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Thank you for helping us Turn the 7 Keys of Cosmic History!
We are so happy to have you with us!
Here are some logistics about the event.
A few days before the event you will receive a workbook template with instructions.
You will receive a message and video link in your inbox each morning of the 7 days. Each day will have a different theme.
You will receive a message the day prior that will include the link to the live stream zoom call.
The first live stream will be on the Equinox, Kin 46 (March 20th) at Noon PST. The live streams will be recorded and sent out as playbacks in case you cannot attend.
The second live stream will be on Solar Moon 20, Kin 52 (March 26) at Noon PST. You will receive the Zoom link the day prior.
We look forward to this activating 7 day cycle!
If you have questions, please contact N’Elektra (English):
Or Flaviah (Portuguese/Spanish):
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to add and to your email’s address book, and white list. For Gmail users, you may find that these communications will show up in your “Promotions” tab. Please move them into your Inbox to ensure delivery of future communications.

Turning the 7 Keys of Cosmic History Themes
There will be two live streams, seven videos, a workbook template and additional meditations. Here are the key themes for each day. Further details will be sent upon sign up.
Day 1: Kin 46—Book of Throne
Key 1: Find the Source of Your Perception
Throne refers to the vantage point through which we view our lives and the world.
What lens are you viewing reality from? Is it possible to change lenses? How do timing frequencies affect perception? How do you see yourself from the other side? In this context, the throne represents the highest vantage point where we view reality omnidirectionally. Our new sense organ, the holomind perceiver, activates this view. With a shift of perception, new models of reality emerge.
Day 2: Kin 47—Book of the Avatar
Key 2: Understand your Body as a Fractal Holographic System
Our primal essence was embodied elsewhere, well before “the world as we know it.”
The Avatar here refers to our self-realized fifth-dimensional being, our rainbow body (not to be mistaken with a machine-generated avatar). What does it mean to be human? The human body is an instrument for grounding Cosmic History. Today we also explore what cosmic science is. How can we apply cosmic science to understand how our biological body is plugged into the greater fractal-holographic system?
Day 3: Kin 48—Book of the Mystery
Key 3: Reclaim Imaginal Intelligence
What is the highest reality you can imagine? The creation of imagination is one of the great mysteries of the world; it is what sets the human apart from the machine. The Creator endowed the humans with a palette of sounds, words, colors and shapes to see what kind of world they would create. The imagination is the power or capacity to create or evoke an image that, through human effort, can be made manifest. Art serves as a bridge from the material realm into the telepathic realm. A key purpose of Cosmic History is to bring Imaginal intelligence back to the forefront of daily life.
Day 4: Kin 49—Book of the Initiation
Key 4: Embrace Being Between the Worlds
Today is dedicated to the honoring of the 12 year anniversary of the passing of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan.
Do you feel you are between the worlds where one world is ending, but the next has yet to be born? If yes, then you are undergoing a process of initiation. We will discuss the stages of initiation into the galactic order of being. We will also explore Cosmic History as a between the world’s transmission that traces to the lineage stream of Pacal Votan. We will explore the work of Valum Votan/Jose Arguelles who revealed that Pacal Votan was not just a personality but a galactic intelligence showing that all teachers, teachings, science, and knowledge of past, present, and future are one unified mathematical construct. Pacal Votan was a supreme initiate embodying the memory of previous worlds and times. These memories are held within the container of Cosmic History.
Day 5: Kin 50—Book of the Timespace
Key 5: Explore Timespace Through Your Galactic Archetype
Who are we in relation to time and space? When mind and space are unified, all times are simultaneously within oneself. What does this mean? Cosmic History is based on the Law of Time. The Law of Time is an ancient wisdom that has been rediscovered in modern times. It reveals how the Universe is constructed on a mathematical structure and how numbers are archetypal essences independent of time and space. What is your galactic archetype, and how does it interface with time and space? What is the ultimate timespace?
Day 6: Kin 51—Book of the Transcendence
Key 6: Transcend Conditioned Thinking
How do we transcend our conditioned thinking and know other worlds and dimensions of being? Human consciousness relies on the five senses and is self-restricted to the limitations of the third dimension only. A whole other reality is available than what is presented to our five senses. To transcend, we must first understand the whole biosphere (the sphere of life and its support system) is run and operated by the noosphere. Cosmic History includes coded keys for the development of transcendental thought forms that go beyond the previous levels of the limitations of conditioned knowledge.
Day 7: Kin 52—Book of the (Cosmic) Cube
Key 7: Embody the Cosmic Human
What does it mean to be a Cosmic Human? Our body is ultimately a time travel vehicle. It is a time ship navigated by an operating system called Holomind perceiver. We are in the process of mutation, a DNA upgrade in an energetic upgrade of the entire cosmos. Book of the Cube lays out the mathematical structure of the 441 cube matrix, a new operating system. Number transcends language. Numbers are archetypal essences independent of time and space. If not for the existence of numbers, then time and space would not manifest in different forms. Number represents a whole other dimension of reality.
All of the teachings of Cosmic History are embedded into the new sensory organ, the Holomind Perceiver. Holomind Perceiver is the medium for comprehension, to make apprehensible a spectrum or fractal of the infinite. Step by step, color by number.