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Noos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time - Issue #20

Welcome to the Galactic Moon Edition
of the Noos-letter!

In order to prepare for 2012, the galactic Maya fully intended for us to learn about their system of knowledge and apply it to the reshaping of our mind and consciousness for the dawning of the New Solar Age.
–José Argüelles/Valum Votan

Galactic Moon Totem: HawkWelcome to the Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity! This is the eighth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell, holding the power of galactic harmony and integrity.

Galactic is derived from galaxy. The universe consists of numberless galaxies, which are like the holographic building blocks of ever-evolving universal creation. Our sun is but one of a billion stars within the Milky Way galaxy. The galaxy is continuously creating and transforming itself. Its ability to create itself from itself is the Great Mystery.

Because of the holographic nature of the galaxy and its consciousness, we are all galactic. We have just forgotten our true nature.

But now we are waking up from the dream of linear conditioned thinking into galactic time and consciousness; from the deadening 12:60 machine frequency to the technicolor 13:20 galactic/cosmic frequency.

Everything that is now occurring is part of a vast cosmic and Divine Plan.

This year, 2012, marks 1,320 years since the dedication of the tomb of Pacal Votan in 692 AD in Palenque. This tomb was discovered in 1952. From the time of its dedication to its discovery is precisely 1,260 years. This is the essence of Pacal Votan’s message, literally inscribed in the dates, numbers and mystery of his tomb. It is from this tomb that the knowledge of the Law of Time was discovered.

Next year, 2013, is an anagram of 13:20. 13:20 is the frequency constant of cosmic time, and is also the foundation of the new time knowledge.

This galactic ratio is reflected in the Tzolkin (Harmonic Module) with its 13 vertical columns and 20 horizontal rows. This galactic ratio is reflected in the human body with its 13 major articulations and 20 fingers and toes.

At the center of this 13:20 frequency of time is God, the Supreme Universal Intelligence; the Source energy of all that radiates in all directions at once.

The Dynamics of Time states that “the frequency of time, 13:20, remains constant throughout all phases of the evolutionary spectrum, maintaining synchronic order through all phases simultaneously.” (1.3)

All order, symmetry, harmony, number, form and natural process reveal aspects of a divine and superior wisdom. Even the things we create that are useful, like our pen that writes, or the clothes that we wear are patterned according to principles that derive from this Fountainhead of Wisdom.

If everything is a creation of one Omnipotent, all-knowing Creator then everything is a meaningful sign. The synchronic order gives us the tools to help read these signs.

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Prayer and a Vision for the Closing of the Cycle

Blog by Red Queen

• Sun, Sounds and Pyramids
• Galactic Beam

NOWTIME Radio - Tune in to SoundSynchronicity - Sundays 9PM EST

Galactic Synchronization

Calling All Artists! Send in your Rainbow Bridge Art - Help us share the Vision of the New Time!

Law of Time Press - Visit Our Bookstore

Galactic Moon At-A-Glance

Galactic Moon At A Glance Graphic

Announcing: Fully-Coded interactive 13 Moon Calendar with All Codes of the Law of Time! Click here to see the current moon

Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Synchronicity follows a set of universal principles based on a mathematical matrix. This matrix is the primary structure that connects all events, people and reality as we know it. The more we tune into this matrix, the more we experience the synchronic order. This is the purpose of the 13 Moon, 28-day calendar. The following are some examples of how the synchronic order can be read on a day-to-day basis. If you are new to this please see the 13 Moon tutorial.

Galactic Moon of Integrity - Moon 8 of 13 Moons
 (7 Feb - 6 Mar 2012)

Last Moon we asked: How can I attune my service to others? In this Moon we ask: Do I live what I believe?

The totem animal for this moon is the hawk, signifying clear-sightedness, seeing the larger picture or the whole, visionary power and distant memory.

This Moon begins in the middle of a 10-day galactic activation portal (GAP) run, with 318 days remaining until 12-21-2012 and 534 days until Galactic Synchronization 2013.

The eighth tone is the central point of the third-dimensional mind-form pulsar (Moons 4-8-12), and the central point of the overtone pulsar (Moons 3-8-13) (for more on pulsars see CHC Vol. 6).

This Moon also begins on the 22nd day of the fifth cycle of the seven cycles of the Lord of the Dawn where The Lord of Dawn Manifests Cosmic Radiance. This cycle runs through Spectral Moon 7 (8 May 2012). These seven 144-day cycles are the cycles of the return of sacred power and the awakening of the self-existing power of self-transcendence of the Lord of Dawn. Join us on Facebook to track these cycles.

Dali 1 - Kin 150, White Resonant Dog (7 Feb)

Galactic activation portal day. Full Moon. First day of the Galactic Moon! Where did we come from? Have we been here before? If the Earth is one whole - what is our role?

Alpha 5 - Kin 154, White Spectral Wizard (11 Feb)

Galactic activation portal day. Since this is a White Wizard Year, every White Wizard day starts a new 20-day cycle called a "vinal". Each vinal comes with a stanza in a year-long solar meditation. The vinal meditation beginning today is: "Dissipating the clouds of doubt, raising oneself up." Spectral Wizard liberates timelessness.

Silio 7 - Kin 156, Yellow Cosmic Warrior (13 Feb)

Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

Silio is also known as the day of the Cube. Introduction to Cube Cosmolgy.

Dali 8 - Kin 157, Red Magnetic Earth (14 Feb)

Begin Red Earth Wavespell (13) of Navigation (ends on Galactic 20/Feb 26). Red Magnetic Earth indicates the fact that the Earth is ONE unified whole, evolving in time, spinning around a star. Observe its perfection.

Kali 11 - Kin 160, Yellow Self-Existing Sun (17 Feb)

Untie the Knots, Return Time to the Sacred Round ceremony - 13-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

Silio 14 - Kin 163, Blue Resonant Night (20 Feb)

Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 ( Today is also the same galactic signature as the Day out of Time 2013 - time travel to the future and prepare for the Launching of Timeship Earth!

Dali 15 - Kin 164, Yellow Galactic Seed (21 Feb)

New Moon. Yellow Galactic Seed is the year-bearer for Galactic Synchronization 2013 (26 Jul 2013). Continue your time travel meditation and feel the new, plasmically charged, imaginally pristine rainbow clarity of living in the fully activated Timeship Earth!

Alpha 19 - Kin 168, Yellow Crystal Star (25 Feb)

Galactic activation portal day. Kin 168 = 84 x 2, signifying the two-handed way of dharma (84). Consider that the Dharma of the Earth IS ART.

Silio 21 - Kin 170, White Magnetic Dog (27 Feb)

Begin White Dog Wavspell (14) of Love (ends on Solar 5/Mar 11). Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

0.0.Hunab Ku (29 Feb)

0.0.Hunab Ku always falls between a Monkey and a Human day. Leap Days, as we know them, were the creation of Pope Gregory XIII who altered the leap rule making century years divisible by four into leap years, unless they were divisible by 400. Thus 1600 and 2000 were leap years but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not! 0.0.Hunab Ku is the perfect day to tune-in to pure timelessness, and transcend the notion of linear time.

Seli 23 - Kin 172, Yellow Electric Human (1 Mar)

Untie the Knots, Return Time to the Sacred Round ceremony - 13-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (

Kali 25 - Kin 174, White Overtone Wizard (2 Mar)

Begin 20-day solar meditation: "Breaks with habitual caution and reaches the white light..." Galactic signature of Cosmic History - day of the first GM108X Galactic Mayan Mind Transmission. Learn more in Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change: The Visionary Life and Work of José Argüelles.

Silio 28 - Kin 177, Red Galactic Earth (6 Mar)

Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 ( The Galactic Earth is coming.

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This message and its content is Copyright by Foundation for the Law of Time
PO Box 156. Ashland OR, 97520 - +1 (541) 488-0714


Untie the Knots Ceremony description Untie the Knots Ceremony description Untie the Knots Ceremony description Link to Rainbow Bridge Meditation InstructionsLink to Rainbow Bridge Meditation Instructions Link to "Galactic Synchronization" Twitter PageLink to "Galactic Synchronization" Facebook Page