About José Argüelles/Valum Votan Rainbow Bridge

Timeship Earth

Prayer and a Vision for the Closing of the Cycle

(From Time, and the Technosphere by José Argüelles)

What did the Maya foresee for 2012? What is Pacal Votan's vision? Pacal Votan's vision is the fulfillment of a prayer – a prayer that I have heard through the silence:

O Hunab Ku, One Giver of Movement and Measure, be kind to the children of this Earth. We see how every year you give and how every year you take away. This is so the children of Earth can learn to be free and dwell only in your presence. Yet we know that the children of the Earth must undergo their lessons as well. And we know that they must enter the dark time of testing.

O Hunab Ku, in their time of darkness, in their time of forgetting, do not forget them, spare those who are good, if you can. Prepare for them the Second Creation you have promised to the righteous among them. Break for them the spell of false time before they destroy this Earth! And show to them the splendors of the Second Creation, of the New Heaven and the New Earth. Show them these wonders before the Great Cycle is finished, so that they may yet wake up from the sleep of time.

And O Hunab Ku, may the nine great Lords of Time return to Earth! May they teach the children of the Earth how to become a race of wizards, tilling the noosphere as they have tilled the Earth. O bring to these children of the Earth a good Time, a Time of Peace as long, at least, as was their time of history and war, and then let that Time of Peace be multiplied sevenfold!

And here is the vision that fulfills the prayer:

Earth 2012Planet Earth, Rhythmic Solstice, Blue Resonant Storm year, 2012 Omega Point. The Earth's axis is tilted so that the North Pole is at its farthest from the sun, and the South Pole is at its closest. High above the Earth an iridescent, thin rainbow band arches from one pole to the other. A second band does the same, but over the opposite side of the Earth.

The Earth slowly rotates beneath these two rainbow bands that remain unchanging, constant in their positions, one of them directly opposite the sun, the other holding a position on the midnight side of the Earth's turning. The band facing the sun is Earth's day alternator. The other band is the Earth's night alternator. If we glide across the surface of the Earth we see that everywhere there are small encampments, circular and radial in formation. Yurts, tents, adobe, and earthen structures – and gardens. The once-teeming cities are eerily silent, yet still inhabited, though with far fewer people than during the time of the technosphere. And everywhere in the small encampments people are reverentially gathered.

This is the moment of the closing of the cycle. It is as if everyone is drawing in a single breath at the same time, and exhaling it at the same time. From wherever you are, even though there are clouds, you can see the shimmering iridescent rainbow alternator, either by day or by night. Clusters of people are gathered in circles of deep meditation. Around them the children laugh and play. "We are the noosphere," a voice is repeating, "we are the noosphere." This sets up a vibration and people everywhere stop in their tracks, they look toward the sky. They listen. "The galaxy is renewing our thought. The galaxy is renewing our mind. The galaxy is renewing our world, this Earth. Let us go home and learn some more." Drums and chanting fade into the twilight in one place and beckon the dawn in another.

Let us say the prayer again: 'O Hunab Ku, Allah, One Maker, Our Creator, we submit to You. Continue to keep us whole, continue to broadcast the noosphere through us, continue to let us listen to the higher collective voice that we are so that tomorrow we may register another kin, another NET minute in the glorious journey of Timeship Earth toward its goal of universal unification in your One Unending Thought, O Hunab Ku, do not forget us, now, and do not let us forget you! Thank you for the closing of the cycle! May what we have learned stay with us and become the inheritance of our children for seven times seven generations to come, and may you bring us another cycle for all our descendants to live in continuing peace and harmony!'"

– José Argüelles, Time, and the Technosphere