You can click on the Kin of each of the Star Traveler's Synchronicities to find a list of all the people registered on whose signature is that Kin! If you feel so inspired, click the signature on that day and wish them a happy galactic birthday!
Dali 1 - Kin 211, Blue Electric Monkey (4 Apr)
This Moon begins on a galactic activation portal, that is also a "Pacal Votan Clear Sign" - setting the stage for a powerful Moon ahead!
This Moon has a total of three galactic activation portals:
Today: Kin 211, Blue Electric Monkey: Bonding illusion... Followed by: Kin 218, White Planetary Mirror (Dali 8 / Apr 11), and Kin 222, White Magnetic Wind (Alpha 12 / April 15).
Kali 4 - Kin 214, White Rhythmic Wizard (4 Apr)
Today is a special 4:7 ratio synchronization of the 13 Moon Calendar. It is the 4th day of the 7-day week, and today is 4/7 in the Gregorian calendar:

Dali 8 - Kin 218, White Planetary Mirror (11 Apr)
Full Moon, Magic Turtle Day (When the tone of the day, matches the tone of the Moon, i.e. "Planetary").
Today is also the second of three galactic activation portals this Moon: Producing order...
Today is also 260 days since the Day Out of Time (25 July) 2016. Check out all the events that happened that day!
Seli 9 - Kin 219, Blue Spectral Storm (12 Apr)
Today is 260 days since the first day of this year, the Blue Spectral Storm Year. Only 104 days (or 8 13-day Wavespells) remain in this year!
Alpha 12 - Kin 222, White Magnetic Wind (15 Apr)
Today is the third and final galactic activation portal this Moon: Attracting breath.
![[Image of Green Central Castle of Enchantment]](
Today also begins the 13-day White Wind Wavespell of Spirit, the second (refining) Wavespell of the Green Central Castle of Enchantment - Wind tribe refines enchantment through power of spirit. Truth of galactic Uranus remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 234, White Cosmic Wizard on the 24th day of this Moon (27 Apr)
Silio 21 - Kin 231, Blue Planetary Monkey (24 Apr)
Magic Turtle Day.
Seli 23 - Kin 233, Red Crystal Skywalker (26 Apr)
New Moon.
Kali 25 - Kin 235, Blue Magnetic Eagle (28 Apr)
![[Image of Green Central Castle of Enchantment]](
Today begins the 13-day Blue Eagle Wavespell of Vision, the third (transforming) Wavespell of the Green Central Castle of Enchantment - Eagle tribe refines enchantment through power of vision. Truth of solar Jupiter remembered...
This wavespell will end on Kin 247, Blue Cosmic Hand (Spectral Moon Seli 9 / May 10th).
Alpha 26 - Kin 236, Yellow Lunar Warrior (29 Apr)
Today is the GALACTIC BIRTHDAY of our Featured Artist this Moon(!): Starroot, Yellow Lunar Warrior - and also the SOLAR/ANNUAL BIRTHDAY of Jacob Rhythmic Dragon, who is presently typing out these synchronicities that you are reading!
Silio 28 - Kin 238, White Self-Existing Mirror (1 May)
Fully amplified rainbow bridge meditation for universal peace!

Star Traveler's Synchronicities - Moon Codes
Special thanks to Marjon Planetary Serpent of PAN-Holland for the Moon Codes!
Continuing our One Moon = One Kin count which began in the Magnetic Moon of the Yellow Overtone Seed Year (1997), this Moon corresponds to Kin 257, Red Planetary Earth:
I perfect in order to evolve
Producing synchronicity
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of life force
(Click here to see all the Red Planetary Earths on galacticSpacebook!)
Just as each daily kin has a fifth force oracle, so does the entire moon have a fifth force oracle. For this moon, the oracle is based on the Kin 257, Red Planetary Earth:![[Fifth Force Oracle graphic for Kin 257]](
Kin 257, Red Planetary Earth (SP Uranus) is supported by Kin 62, White Planetary Wind (GK Uranus); guided by Kin 205, Red Planetary Serpent (GK Maldek); challenged by Kin 127, Blue Planetary Hand (GK Earth); and receives hidden/unexpected power from Kin 4, Yellow Self-Existing Seed (GK Jupiter).
This Moon, the fourth-dimensional planetary influences are Uranus, Earth, Maldek and Jupiter. In the Telektonon board, the orbits of Uranus and Earth together hold Circuit 3: the telektonon earth spirit speaking tube circuit; and Jupiter and Maldek together hold Circuit 5: the internalizing intelligence circuit.
Book of the Transcendence describes these circuits as the following:
Telektonon earth spirit speaking tube circuit (3rd Circuit):
![[Wind Seal]]( GK - Innate telepathic spiritual programs (Uranus/White Wind); Instinctual biotelepathic structures of knowing (Earth/Blue Hand).
![[Earth Seal]]( SP - Telepathic powers of time travel + interdimensional navigation (Uranus/Red Earth); Instinctual free will wisdom of the divine plan (Earth/Yellow Human).
Internalizing intelligence circuit (5th Circuit - Jupiter & Maldek):
![[Seed Seal]]( GK - Telepathic powers of authority (Jupiter/Yellow Seed); Internalizing instinctual life force programs (Maldek/Red Serpent). [*Disrupted, needs repair]
![[Eagle Seal]]( SP - Visionary perceptual structures (Jupiter/Blue Eagle); Transcendent internalizing perceptual structures (Maldek/White Wizard). [*Disrupted, needs to be activated]
*Note: The disrupted circuits represent the focalization of the karmic debris of all of the lost worlds as they are contained in the orbits of planets Maldek (the Asteroid Belt) and Mars. The repair of these circuits is a major purpose of the codes of the Law of Time and 13 Moon calendar. The repair/activation of these circuits represents the Sun's attainment of its next stage of evolution, and entry into cosmic civilization.
Note the four powers of the four solar seals that hold these circuits:
Red Serpent - Sex/Life Force [Disrupted, needs repair]
White Worldbridger - Death [Disrupted, needs repair]
Red Skywalker - Prophecy/Space [Disrupted, needs cultivating]
White Wizard - Timelessness [Disrupted, needs to be activated]
Learn more by reading Arcturus Remembered from the Arcturus Probe as well as the Dreamspell Genesis.
See also: 13:20 Planetary Geomancy, as well as the opening chapters to Accessing Your Multidimensional Self.
Heptad Path Codes for the Planetary Moon
In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Planetary Moon:
Red Week 1 - Initiate
![[Star Seal]]( Heptad 37: Art stabilizes meditation. (Planetary Moon Dali 1 - Silio 7 / Apr 4-10)
White Week 2 - Refine
![[Mirror Seal]]( Heptad 38: Meditation stabilizes vision. (Planetary Moon Dali 8 - Silio 14 / Apr 11-17)
Blue Week 3 - Transform
![[Moon Seal]]( Heptad 39: Purification stabilizes enlightenment. (Planetary Moon Dali 15 - Silio 21 / Apr 18-24)
Yellow Week 4 - Ripen
![[Sun Seal]]( Heptad 40: Enlightenment stabilizes timelessness. (Planetary Moon Dali 22 - Silio 28 / Apr 25 - May 1)
In the Galactic Superstructure/the Hunab Ku 21, the four heptads of the Planetary Moon - taken as a whole - are the place in time where the "two electro-etheric stabilizers" reside. (Last Moon, the Solar Moons is where the electro-etheric meridians reside). Learn more in Book of the Timespace, Cosmic History Chronicles Volume V.
It is interesting to note how the paths of this Moon are all horizontal "stabilizers"... The planet is the stage in cosmic evolution where not only a horizon becomes possible, but it also provides the necessary stability to host life. In the Planetary Moon Heptad Paths, the Yellow Sun and White Mirror appear twice. Yellow Sun indicates "enlightenment" and "life" and White Mirror signifies "order" and "endlessness". These are joined by the Yellow Star (art/beauty/elegance), Blue Eagle (creation/mind/vision), Red Moon (purification/flow) and White Wizard (enchantment/receptivity/timelessness).
Also, the two horizontal bars lines of Heptad Paths look just like the two-bars of the Planetary Tone!
Feel the perfection of the Planetary Moon...
![[Diagram showing basic structure of Vulom magnetic attraction force field meditation]](