What is your artform/vision?
A Navigational Epic/Metaphysical Adventure Fiction called The Hierophant- Book One- The Return of Memory
I have spent the last 6 years receiving visions and spiritual insights. I was urged by spirit to turn these insights into a physical book, one in which carries a frequency, which when read by the reader, could unlock memories and activate them in some way on their spiritual journey. That is why it is called a Navigational Epic. It plays out in multiple dimensions with demonstrations of how synchronicities are ever constant in our lives, and if one is willing to say yes and act upon them, our highest dreams come into being. The story is about a group of 13 Life Bearers who carry the codes of creation. They are asked to co-create the new earth with the assistance of angels and elementals, as it used to be. The Life Bearers are guided to be at specific jump points in order to enter the void, the inner Tollan, where they will learn how to activate their Psi abilities, and begin the seeding of the new earth. All the while Guardians watch over them, while Dragon Riders set a new net around the planet with the assistance of the divine mother and the celestial weavers of the heavenly Tollan.
Who are your main artistic inspirations/influences?
Jose Arguelles and Stephanie South have been two of my main influences. I feel as if Jose/Votan has been with me during this process and Stephanie has been a constant guide for me during the writing process.
What does the phrase “Time is Art” mean to you?
It means that one must operate from a clear mind, emptied and ready to receive what it is that brings joy and fulfillment. From this place, art is created. This is the process in which I write, and do most things. It was a joy to bring forth this book and set it out on its journey to find those souls that it was written for. It is an enchanting, magical story meant to be a gift to humanity during the great time shift.