Crystal Seed Year 2018 Update
As we make our way through a time of definitive change, upheaval and polarization, investing our energy in the New Consciousness or Galactic Culture is the only thing that makes sense.
Galactic Culture is the culture of wholeness; it honors the Earth as a living organism.
Galactic Culture is based on the principles of Love, Art, Time and Synchronicity.
Galactic Culture is an (inter)planetary revolution that begins within.
The Foundation for the Law of Time promotes Galactic Culture through the 13 Moon Calendar, Law of Time and codes of the synchronic order. The purpose of these tools is to return the power back to the people by equipping them with a new lens to perceive themselves and the world.
Building the new. Art. Education. Imagination. Synchronized Meditation. Community. Permaculture. Gardening. Nonpolluting technologies. Love. Compassion.
What we offer is an inner technology, a new organization of Time and a resurrection of consciousness.
When the flood of the unconscious is overtaking the Timeship, we are called to build a new ark. Each in our own unique way. This is a vibratory ark that is then extended to all of our relations. It is not something abstract, but knowledge that is meant to be embodied and transmitted within our daily life.
The 13 Moons and all the teachings of the Law of Time are, in essence, tools to raise our vibration. Our vibration is further amplified through community which helps accelerate the creation of a new healing energy field for Planet Earth.
A core aspect of this work is the creation of an ever increasing Light-Intelligence field to interact with the planetary grid and vibrate in the Noosphere, or New Earth consciousness.
The most fundamental teaching still being the 13-Moon/28-day calendar and the 12:60-13:20 timing frequency distinction between artificial and natural or organic time.
I would love to help. Please email me -Love Kin 50
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