symbolic"). Study the doors' description on pages 147-151. Create a ceremony, art piece, essay etc. to synthesize your reflections and experience.
Week 4 - Ripen: Heptad Path 28: Enlightenment illumines navigation
Chapters 11-12, Book of the Initiation. Read the Afterword of Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change.
Hold a ceremony of Planetary Initiation - realizing that it is YOU who is being initiated - using the invocations from chapter 13 of Book of the Initiation.
Congratulations! You've made it to the center of your labyrinth! This is a collective, experimental exploration, so although the most important point here is the inner cultivation, if you feel inspired to share anything that came as a result of this study, please post it on the Cultivating Inner Resonance Group on galacticSpacebook.
Resonant Moon 2014 Synchronicities
Dali 1 - Kin 72, Yellow Resonant Human (10 Jan)
The Resonant Moon kicks off with this Galactic Activation Portal and Magic Turtle Day! (Resonant Tone day in the Resonant Moon!) Inspire your free will… what about carrying your habitat on your back, like the turtle? (Flat bed home!)
Silio 7 - Kin 78, White Cosmic Mirror (16 Jan)
Full Moon. Note that today is the last day of the wavespell, and is a FULL Moon; and that the next New Moon will be the start of another Wavespell… (See Moon-at-a-glance above). Silio Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Today is a special synchronicity hearkening to the Prophecy of Pacal Votan: 1) Kin 78 - 78 is the sum of all the TONES on the sarcophagus lid of Pacal Votan [tomb lid graphic]. 2) Today's Psi Chrono Unit is Kin 123, Blue Rhythmic Night - this is the signature of the day that the Jade Mask was found inside Pacal Votan's sarcophagus…
Dali 8 - Kin 79, Blue Magnetic Storm (17 Jan)
Beginning of the Blue Storm Wavespell of Self-Generation… Another great self-generated home.
Today is Kin 79. 79 is the number of the "noosphere constant" (See: Rinri Newsletter III, Vol 5 No 1 - Page 9, 441 Number Dictionary, and Footnote to "The Law of Time and the World Economic Crisis - The View from 2012"
Silio 14 - Kin 85, Red Resonant Serpent (23 Jan)
Yet another Magic Turtle day + Galactic Activation Portal! Serpent is the power of instinct and survival… by individualizing ourselves too far could we be denying our instincts and hence making survival unnecessarily difficult?
"The Story of Free Food"
Dali 15 through Kali 18 - Kin 86, White Galactic Worldbridger - Kin 89, Red Spectral Moon (24-27 Jan)
Kin 86 will be the 75th anniversary of Valum Votan's birthday - also humorously known as the "most depressing day of the year"! (See his article "Why We Need A New Calendar").
This day is followed by: Kin 87, Blue Solar Hand - Pacal Votan clear sign…
Kin 88, Yellow Planetary Star - Galactic Activation Portal and sign of the "Planetary Artist" - what Valum Votan was (and is!).
Kin 89 is the galactic signature of the day Valum Votan left this Earth.

If you feel to, you are invited to participate in a 4-day synchronized vigil. Light a candle each day and hold vigil in love and gratitude for all the work he did on this Earth
Silio 21 - Kin 92, Yellow Magnetic Human (30 Jan)
New Moon and beginning of the Yellow Human Wavespell of Free Will and Wisdom… wisdom is not necessarily bound by age...
Limi 27 - Kin 98, White Resonant Mirror (5 Feb)
Can't get enough of those Magic Turtle Days! Resonant Tone day in the Resonant Moon! Meditate endless resonant attunement…