Welcome to the Crystal Rabbit Moon Edition
of the Noos-letter
Crystal Moon-At-A-GlanceStar Traveler's Synchronicities |
Welcome once again to the 4-D 360-degree radial theater of the synchronic order! Today we'll be observing the Crystal Moon, the sixth of the Seven Mystic Moons, corresponding to none other than Kin 207, Blue Crystal Hand! Kin 207 was the kin for December 21, 2012, the much-anticipated closing of the great cycle! This means that this Moon is like the fractal "unpacking" of the closing of the cycle gift! And, like a small wave that crashes only to become part of a larger swell, the day Kin 207, Blue Crystal Hand was only a precursor to the new beam, manifesting later as this entire Crystal Moon - so wax up your noo-surfboards!
As the sixth of the Seven Mystic Moons, the Blue Crystal Hand Moon recapitulates the primal creation power of the sixth day of creation: The Power of Crystal Accomplishment. So, to maintain our continuing consciousness of this process, we have: (1) Set the universe in motion with Resonant Spirit (OM…RANG!!!); (2) Set the myriad galaxies spinning with Galactic Abundance; (3) Lit up the galactic circuits with innumerable stars embodying Solar Awareness; (4) Awakened the life process with Planetary Life Force and (5) established life's perfect counterpoint with Spectral Death … Now in the sixth day of creation we activate the power of Crystal Accomplishment. Book of the Avatar which describes the entire "7 days of creation" (13.7 Billion years) in terms of a 13-Tone Wavespell, says that days "3, 4 and 5 establish the prerequisite elements for the "evolutionary explosion" that occurs on the Sixth Day of Creation … exponential multiplication and propagation of evolution of the species - seaweed, shells, fish, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, birds, first mammals, rodents, horses" etc." The sixth day of creation "Transports Cosmic Life Intelligence into Cosmic Consciousness…" All this as the power of Crystal Accomplishment provides yet another profound meditation for the Seven Mystic Moons. It seems that once life and death are established as essential parts of cosmic creation, then the power of the crystal lattice of fourth-dimensional time links it all up! The universe in its raw form, in the Hand of the One… Heptad Path Codes for the Blue Crystal Hand Moon "Power of Knowledge and Love Crystallized" within the Galactic Superstructure/Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree of Life and Knowledge.
Dali 1 - Kin 107, Blue Electric Hand (30 May)Galactic Activation Portal day. Welcome to the Crystal Rabbit Moon! This Moon starts off with a bang with nine days in a row of Galactic Activation Portals, followed by a five-day transit leading into the first 14 days of the Mystic Column! Follow the White Rabbit … Seli 2 - Kin 108, Yellow Self-Existing Star (31 May)Galactic Activation Portal day. Sign of Galactic Mayan Mind transmission GM108X - nonlocal source of the Cosmic History Chronicles...
Gamma 3 - Kin 109, Red Overtone Moon (1 Jun)Galactic Activation Portal day. Sign of the Seventh Year of the Mystery of the Stone. Today the Psi Chrono Unit is also Kin 109, Red Overtone Moon - time travel opportunity to go back to 2010-2011 - a profound year on both the inner and outer realms, containing both the ascension of Valum Votan and the Fukushima blast in Japan… Silio 7 - Kin 113, Red Solar Skywalker (5 Jun)Galactic Activation Portal day. Fascinating day-night synchronicity, as today is both the Night Journey of Muhammad and the Sign of the Lord of the Dawn/Quetzalcoatl, avatar of Tollan … Seli 9 - Kin 115, Blue Spectral Eagle (7 Jun)Last day of the "Alpha Run" of Galactic Activation Portals - 10 days GAP complete. Alpha 12 - Kin 118, White Magnetic Mirror (10 Jun)Today begins the 13-day White Mirror Wavespell, power of Endlessness (Cycle completes on Crystal 24, White Cosmic Dog / 22 Jun)
Dali 15 - Kin 121, Red Self-Existing Dragon (13 Jun)Today begins the 20-day Mystic Column, the 7th, central column of the Tzolkin. Today is also the galactic signature of the discovery of the Law of Time. Dali 22 - Kin 128, Yellow Spectral Star (20 Jun)Today begins the sixth 36-day cycle, Cubing the Earth: project top of cube (Cycle ends on the Day out of Time 2013 / July 25) Seli 23 - Kin 129, Red Crystal Moon (21 Jun)Magic Turtle Day, Solstice and also the beginning of the Mystic Harmonic 33 - the 33rd 4-day harmonic, appearing in the very center of the Tzolkin. Where all the other harmonics are coded by one of 64 Codons and UR Runes, the 33rd harmonic is the mystic void center within the center. Gamma 24 - Kin 130, White Cosmic Dog (22 Jun)Today, halfway through the 260-kin galactic spin, completes the 13-day White Mirror Wavespell, power of Endlessness. Today also completes the Dragon Genesis.
Kali 25 - Kin 131, Blue Magnetic Monkey (23 Jun)Full Moon and today begins the second half of the Tzolkin, also known as the Cycle of Return within the 260-kin Tzolkin. Every Tzolkin can be seen as one Cycle of Becoming and one Cycle of Return - each 130 days. This paired with the 520-day Wisdom Cycles (which consist of a 260-day cycle of Becoming and Return) creates a multilayered mosaic of synchronicity. To learn more see Book of the Avatar. Alpha 26 - Kin 132, Yellow Lunar Human (24 Jun)Today is the one Pacal Votan clear sign in this highly charged Moon. The Lunar Human as a clear sign on the sarcophagus lid of Pacal Votan was a Dreamspell prophecy of the lunar landing. The Lunar Human also signifies the fully liberated human operating by the 13 Moon frequency. Silio 28 - Kin 134, White Self-Existing Wizard (26 Jun)Massive rainbow bridge meditation day. Use the power of love to fuel your visualization catapulting us into the magic flight of the Cosmic Moon! Galactic signature of Bob Marley ... |
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