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Welcome to the Overtone Moon Edition
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Overtone Moon At-A-Glance![]() |
Star Traveler's SynchronicitiesSynchronicity follows a set of universal principles based on a mathematical matrix. This matrix is the primary structure that connects all events, people and reality as we know it. The more we tune into this matrix, the more we experience the synchronic order. This is the purpose of the 13 Moon, 28-day calendar. The following are some examples of how the synchronic order can be read on a day-to-day basis. If you are new to this please see the 13 Moon tutorial. Overtone Peacock Moon of Radiance In the Overtone Moon of Radiance we ask, "How can I best empower myself?" In the previous moons we've: (1) Identified our purpose; (2) Identified the challenges/obstacles to attaining that purpose; (3) Decided how we can best serve the greater whole through expressing our purpose; and (4) Determined the form that this service will take. Now in the Overtone Moon it is up to us to empower ourselves to set this vision into motion. It is completely up to you - for you are envisioning the NEW - this is NEW territory, and no one can make this happen except for YOU. Dali 1 - Kin 66, White Magnetic Worldbridger (15 Nov)Today begins the Overtone Moon and also begins the Worldbridger Wavespell - power of Death. “Attract Magnetic Power of Death.” How can we shed our old skin and be resurrected into our purest essence? Read More. Kali 4 - Kin 69, Red Self-Existing Moon (18 Nov)Galactic activation portal day. 13-day cycle synchronized meditation: Untie the Knots - Return Time to the Sacred Round (lawoftime.org/untietheknots). Galactic signature of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling. Silio 7 - Kin 72, Yellow Resonant Human (21 Nov)Galactic activation portal day. 7-day cycle synchronized meditation: Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge (lawoftime.org/rainbowbridge) Kali 11 - Kin 76, Yellow Spectral Warrior (25 Nov)New Moon. Islamic New Year (1433) begins at sunset and ends at sunset the following day, marks the first day of the Hejira calendar commemorating Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina (July 16, 622 AD). Galactic signature of several prominent artists, including B.B. King, Dave Matthews, Bob Weir, and poet and creative artist Allen Ginsberg. Yellow Spectral Warrior liberates through fearless questioning. Ginsberg with Bob Dylan at grave. Alpha 12 - Kin 77, Red Crystal Earth (26 Nov)One spin from the Japanese tsunami (3-11-11), which occurred in the Worldbridger wavespell. In the Planet Holon Japan is located in the Worldbridger zone which corresponds with planet Mars. Today is also Cube Journey, Day 6: Worldbridger power of death. Silio 14 - Kin 79, Blue Magnetic Storm (28 Nov)7-day cycle synchronized meditation: Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge (lawoftime.org/rainbowbridge). Day of the New Dance (Tibetan)/Bodhisattva White Tara Day (Tantric Buddhist). Now is the time to attract our energy and dance the new dance of catalyzing unification. Also birthday of William Blake (1757) and Turkish medium of The Knowledge Book, Mevlana (Bulent Corak). Gamma 17 - Kin 82, White Self-Existing Wind (1 Dec)13-day cycle synchronized meditation: Untie the Knots - Return Time to the Sacred Round (lawoftime.org/untietheknots). Also the first day of December in the Gregorian 12-month calendar. "December" is the twelfth month, but comes from the Latin root 'deca' which means 10... Silio 21 - Kin 86, White Galactic Worldbridger (5 Dec)7-day cycle synchronized meditation: Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge (lawoftime.org/rainbowbridge). On this day (Dec 5, 1945) the Bermuda Triangle myth was started after hundreds of ships disappeared along with the occurrence of strange paranormal activity. Gamma 24 - Kin 89, Red Spectral Moon (8 Dec)Exactly 260 days (one galactic spin) since Valum Votan's ascension. “The closing of the cycle is a cosmic event, a rare passage in the aeon. The aeon is the impossibly immense cycle containing all the other cycles, and is itself but a fractal of a divine thought moment.” José Argüelles/Valum Votan Alpha 26 - Kin 91, Blue Cosmic Monkey (10 Dec)Full Moon. Human Rights Day (UN). 22nd anniversary of the Discovery of the Law of Time, Museum of Time, Geneva, Switzerland: definition of the 12:60 artificial and 13:20 natural timing frequencies. Total Lunar Eclipse today, visible throughout most of Europe, eastern Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and North America. Galactic signature of Alberto Ruz Buenfils, spokesperson for the Rainbow Peace Caravan. Silio 28 - Kin 93, Red Lunar Skywalker (12 Dec)Galactic activation portal day. 7-day cycle synchronized meditation: Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge (lawoftime.org/rainbowbridge).
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