Accessing Your Multidimensional Self: A Key to Cosmic History

Accessing Your Multidimensional Self: A Key to Cosmic History

From: $13.00

Love, love above all. You only advance according to your own effort. In order to evolve, you must learn something new. Accessing Your Multidimensional Self: A Key to Cosmic History unveils the seeds of a new galactic knowledge base as woven through the seven volumes of the Cosmic History Chronicles. Cosmic History articulates not the past world but the coming world and is derived from a memory stream that not only traces back hundreds of thousands of years, but also extends into other galaxies. It is based on the GM108X (Galactic Mayan Mind transmission) passed from “Votan” to “Red Queen.”

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Introduction: The Skeleton Key

The evolutionary vehicle of life on Earth is shifting. The foundational structure of human knowledge is changing. Everything must be radically re-envisioned.

Accessing Your Multidimensional Self: A Key to Cosmic History opens us into the realm of a new galactic knowledge base as woven through the seven volumes of the Cosmic History Chronicles. The key premise of Cosmic History is that there is a divine plan of exquisite order and intelligence that endows all creation with a rhythm, a pattern and a form that, however diverse, is a single unifying whole.

Planet Earth is the focus of the resolution of the “War of the Heavens.” The War of the Heavens refers to the galactic patterns of karmic influence that scatter and settle residually in the orbital harmonics of different star systems. This war traces to the destroyed planet Maldek (now the Asteroid Belt). The memory of the dissolution of Maldek contains the knowledge of the origins within this star system of the process of Cosmic History unfolding in the involution of spirit into matter.  On Earth, this “war” translates into the drama of the struggle of spiritual forces within the materialistic cauldron of artificial time.

The purpose of Cosmic History is to imprint new galactic frequencies into the noosphere (planetary mind) that arouse a positive image or order of reality. This order of reality is galactic in nature. All genuine renewal and reformation of knowledge comes from a living revelation.

The root of Cosmic History is based on a between the worlds transmission known as GM108X: Galactic Mayan Mind Transmission. This transmission passed from the masculine to the feminine articulates not the past world but the coming world. The origin of this transmission lies far outside the Earth and predates the present historical cycle by hundreds of thousands of years. It is the information stream that contains the knowledge pertaining to the science that defines how we arrived to this particular star system. This knowledge is not only being transmitted to our world but to other worlds simultaneously.

Table of Contents

Foreword: Interplanetary History – The Context … 7
Introduction: The Skeleton Key … 15
Introduction Part 2: Numerical Proofs of Prophecy … 23

Part I: Entering the Cosmic Mystery Play
Chapter 1: From Vela Pulsar to Cosmic History … 27
Chapter 2: Becoming A Cosmic Thinker … 33
Chapter 3: Activating the New Frequency: 13:20 … 43

Part II: Entering the Unified Mind of the Earth: Noosphere
Chapter 4: Defining the Mind of Gaia – Noosphere … 53
Chapter 5: Empowering Telepathy … 65
Chapter 6: Balancing UR: Universal Recollection … 75

Part III: Rethinking the Universe through Cosmic Science
Chapter 7: Attuning to the Sun, Solar System and 7 Rays … 87
Chapter 8: Integrating the Plasma Universe and 7 Psychic Centers … 95
Chapter 9: Realizing the 13 Dimensions … 109

Part IV: Applying the Synchronic Codes
Chapter 10: Enchanting the Numbers … 121
Chapter 11: Liberating the Planet Holon … 135
Chapter 12: Universalizing the Planetary Grid … 147

Chapter 13: Synchrogalactic Yoga … 157

Appendix: Foundations of the Synchronic Order … 195

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