Star Traveler's Synchronicities
Synchronicity follows a set of universal principles based on a mathematical matrix. This matrix is the primary structure that connects all events, people and reality as we know it. The more we tune into this matrix, the more we experience the synchronic order. This is the purpose of the 13 Moon, 28-day calendar. The following are some examples of how the synchronic order can be read on a day-to-day basis. If you are new to this please see the 13 Moon tutorial.
Crystal Moon of Cooperation, Moon 12 of 13 Moons (30 May to 26 June 2012)
In the Spectral Moon we asked ourselves "How do I release and let go?” Now in this Crystal Moon we ask "How do I dedicate myself to all that lives?" This question is most pertinent as this Moon begins the 7-Moon countdown to the closing of the cycle!
Also, each of these next seven Moons corresponds exactly to the seven kin of the Book of Seven Lost Generations (Kin 194-200).
To recap: The 16-year cycle of the Telektonon Cube of the Law (of 208 moons total) corresponds to Kin 1-208 of the Tzolkin. This Crystal Moon is the 194th Moon, or Kin 194, White Crystal Wizard - the first of the Seven Lost Generations.
Rhythmic Wizard Year
Crystal Moon = Kin 194 White Crystal Wizard
Cosmic Moon Moon = Kin 195 Blue Cosmic Eagle
Blue Resonant Storm Year
Magnetic Moon = Kin 196 Yellow Magnetic Warrior
Lunar Moon = Kin 197 Red Lunar Earth
Electric Moon = Kin 198 White Electric Mirror
Self-Existing Moon = Kin 199 Blue Self-Existing Storm
Overtone Moon = Kin 200 Yellow Overtone Sun
Rhythmic Moon = Closing of the Cycle (Rhythmic Moon 9)
In the 13 Baktun cycle of history, these seven generations began after Pacal Votan's tomb was dedicated in 692 AD and complete the 10th Baktun: the Baktun of the Maya - when the galactic Maya departed, only to return at the closing of the cycle ...
Through the power of fractal time compression and celestial harmonics, it is in these seven moons that we have the opportunity to re-open the Seven Books of the Seven Lost Generations. For more on this practice see 7:7::7:7 Telektonon Revelation.
It is highly synchronic that during this Moon also occurs the Venus Transit of 2012, symbolizing, among other things, the return of Quetzalcoatl, followed two days later by the galactic return of Valum Votan (Blue Spectral Monkey)!
Weekly Codons, Crystal Moon - Rhythmic Wizard year
Week 1: Codon 36, Inner Radiance
Week 2: Codon 22, Temple of Vision
Week 3: Codon 52, Meditation/The Temple
Week 4: Codon 18, Taming Mind
As the first Moon of the Seven Lost Generations, these codons show that to enter into the Books of the Seven Generations we must cultivate inner radiance through maintaining the integrity of our vision by the power of meditation which tames the mind.
Also note that the cycle of these seven moon/Seven Generations occurs simultaneously to the seven 63-day cycles (= Seven Generations) leading up to Galactic Synchronization 2013 (See previous Noos-letter).
Dali 1 - Kin 2, White Lunar Wind (30 May)
Welcome to the Crystal Rabbit Moon of Cooperation! The rabbit often symbolizes rebirth and vigilance, as well as fertility. Good time to consider the growth of our own population: "How Did We Get So Big So Fast?"
Seli 2 - Kin 3, Blue Electric Night (31 May)
Looking to get off of the electrical grid? A good source of information:
Untie the Knots, Return Time to the Sacred Round ceremony - 13-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (
Gamma 3 – Kin 4, Yellow Self-Existing Seed (1 June)
Plant seeds for the earth. See Wild Permaculture Forest Gardening.
18th anniversary of the discovery of the tomb of the Red Queen/Palenque (1994). Psi chrono 5 Moon, year-bearer of the passing of Valum Votan (2011)
Limi 6 - Kin 7, Blue Resonant Hand (4 June)
Full Moon. Partial Lunar Eclipse. Eve of the Venus Transit! This rare event will not occur again until 2117!
Silio 7 - Kin 8, Yellow Galactic Star (5 June)
Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (
Depending on where you are located, today or tomorrow (Crystal 7 and 8) is the Venus Transit. Find local times and participate in the synchronized Venus Transit Meditation of the Harmonic Convergence of 2012
Gamma 10 – Kin 11, Blue Spectral Monkey (8 June)
Four years ago on this date, Kin 211, was the first of this two-part Venus transit. 200 days from today will be Kin 211: Christmas Day 2012. Galactic Signature of Valum Votan: “There are innumerable supermental (cosmic) civilizations throughout the universe that are telepathically seeding receptive frequencies to establish communication.”
Note also that 21 days ago today was the perfect occult/hidden power of Blue Spectral Monkey (White Electric Dog) ...
Limi 13 - Kin 14, White Magnetic Wizard (11 June)
Begin Wizard Wavespell (2) of Timelessness (ends Crystal 25/June 23). Today also begins Vinal 17, Kayab, "With the song and the rhythm."
Silio 14 - Kin 15, Blue Lunar Eagle (12 June)
Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (
Dali 15 - Kin 16, Yellow Electric Warrior (13 June)
Untie the Knots, Return Time to the Sacred Round ceremony - 13-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (
Silio 21 - Kin 22, White Solar Wind (19 June)
New Moon. Markings of Kin 22 appear prominently throughout Palenque.
Galactic Activation Portal and Rainbow Bridge Meditation day - 7-day cycle of globally synchronized meditations for the Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (
Alpha 26 - Kin 27, Blue Magnetic Hand (24 June)
Begin Blue Hand Wavespell (3) of Accomplishment (ends Cosmic 10/July 6).
Limi 27 - Kin 28, Yellow Lunar Star (25 June)
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28
Recycle junk into art! See this inspiring video from Iran.
Silio 28 - Kin 29, Red Electric Moon (26 June)
Moon-walker Dr. Edgar Mitchell, says aliens are here.
On every Silio 28 there is a major Rainbow Bridge meditation, observed globally. Today also synchronizes with the 13-day meditation cycle of the Untie the Knots ceremonies - a synchronization which occurs only once every 91 days. See Harmonic Convergence of 2012 (
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