What is your artform and/or vision?
“En Sincro 1320” is an online radiosonic frequency that spreads and promotes the Law of Time, emanating high vibration, as it recognizes, promotes, enriches, and expands the galactic culture.
We intend that whoever plays the “En Sincro 1320” link can experience the sensation of being “In Synchronization”, by listening to a message, a song or some information that is perfect for that moment of connection.
“En Sincro 1320” is a new and innovative means of communication that structures its content based on the daily cyclical and synchronic order, so that -for example-in the transmission of kin 114, White Planetary Wizard, the music of John Lennon sounds as the artist of the kin of the day. Then, musical expressions and/or information capsules related to the powers and essences of the Wizard’s archetype are selected and we travel to the Wizard’s Bioregion through music that identifies the culture of that specific area of the planetary holon.
Each transmission also contains the following capsules with the daily codings:
– Space of Synchronization: activating of the celestial harmonics, reading the archetype, Synchrogalactic Yoga, Mantra of the Day, and on Silio days, we transmit the Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
-Telektonon: we provide the daily readings according to the positions of the board.
– We read the 260 Dynamics of Time corresponding to the kin of the day.
– Reading of the Cosmic History Chronicles according to the Cyclical and Synchronic Order.
– Re-transmissions of the Picarquin Earth Wizards Seminar Meditations according to the Synchronic Order.
– Planetary Kin Testimonials about their experience of living in the New Time.
– Moments of Interviews to Galactic Communicators.
This is the basic content of this initial stage, all that has been generated in these 6 Moons of uninterrupted transmission. However, every day the content grows and evolves thanks to all the Planetary Kin that add their art and their voices, and nurture this frequency along with us.
“En Sincro 1320” is a work of art in movement, a vivid experience where each transmission is unique and it reflects conscious and creative content about the present, using the multiple possibilities of the sound expression that the vibration shapes.
Who are your main artistic inspirations/influences?
This radio frequency is inspired by the precepts of the Law of Time and Music, as two hemispheres that make up this radiosonic loom.
The Law of Time tells us “TIME IS RADIAL” in its literal sense; we wanted to create a frequency that radiates the new time.
The Law of Time and the galactic culture, with their creative richness and diversity, provide the substance that gives structure to the content and meaning to the existence of this broadcast channel that brings together these manifestations.
We recognize as an inspiring source the cosmic vision of the artistic forms that the “Chronicles of Cosmic History V. III” proposes, understanding it as a holonomic vision of the multiple artistic expressions that allow us a medium where sound is the main character ( alog with music, literature, poetry, philosophy, among others). One of the central information capsules is, for example, the invocation of “Pacal Votan and Rock and Roll”, which testifies how rock culture liberates the memories of lost worlds by emerging from the depths of time towards the revolution of consciousness. A GM108X transmission for the awakening of Velatropa 24.3, channeled by Valum Votan/José Argüelles and the Red Queen/Stephanie South.
The maximum inspiration personified is the life and work of José Argüelles/Valum Votan as a Cosmic Wizard and Artist, who left us all these synchronization tools and a vast spectrum of information to be discovered.
We are at total service for the Foundation for the Law of Time.
What does the phrase “Time is Art” mean to you?
The phrase “Time is Art” means that energy is expressed in time taking the form of art … Art is what lasts over time and the legacy that transcends, leaving testimony of the different evolutionary stages of humanity.
From In Synchro Frequency 1320, we vibrate the artistic experience as a daily fact: our Time is Art. Both in the expression of this frequency, as in our daily life owning our own time, becoming artists and workers of our own life. Assuming we are fortunate to be able to live the natural frequency and be tools for noospheric awakening.
The team at Sincro1320 are communicators, cultural managers, producers, artists, activated kin, living the natural frequency and the law of the kin, who find a way to catalyze our journeys through this channel, putting our gifts at the service of the new time. In Synchro Frequency 1320 is formed by: Dudi Kin 256, Martín Kin 112, Gaia Kin 177, Marce Kin 80, Marki Kin 4, and Nano Kin 233. Collaborators Seba Kin 184, Jose Kin 128, Alex Kin 15, Toto Kin 202, Teresa Kin 151, Fede 137, Numa Kin 4.
If you want to join in collaborating with content, or you are an artist of the galactic culture and want to share your music, write to us at ensincro1320@gmail.com
Our social networks: @ensincro1320 on Instagram, Telegram, Facebook and Youtube.
Link to be In Synchro:https://ensincro1320.radio12345.com/