Day Out of Time

Day Out of Time

A day out of time? What could that possibly be?

How about no day of the month or week at all?

But, you might say, it is Friday and it is July 25, 2014. That’s true on the Gregorian calendar, but not on the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar!

The Day Out of Time is the day to celebrate time is art. And since art is the basis of constructive peace, this day is also celebrated as International Peace through Culture Day.

Peace through culture is a fundamental premise of the 13 moon/28-day calendar. When you celebrate time is art you are promoting peace through culture.

Boy holding the Banner of PeaceIf you go to most any Day Out of Time celebration you will see the banner of peace. The symbol on that banner signifies the unity of art, science and spirituality.

Since 1935, this banner has been internationally recognized as an instrument of peace – peace through culture. As the saying has it, “Where there is peace there is culture, where there is culture there is peace.” This day is also marked by ceremonies of universal forgiveness; it’s a way of starting the New Year off on a clean, compassionate footing.

The Thirteen Moon New Year’s day occurs on July 26 (Magnetic Moon 1). Why is that? This date was originally correlated to the conjunction of the sun with Sirius rising. The 13-moon calendar is not just a solar-lunar orbital measure, but is coded to galactic timing cycles, most notably the Sirius cycle. Through the 13-moon calendar, human consciousness can enter into galactic consciousness.

Give the human a harmonious standard of measure and then a harmonious human will walk a harmonious mile.

Harmony – that’s what the day of time is all about!

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