To deepen your practice of the
Synchronotron, study the Cosmic
History Chronicles, particularly
Volume VII: Book of the Cube.Click here to download these instructions as a printable PDF
Now that you're familiar with how to locate coordinates on the 441 Matrix, we can proceed with the instructions for finding the Telepathic Frequency Index, both for your date of birth and for the daily 441 Synchronotron Cube practice.
Through a simple process, each day we arrive at a Telepathic Frequency Index number (TFI). To find the daily telepathic frequency index (TFI), you first need to know the 13 Moon calendar date and the Galactic Signature Kin number. (You can find this on or through the Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity or pocket calendar.)
Each day has three coordinates that interlock or overlay each other. The first step to enter this system is to simply find the numbers on the matrices for each of these three coordinates.
Before you begin, you first take note of the daily Heptad Gate: Dali, Seli, Gamma, Kali, Alpha, Limi or Silio. The seven radial plasmas are not only each of the seven chakras, but also open seven Heptad Gates in the brain. Click here to download the diagram illustrating the seven Heptad Gates.
The Seven Radial Plasmas and their corresponding Heptad Gates are:
Dali - base of skull - Base Matrix Unit (BMU) 108 - V11,H2
Seli - middle back of head - BMU 291 - V11,H5
Gamma - third eye - BMU 144 - V11,H20
Kali - just above third eye - BMU 315 - V11,H17
Alpha - front center of skull - BMU 414 - V11,H14
Limi - back top of skull - BMU 402 - V11,H8
Silio - center of skull - BMU 441 - V11,H11
For detailed information on the Heptad Gates study Chapter 5 of Book of the Transcendence, Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. VI.
The Time Matrix coordinate is determined by the 13 Moon calendar date. Notice how the Time Matrix is divided into nine sections - these are known as the Nine Time Dimensions. The sections shaded in orange in the graphic are the Four Outer Time Dimensions - all 13 Moons of 28 days each (364 days) are contained in these Four Outer Time Dimensions, also called the Four Seasons of Time (The Day out of Time and 0.0.Hunab Ku/leap day are located at the very center of the matrix). Note that each of the Four Time Dimensions is a 7x7 matrix = 7 rows of 7 units each. These rows correspond to the 7-day heptad (week) of the 13 Moon calendar.
The following graphic illustrates how all 13 Moons (13x28=364) of the 13 Moon calendar flow through the Four Outer Time dimensions:
Study the diagram to become familiar with how the 13 Moon calendar date fits perfectly into the Four Matrices of Outer Time. Note that for Moons 1-7 the count proceeds left-to-right, top to bottom. Then from Moons 8-13 the count reverses. Here are some sample dates you can look up to get started:
Now, for your daily Synchronotron practice, locate the 13 Moon date position on the Time Matrix. Write down the vertical and horizontal vector points. Then find the number overlays on the space matrix and on the synchronic matrix. You should now have three numbers. Add them up. The sum of these three numbers is the Telepathic Frequency Index (TFI) for the Time Matrix. Also take note of the Base Matrix Unit (BMU) in this vector.
Note: The BMU is not counted in the daily Telepathic Frequency Index. It simply locates the coordinate in its absolute position and gives it a vector point as well as absolute frequency within the 441 matrix.
Next, locate the Kin number on the Space Matrix. Write down the vectors, and find the number overlays on the time matrix and synchronic matrix. This is your next set of three numbers. Add them up. The sum of these three numbers is the Telepathic Frequency Index (TFI) for the Space Matrix. Again take note of the BMU in this vector.
The daily Kin number is also located in the Tzolkin within the Synchronic Matrix (the green shaded area in the graphic above - vertical columns 5-17). Find the Kin number. Write down the vectors. Then find the number overlays on the time matrix and space matrix. This is your third set of three numbers. Add them up. The sum of these three numbers is the TFI for the Synchronic Matrix. Also take note of the BMU in this vector.
Now add the three TFI’s to find the overall Master Coordinating Frequency Number. Study this number and all of its factors. You can convert this number into a BMU by subtracting 441 until you arrive at a number 441 or less - this will locate your Master Coordinating Frequency in the Base Matrix. (You can also find the kin equivalent of this number by subtracting 260 until you arrive at a number 260 or less.)
For your daily Synchronotron practice, the Cumulative Harmonic Frequency can be found by adding the sums of the Master Coordinating Frequencies for a seven-day cycle (week). You begin on Dali and finish accumulating on Silio. Then start over on the following Dali. You can also convert the Cumulative Harmonic Frequency into a BMU by subtracting 441 until you arrive at a number 441 or less. (You can also find the kin equivalent of this number by subtracting 260 until you arrive at a number 260 or less.)
Based on the coordinates for each day we can also find a unique set of notes in the Diatonic scale. The music notes are a cycle of 8: Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol - La - Ti - Do'. Any multiple of 8 is Do' (high Do') of an octave. This means that any Base Matrix Unit can be converted to one of these 8 notes. Just count forward (Do, Re, Mi...) from the nearest multiple of 8.
Below are some samples to practice:
Tip: If you circle or color in all of the multiples of eight in your 441 Base Matrix, then you can simply count forward from that point to find the note for the number you seek!
This is the advanced practice after you have mastered the above. The Holomind Perceiver Matrix (as seen on page 283 of the Star Traveler's 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity) is the map of the "nanochip" or new sense organ to be telepathically inscribed in the corpus callosum. Use your Base Matrix Unit coordinates to locate the daily points of activation on the Holomind Perceiver. You can learn more about the Holomind Perceiver in Chapter 11 of Book of the Cube, Cosmic History Chronicles Volume VII.
Heptad Gate
Crystal Moon 9 is Seli - Heptad Gate 2: BMU 291
Diatonic Note: 291 = 36 x 8 + 3 = "Mi"
Time Matrix Frequency
To find the TFI for Crystal Moon 9, Kin 5. First we note that Crystal is the 12th moon of the 13 Moon calendar, so we write it 12.9. Now we locate the calendar date, 12.9, in the Time Matrix. Write down its vector points: V.6, H.16. It is number 86; this is the 13 Moon calendar time matrix frequency.
Locate V.6, H.16 on the Space Matrix = 182
Locate V.6, H.16 on the Synchronic Matrix = 35
86 + 182 + 35 = 303
303 is the Time Matrix Telepathic Frequency Index (TFI) number
Also locate V.6, H.16 on the Base Matrix = 351, this is the BMU for the Time Matrix vector.
Diatonic Note: 351 = 43 x 8 + 7 = "Ti"
Space Matrix Frequency
To find the Space Matrix frequency, we find the day’s kin number (kin 5) on the Space Matrix.
Kin 5 on the Space Matrix is located at V.7, H.4
Locate V.7, H.4 on the Time Matrix = 4
Locate V.7, H.4 on the Synchronic Matrix = 44
5 + 4 + 44 = 53
53 is the Space Matrix Telepathic Frequency Index (TFI) number
Also locate V.7, H.4 on the Base Matrix = 242 = the BMU for the Space Matrix vector.
Diatonic Note: 242 = 30 x 8 +2 = "Re"
Synchronic Matrix Frequency
Now we find the day’s kin number (kin 5) on the Synchronic Matrix.
Kin 5 on the Synchronic Matrix is located at V.5, H.5
Locate V.5, H.5 on the Time Matrix = 28
Locate V.5, H.5 on the Space Matrix = 10
5 + 28 + 10 = 43
43 is the Synchronic Matrix TFI number.
Also locate V.5, H.5 on the Base Matrix = 297 = the BMU for the Synchronic Matrix vector.
Diatonic Note: 297 = 37 x 8 +2 = "Re"
Master Coordinating Frequency Number
Now add the three TFI’s from the three matrices: 303 + 53 + 43 = 399
Remember: The BMUs are not added when finding the Master Coordinating Frequency number.
So 399 is the Master Coordinating Frequency number of the day
Corresponds to BMU 399
Diatonic Note: 399 = 49 x 8 + 7 = "Ti"
Reduces to Kin equivalent 139: Blue Solar Storm
Diatonic Musical Notes
The notes in this example are: "Mi - Ti - Re - Re - Ti"
Study the numbers. Are they prime? What are their factors? Look up the numbers in the 441 index in the 441 number dictionary in Book of the Cube, CHC VII. You can begin to build up your own personal associative number index based on your kin number and basic birth data and those of your friends, relatives, and significant dates.
To Summarize: Each day we locate the following:
1. Heptad Gate
2. Time, Space and Synchronic matrix TFI numbers. Each has a
a. V. H. Vector
b. Base Matrix Unit (BMU)
c. Space, Time and Synchronic numbers
d. TFI numbers for each of 3 matrices3. Master Coordinating Frequency (sum of all three TFIs). Can be converted to a BMU and Kin equivalent.
4. Cumulative Harmonic Frequency (sum of Master Coordinating Frequencies for previous days of the week). Can also be converted into a BMU and Kin equivalent.
5. Diatonic Scale Music Notes for the BMUs we find.
Proceed to Intergalactic Bulletin #1 - The 441 Dictionary of Number