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Welcome to the 2014 Overtone Peacock Edition of the Noos-letter
Welcome to the Overtone Peacock Moon! This is the fifth Moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell, holding the power of Radiance. We are now in the 18th Moon of the New Beam that began July 26, 2013: Galactic Synchronization. This first seven-year cycle of the New Beam spans from 2013 - 2020 (see "7 Years of Sirian Guardianship" below). The first three years (2013-2016) are a transitory time where we are establishing these new frequencies into the third-dimensional physical realm. When new light hits, it stirs up the unconscious energies which we are now seeing playing out on our Planet. This year Red Solar Moon (2014-2015) grants us the opportunity for supreme solar healing. It is the time to purify ourselves on all levels and reconnect with our essence. The White Planetary Wizard year (2015-2016), is the time to accelerate the manifestation of these new frequencies into our day-to-day life. The Blue Spectral Storm year (2016-2017) is a key catalytic year which will complete the 812-day cycle and begin the 53 52-year cycles, or Sirian wheels: 2756 years in all. Expect world-changing shifts this year. This four-year period is a time of holographic alignment as we cross the bridge of the third-dimensional model of duality into the fifth-dimensional paradigm of galactic perception. The following three years 2017 - 2020 is a time of stabilizing the New Beam within the telepathic realm (Just as we did with the sensory/physical realm for the first three years 2013-2016). So that by the White Magnetic Wizard year (2019-2020) we attain "second sight", leading into full blown holographic perception. This describes the path beyond technology. (On the technological front, for example, it is currently anticipated that everyone in South Korea will have their own personal robot by 2020). In the pulsar geometry, the fifth tone is the fourth-dimensional Command Tower, directing us to Empower Ourselves to a collective Return to Essence. The totem animal for this Moon is the Peacock, signifying beauty and resurrection. Peacocks are sometimes associated with the resurrection of Christ and the eyes in the peacock tails represent the all-seeing Eye of Horus. Horus is the son of Isis and Osirus. See blog: "Unveiling the Feminine Matrix". Everything we have known is being rewritten. |
Overtone Moon-At-A-Glance![]() Star Traveler's Synchronicities |
Continuing our One Moon = One Kin count which began in the Magnetic Moon of the Yellow Overtone Seed Year (1997), this Overtone Moon corresponds to Kin 226 (113 x 2), White Overtone Worldbridger: I empower in order to equalize Just as each daily kin has a fifth force oracle, so does the entire moon have a fifth force oracle. For this moon, the oracle is based on the White Overtone Worldbridger:
This Moon, all the planetary influences are in the four inner planetary orbits - Mars, Maldek, Jupiter and Saturn - the locus of the disruption in the heliocosm (see Arcturus Probe by Jose Arguelles). In the Telektonon board Jupiter and Maldek complete the internalizing intelligence circuit and Mars and Saturn complete the externalizing intelligence circuit. In other words, the oracle of this Moon arouses internalizing and externalizing intelligence of the solar system. Book of the Transcendence describes these circuits as the following: Externalizing intelligence circuit (4rd Circuit)):
Internalizing intelligence circuit (5th Circuit):
*Note: The disrupted circuits represent the focalization of the karmic debris of all of the lost worlds as they are contained in the orbits of planets Maldek (the Asteroid Belt) and Mars. The repair of these circuits is a major purpose of the codes of the Law of Time and 13 Moon calendar. The repair/activation of these circuits represents the Sun's attainment of its next stage of evolution, and entry into cosmic civilization. Note the four powers of the four solar seals that hold these circuits: Red Serpent - Sex/Life Force [Disrupted, needs repair] See also the opening chapters to Accessing Your Multidimensional Self. Star Traveler's Synchronicities - Overtone Moon - Red Solar Moon Year
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