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Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time - White Planetary Wizard Year 2015-2016 - Issue #77

Welcome to the 2016 Cosmic Turtle Moon Edition of the Noos-letter

[Serpent]Welcome to the Cosmic Turtle Moon of Presence! This is the thirteenth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell!

Announcing the Law of Time App

Since its inception in 2000, the Foundation for the Law of Time (FLT) has been actively engaged in educating the public about the biosphere-noosphere transition, the stage in Earth's evolution in which the sphere of mind "noosphere" becomes conscious - one integrated whole planetary consciousness.

To prepare for this shift the FLT has published many educational materials as well as 13 Moon calendars to cultivate and promote the experience and exploration of synchronicity as a function of a higher galactic consciousness operating in our daily lives.

The FLT has generated countless synchronized meditations and global ceremonies to further explore what a planetary consciousness experience might be.

Now the FLT is launching a new platform in the vision of making it as easy as possible for the largest numbers of people to participate in the noosphere through globally synchronized meditations on a regular basis through development of a Global Synchronized Meditation App.

While there are other daily meditation apps, our vision is to utilize our experience in the Law of Time and synchronicity to create an interactive, evolving collective laboratory where we can explore and experiment together as a cooperative whole.

We envision a community platform that gives the user a feeling of being connected with all the other participants, much like Facebook or Twitter only amplified because we are consciously generating noospheric consciousness through unified focused themes, projects and research.

By unifying on specific topics, such as planetary crises healing or frequency acceleration we envision to glean the Collective Higher Voice in the feedback and data of all the participants.

For instance let us all focus on the molecular structure of toxic waste to see if we can collectively intuit a method of purifying it. With millions of participants then sending in narratives, imagery or sound bytes of their experiences we are likely to find consistent themes as well as outlying radicals in the data.

Our questions are: How does the Noosphere (planet mind) experience reality? What Solutions to our Collective Problems might we discover with group intention to find answers? How can we experience a Higher Reality and ground it in daily experience? How can we utilize it as tool to cultivate global goodwill and compassion for one another - realizing our interconnectedness and unity as one humanity?

Furthermore our vision for the app is to utilize the codes of the Law of Time to create a systematic protocol for deploying the meditations and experiments. For instance a 20-day cycle of meditations will allow us to organize the entire planet into 20 distinct regions wherein we can focus on each region (and its attendant socio-environmental issues) thus expanding awareness of other cultures to all participants on a regular basis, and ideally generating collectively intuited solutions to said issues.

We are pleased to invite you to stay informed at

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Cosmic Moon-At-A-Glance

[13 Moon calendar]

Star Traveler's Synchronicities - Cosmic Moon - White Planetary Wizard Year

NOTE: Numbers in magenta indicate count of days in the 812 days to Solar Consciousness.

You can click on the Kin of each of the Star Traveler's Synchronicities to find a list of all the people registered on whose signature is that Kin! If you feel so inspired, click the signature on that day and wish them a happy galactic birthday!

[Seal & Tone]Dali 1 - Kin 190, White Galactic Dog (27 Jun) Day 682 of 812

Welcome to the Cosmic Moon! This Moon has 5 galactic activation portals!

[Seal & Tone]Gamma 3 - Kin 192, Yellow Planetary Human (29 Jun) Day 684 of 812

Galactic activation portal day.

[Seal & Tone]Silio 7 - Kin 196, Yellow Magnetic Warrior (3 Jul) Day 688 of 812

[Image of Dog Wavespell][Image of Yellow Southern Castle of Giving: Court of Intelligence]Today begins the 13-day Yellow Warrior Wavespell of Intelligence, the fourth (ripening) Wavespell of the 52-day Yellow Southern Castle of Giving: Court of Intelligence - Warrior tribe ripens giving through power of intelligence. Truth of solar Saturn remembered...

This wavespell will end on Kin 208, Cosmic Moon Alpha 19 (15 July).


Special thanks to Martin Kuipers for these wonderful wavespell tracks.

[Seal & Tone]Dali 8 - Kin 197, Red Lunar Earth (4 Jul) Day 689 of 812

New Moon and Galactic activation portal day.

[Seal & Tone]Limi 20 - Kin 209, Red Magnetic Moon (16 Jul) Day 701 of 812

[Image of Eagle Wavespell][Image of Green Central Castle of Enchantment]

Today beg begins the 52-day Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of the Matrix - Synchronize Human. Today also begins the 13-day Red Moon Wavespell of Universal Water, the first (initiating) Wavespell of the 52-day Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of the Matrix - Moon tribe initiates enchantment through power of universal water. Truth of galactic Mercury remembered.

This wavespell will end on Kin 221, Magnetic Moon Gamma 3 (28 July).

Special thanks to Martin Kuipers for these wonderful wavespell tracks.

[Seal & Tone]Silio 21 - Kin 210, White Lunar Dog (17 Jul) Day 702 of 812

Galactic activation portal day.

[Seal & Tone]Dali 22 - Kin 211, Blue Electric Monkey (18 Jul) Day 703 of 812

Galactic activation portal day and Pacal Votan Clear Sign day.

[Seal & Tone]Gamma 24 - Kin 213, Red Overtone Skywalker (20 Jul) Day 705 of 812

Full Moon.

[Seal & Tone]Silio 28 - Kin 217, Red Solar Earth (24 Jul) Day 709 of 812

Fully amplified rainbow bridge meditation.

Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge Visualization

Star Traveler's Synchronicities - Moon Codes

[Seal & Tone]Continuing our One Moon = One Kin count which began in the Magnetic Moon of the Yellow Overtone Seed Year (1997), this Moon corresponds to Kin 247, Blue Cosmic Hand:

I endure in order to know
Transcending healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the cosmic tone of presence
I am guided by the power of magic

(Click here to see all the Blue Cosmic Hands on galacticSpacebook!)

Just as each daily kin has a fifth force oracle, so does the entire moon have a fifth force oracle. For this moon, the oracle is based on the Kin 247, Blue Cosmic Hand:

[Fifth Force Oracle graphic for Kin 247]Kin 247, Blue Cosmic Hand (GK Earth) is supported by Kin 52, Yellow Cosmic Human (SP Earth); guided by Kin 91, Blue Cosmic Monkey (SP Venus); challenged/strengthened by Kin 117, Red Cosmic Earth (SP Uranus); and receives hidden power from Kin 14, White Magnetic Wizard (SP Maldek).

This Moon, the fourth-dimensional planetary codes are Venus, Earth, Maldek and Uranus. In the Telektonon board, Venus is on Circuit 2: allied memory-instinct; Earth and Uranus are on Circuit 3: telektonon earth spirit speaking tube; and Maldek is on Circuit 5: internalizing intelligence.

Book of the Transcendence describes these circuits as the following:

Allied memory/instinct circuit (2nd Circuit):

[Dragon Seal][Star Seal]GK (Galactic-Karmic in-breath) - Cosmic memory/akashic access codes/power of total recall (Neptune/Red Dragon); Instinctual + innate aesthetic structures and skills (Venus/Yellow Star)

[Mirror Seal][Monkey Seal]SP (Solar-Prophetic out-breath) - Supreme powers of cosmic samadhi (Neptune/White Mirror); Instinctual powers of innate cosmic magnetism (Venus/Blue Monkey).

Telektonon earth spirit speaking tube circuit (3rd Circuit):

[Wind Seal][Hand Seal]GK - Innate telepathic spiritual programs (Uranus/White Wind); Instinctual biotelepathic structures of knowing (Earth/Blue Hand).

[Earth Seal][Human Seal]SP - Telepathic powers of time travel + interdimensional navigation (Uranus/Red Earth); Instinctual free will wisdom of the divine plan (Earth/Yellow Human).

Internalizing intelligence circuit (5th Circuit - Jupiter & Maldek):

[Seed Seal][Serpent Seal]GK - Telepathic powers of authority (Jupiter/Yellow Seed); Internalizing instinctual life force programs (Maldek/Red Serpent). [*Disrupted, needs repair]

[Eagle Seal][Wizard Seal]SP - Visionary perceptual structures (Jupiter/Blue Eagle); Transcendent internalizing perceptual structures (Maldek/White Wizard). [*Disrupted, needs to be activated]

*Note: The disrupted circuits represent the focalization of the karmic debris of all of the lost worlds as they are contained in the orbits of planets Maldek (the Asteroid Belt) and Mars. The repair of these circuits  is a major purpose of the codes of the Law of Time and 13 Moon calendar. The repair/activation of these circuits represents the Sun's attainment of its next stage of evolution, and entry into cosmic civilization.

Note the four powers of the four solar seals that hold these circuits:

Red Serpent - Sex/Life Force [Disrupted, needs repair]
White Worldbridger - Death [Disrupted, needs repair]
Red Skywalker - Prophecy/Space [Disrupted, needs cultivating]
White Wizard - Timelessness [Disrupted, needs to be activated]

Learn more by reading Arcturus Remembered from the Arcturus Probe as well as the Dreamspell Genesis.

See also: 13:20 Planetary Geomancy, as well as the opening chapters to Accessing Your Multidimensional Self.

Graphic from "Book of the Transcendence" titled "Noosphere Organization"

Heptad Path Codes for the Cosmic Moon

In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Cosmic Moon:

[Chart showing Hunab Ku 21 grid with Heptad Paths for this Moon highlighted]Red Week 1 - Initiate
[Sun Seal][Monkey Seal]Heptad 49: Enlightenment transmits Universal Fire of Magic (Cosmic Moon Dali 1 - Silio 7 / June 27-July 3)

White Week 2 - Refine
[Sun Seal][Human Seal]Heptad 50: Enlightenment transmits Universal Fire of Wisdom (Cosmic Moon Dali 8 - Silio 14 / July 4-10)

Blue Week 3 - Transform
[Earth Seal][Wizard Seal]Heptad 51: Navigation transmits Synchronization of Timelessness. (Cosmic Moon Dali 15 - Silio 21 / July 11-17)

Yellow Week 4 - Ripen
[Earth Seal][Eagle Seal]Heptad 52: Navigation transmits Synchronization of Vision (Cosmic Moon Dali 22 - Silio 28 / July 18-24)

In the Galactic Superstructure/the Hunab Ku 21, the four heptads of the Cosmic Moon - taken as a whole - are the place in time where the "power of prophecy and intelligence are cosmicized". The Cosmic Moon completes the paths forming the Court of the Prophet (Red Skywalker/Space) and the Court of the Pathfinder (Yellow Warrior/Intelligence).

[Diagram showing basic structure of Vulom magnetic attraction force field meditation]

Our Sister Sites

Noosphere Forum CREST13 [Galactic Spacebook]Planet Art Network

Previous Issues of the Noos-letter: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #10 | #11 | #12 | #13 | #14 | #15 | #16 | #17 | #18 | #19 | #20 | #21 | #22 | #23 | #24 | #25 | #26 | #27 | #28 | #29 | #30 | #31 | #32 | #33 | #34 | #35 | #36 | #37 | #38 | #39 | #40 | #41 | #42 | #43 | #44 | #45 | #46 | #47 | #48 | #49 | #50 | #51 | #52 | #53 | #54 | #55 | #56 | #57 | #58 | #59 | #60 | #61 | #62 | #63 | #64 | #65 | #66 | #67 | #68 | #69 | #70 | #71 | #72 | #73 | #74 | #75 | #76 | #77 | #78 | #79 | #80 | #81 | #82 | #83 | #84 | #85 | #86 | #87 | #88 | #89 | #90 | #91 | #92 | #93 | #94 | #95 | #96 | #97 | #98 БългарскиEspañolHrvatskiFrançaisNederlandsPortuguêsРусский языкSrpski

This message and its content is Copyright by Foundation for the Law of Time
PO Box 156. Ashland OR, 97520 - +1 (541) 488-0714

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