What is your artform/vision?

Art is an attitude, is a way of living, does not matter if you can actually paint or do something great with your hands. Creativity is life, is breathing. Through this vision, I found that using words and concepts, transforming complex discipline into easy thoughts, I could open up new worlds to the common mind. This helps people lifting up their frequency and they feel they can dream and create their own magic worlds. So the Earth can become a better place.
Who are your main artistic inspirations/influences?
I mostly love visual art and music. Impressionist art had a great impact on me, as the artworks are so charged with emotions and the transmission is strong and nourishing.
Music is something that makes me tremble inside and moves my perceptions, allowing me to travel to other worlds. Definitely I love the Beatles, but yet, I love music as a whole, from the opera to Green Day, depending from the circumstances.
What does the phrase “Time is Art” mean to you?
Time is Art: feel free to manifest your love, dressed into the most vibrant colors. Does not matter how you envision this, allow yourself to fall in love with life, as the Earth needs humans in love.