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Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time - Issue #1

Welcome to the Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time!

With the count down to 2012 in full swing, and the Earth Changes accelerating at a rapid rate, we feel it is very important to elicit a greater participation and engagement in the13 Moon calendar, the synchronic order and the codes and principles of the Law of Time. After all, the Law of Time is the wave of the future, and the time is now for all of us to consciously ride this wave together.

We need to know who we are, what questions we may have about the New Time, what synchronicities we are discovering and how we are preparing for the greatest event of our time, the closing of the cycle of history.

The purpose of Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time is to present on a once a Moon basis, reports, helpful hints, ideas and information regarding the Law of Time and related activities that further the synchronization and unification of the human species.

We are called the Noos-letter, because we believe that the end-point of history in 2012 is also the entrance to the next stage of our human and planetary evolution the noosphere - the realization that we, as a planetary organism, are the mind of the Earth.

So, welcome, dear reader, to this first edition of the Noos-letter! We know you will enjoy what you find here and welcome your participation, feedback and input for our future issues.

Book of the Transcendence - Cosmic History Chronicles Volume VI - Now Available for Pre-Order

Moon at a Glance

Moon at a glance - Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge

Synchronicity follows a set of universal principles based on a mathematical matrix. This matrix is the primary structure that connects all events, people and reality as we know it. The more we tune into this matrix, the more we experience the synchronic order. This is the purpose of the 13 Moon, 28-day calendar. The following are some examples of how the synchronic order can be read on a day-to-day basis. If you are new to this please see the 13 Moon tutorial.

Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Red Overtone Moon Year

Magnetic and Lunar Moons (Moons 1 and 2 of the 13 Moons)
26 July 2010 - 19 September 2010.

(26 July, 2010) Magnetic Moon 1, Red Overtone Moon

This 13 Moon year began with a Full Moon indicating a year of powerful initiations, the flow of universal water (i.e. the Gulf of Mexico and Pakistan flood) and deep purification, both personally and planetarily. Note that the Day out of Time, July 25, synchronizes with Dr. Emoto's World Water Day. The message of this year is purification and reverence of water as the source of life. Also note the two large crop circles that appeared on the Day Out of Time: Roundway Hill | The White Horse, Wiltshire.

In the first moon we set our intention for how to serve humanity and our planet during this time of tremendous change over the next 13 moons; the Lunar Moon is the time to clear inner blocks and challenge ourself to transcend old habits while creating new programs to be implemented and activated in the Electric Moon (3).

Our guide for this year is the Red Earth, power of navigation and synchronicity. Let's take a look at how to use the 13 Moon calendar to read synchronicities and connect people and events.

(1 August) Magnetic Moon 7, Blue Spectral Eagle

A powerful solar storm occurred across the whole face of the sun that is turned toward the earth. The coronal mass ejections reached the earth Magnetic 9 and 10, Kin 117-118 (3-4 August) resulting in major auroras in the northern hemisphere. This particular solar storm was kicked off by sunspot 1092 (52 x 21). We are currently in the 24th sunspot cycle since 1755. The current solar cycle 24 began on Rhythmic Moon 27, 2008 and peaks in Spectral Moon, Resonant Storm Year May 2013.

(4 August) Magnetic Moon 10, White Magnetic Mirror

Marked the 49th birthday of Barack Obama, Kin 173, who is this year living his White Magnetic Mirror, indicating for him a year of great reflection. One month later on Lunar Moon 10 (1 September) in 1859, a solar superstorm blew out the world's electrical telegraph service; this also marked the first observation of solar flares by R.C. Carrington and R. Hodgson.

(6 August) Magnetic Moon 12, Yellow Electric Sun

65th anniversary since Hiroshima, and on the 13 Moon calendar also coincided with Yellow Electric Sun, the beginning of a 65-day cycle - the Yellow Galactic Season - that concludes on Electric Moon 20, Yellow Lunar Seed (9 October), which is also the solar birthday of John Lennon and Nicholas Roerich.

(16 August) Magnetic Moon 22, White Cosmic Dog

Marked the 23rd anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence (1987) that opened the 25-year portal countdown to 2012.

(24 August) Lunar Moon 2, White Galactic Mirror

The Full Moon falls on Lunar Moon 2 (or 2.2); note the psi chrono unit is Kin 22. (Psi chrono unit is the psychic influence of the noosphere governing the day) This full moon is coded by the White Galactic Mirror, galactic signature of V.I. Vernadsky, Russian scientist who co-coined the term "noosphere." For more about the noosphere, see

(29 August) Lunar Moon 7, Blue Cosmic Night

Would have marked the 52nd birthday of Michael Jackson. Note Michael Jackson's birthday occurs just 13 days after Madonna's 52nd birthday on Magnetic 22. Both are cosmic tones; Madonna is Kin 130, the sign of cosmic love and Michael Jackson is Kin 143, sign of the cosmic dream. Note that both Michael Jackson and Madonna Ciccone have 7 letters in both their first and last names.

(30 August) Lunar Moon 8, Yellow Magnetic Seed

Begins the 13-day Seed Wavespell (12) of flowering awareness, thirteen days to strengthen our awareness and encourage our own inner spiritual flowering. Yellow Magnetic Seed is Kin 144, the spiritually prominent number featured in many holy texts, namely the Book of Revelations, as well as in the Mayan 13 Baktun Great Cycle where one baktun = 144,000 days. 144 is also the 12th number in the Fibonnaci sequence.

(1 September) Lunar Moon 10, White Electric World-Bridger

Kin 146, begins a 10-day galactic activation portal sequence, indicating days of extra high frequency. There are 52 galactic activation portals in the 260-day cycle. Lunar Moon 10 also begins a 19-day numerical synchronization between the Gregorian and 13 Moon calendar, i.e. 2.10 is 9/1 Gregorian (9 + 1 = 10). 2.11 is 9/2 Gregorian (9 + 2 = 11), etc. This continues through the 28th day of the Moon, which concludes on 2.28, 9/19 Gregorian (9 + 19 = 28). The 28th day of the Lunar Moon is kin 164; Yellow Galactic Seed. This corresponds with the 13 Moon New Year: July 26, 2013.

(2 September) Lunar Moon 11, Blue Self-Existing Hand

Marks the last day in 1752 that the Julian calendar was used in Britain and the colonies, Kin 97. This calendar change is known as the 12-day sleep. Millions of people in England went to sleep on 2 September (Julian calendar) and woke up on 14 September Gregorian calendar due to the British Calendar act of 1751. In 2012 it will be exactly 260 years since the Big Sleep. 260 = 13 x 20.

(9 September) Lunar Moon 18, White Spectral Wizard

This marks the first day of Rosh Hashanah: Jewish New Year. The Jewish calendar has 12 months, except during leap years when it has an additional thirteenth month. Each month is between 29 and 30 days which corresponds with the synodic lunar cycle.

(10 September) Lunar Moon 19, Blue Crystal Storm

This marks the second day of Rosh Hashanah and conclusion of Ramadan, Islamic Holy Month of fasting that began 11 August, Magnetic Moon 17.

(12 September) Lunar Moon 21, Red Magnetic Earth

This is a highly synchronic day to tune into. It is the 49th (7 squared) day of the 13 Moon year. It begins a new wavespell (13-day cycle), of which it is the 13th. Earth is the power of synchronicity. Kin 1 + 5 + 7 = 13. Gregorian date 9 + 12 = 21. The long count is 5 Muluc, same as 5 Moon, which the 13 Moon year we are currently living. We also begin a 52-day cycle known as the Yellow Southern Castle of Giving.

(19 September) Lunar Moon 28, Yellow Galactic Seed

Day to practice Rainbow Bridge Meditation to stabilize and send healing vibrations to Mother Earth: see

For more synchronicities, order the Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity:

Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity - only a few left!

CREST13 - Synchronicity indicates it's time to activate CREST13 Mt. Shasta. We need kin, land, expertise and sponsors. If you feel called to be involved in this project please contact Ishram:

Take a Stand, SIT FOR CHANGE - Create Peace by Being Peace! Join us in meditation on Lunar Moon Silio 21, Kin 157, Red Magnetic Earth. For details: - The mission of the First Noosphere World Forum is to provide a virtual planetary round table to: Dialogue and share information, educate, create collaborative partnerships, network, and mutually plan for significant events that will further the understanding of the noosphere and its meaning for all humanity prior to the WorldShift, 21 December 2012. - Get involved, Find events near you, and More!

Get a Free Pocket Calendar for this Red Overtone Moon Year

White Cosmic Wizard - Carl Jung, Kin 234, first introduced the idea of synchronicity to the masses in 1952 with his famous exposition on the topic. This was the same year as the discovery of the tomb of Pacal Votan in Chiapas, Mexico. Carl Jung's birthday is July 26, New year's Day on the 13 Moon calendar.

If you like what we are doing and would like to see it continue, visit

Previous Issues of the Noos-letter: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #10 | #11 | #12 | #13 | #14 | #15 | #16 | #17 | #18 | #19 | #20 | #21 | #22 | #23 | #24 | #25 | #26 | #27 | #28 | #29 | #30 | #31 | #32 | #33 | #34 | #35 | #36 | #37 | #38 | #39 | #40 | #41 | #42 | #43 | #44 | #45 | #46 | #47 | #48 | #49 | #50 | #51 | #52 | #53 | #54 | #55 | #56 | #57 | #58 | #59 | #60 | #61 | #62 | #63 | #64 | #65 | #66 | #67 | #68 | #69 | #70 | #71 | #72 | #73 | #74 | #75 | #76 | #77 | #78 | #79 | #80 | #81 | #82 | #83 | #84 | #85 | #86 | #87 | #88 | #89 | #90 | #91 | #92 | #93 | #94 | #95 | #96 | #97 | #98 БългарскиEspañolHrvatskiFrançaisNederlandsPortuguêsРусский языкSrpski

This message and it's content is Copyright by Foundation for the Law of Time
Foundation for the Law of Time - PO Box 156. Ashland OR, 97520 - +1 (541) 488-0714

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Sit for Change Synchronized Event Rainbow Bridge Meditation Synchronized Event