From the East, House of Light,
May wisdom dawn in us so we may see all things in clarity.
From the North, House of Night,
May wisdom ripen in us so we may know all from within.
From the West, House of Transformation,
May wisdom be transformed into right action, so we may do what must be done.
From the South, House of the Eternal Sun,
May right action reap the harvest so we may enjoy the fruits of planetary being.
From Above, House of Heaven, Where Star People and Ancestors Gather
May their blessings comes to us now.
From Below, House of Earth,
May the heartbeat of her crystal core bless us with harmonies to end all war.
From the Center, Galactic Source, Which is Everywhere at Once
May everything be known as the light of mutual love.
Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
Ah Yum, Hunab Ku, Evam Maya E Ma Ho!
(All hail the harmony of mind and nature!)
The rainbow bridge is the realization of planetary peace. As Earth revolves on its axis, this rainbow bridge remains steady and constant, unmoving.
Visualized by enough people in a telepathic wave of love we will vibrate into the already existing reality of the Rainbow Bridge.
The Noosphere can function only by releasing more and more
spiritual energy with an ever higher potential.
—Teilhard de Chardin, The Future of Man
This exercise can be done by anyone, alone or preferably in a group.
Have nearby a globe, an Earth flag, or picture of the whole Earth from space.
This is how you can begin to overcome your ego and merge your consciousness into the noosphere and become a noospheric activator.
This meditation is from Manifesto for the Noosphere: The Next Stage in the Evolution of Human Consciousness.
Solar Equinox Celebration: Solar Moon Dali 15 (Gregorian March 21)
Northern Hemisphere Spring Equinox, Southern Hemisphere Autumn Equinox
Crystal Solstice Celebration: Crystal Moon Seli 23 (Gregorian June 21)
Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, Southern Hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Day Out Of Time: Peace Through Culture Love – in No day of the week – Galactic Freedom Day
(Gregorian July 25)
Electric Moon Equinox Celebration: Electric Moon Gamma 3 (Gregorian September 22)
Northern Hemisphere Autumn Equinox, Southern Hemisphere Spring Equinox.
Rhythmic Moon Solstice: Rhythmic Moon Seli 9 (Gregorian December 21)
Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice, Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
The Banner of Peace can be visible during all of these celebrations as the unifying symbol to integrate art, science and universal spirituality, the past, present, and future. The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement has adopted the Banner of Peace as one of its official logos. Under the auspices of the Founders, the Foundation of the Law of Time coordinates the activities of the Planet Art Network and the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement.
Countless articles for further study are available on our archival website. We also publish books, calendars and almanacs for all levels of understanding, and accessible to any person from any culture, religion or background.
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