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Omega Point - “At that node of ultimate synthesis, the internal spark of consciousness that evolution has slowly banked into a roaring fire will finally consume the universe itself. Our ancient itch to flee this woeful orb will finally be satisfied as the immense expanse of cosmic matter collapses like some mathematician’s hypercube into absolute spirit.” (
The Intergalactic Bulletin is dedicated to articulating “some mathematician’s hypercube” collapsing into absolute spirit by Omega Point 21/12 2012. The Synchronotron is the means of hastening the construction of this hypercube, expanding it into the farthest dimensions of timespace in as short a time as possible. By providing this synthesis and compendium of synchronicity as the rudiments of the cosmic language of telepathy to a small but integrated yet globally dispersed group of individuals, the goal is to attain an incandescent unification of mind and spirit that will become the new standard while setting ablaze the consciousness of the remainder of the human race – the noosphere.
Comprehension of 441 in all of its matrix possibilities is the method of the Synchronotron. Understanding the language of number contained in its cosmically fractal order is the first step. Though the numbers are listed in sequential order there is an underlying matrix of order in which a few numbers play prominent roles – 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 19, 21, 27, 28, 33 and 37 as well as their multiples and combinations, such as 91, 108, 144, 216, 252 and 288, to name but a few. The vocabulary of number is extended through relations to and differences with other numbers, roots, squares, interval frequencies and so forth.
For instance, pay attention to the law of numbers and their reverse frequencies. Note the intervals are virtually always factors that are multiples of 9 (18, 27, 36 45, 54, etc up to 81), or that factor x 11, etc. Nine and the powers of 9, especially 27 and 54, in combination with reciprocal 11, establishes as an absolute order of frequency, by the power of nine, the relation of all numbers and their reverse order, e.g., 169 - 13 squared and its reverse 961 - 31 squared. To find the interval difference, subtract the smaller number from the larger 961-169 = 792 = 11 x 72 (9 x 8).
This means that in reality there is an underlying master matrix of nine in which virtually all numbers of two digits or more and their reverse frequencies can be grouped. The 3 x 3 matrix would follow the sequence of 9 – 18 -27 – 36, corresponding to the four outer time matrices, 45 -54 -63 -72 corresponding to the radial time matrices, and 81 to the inner 9th dimensional matrix. Exceptions to this rule are the self-recombinant numbers, usually factors of 11 (two digits) or factors of 37 x 3, three digits or more.
Prime numbers are unique, increasingly complex magnifications of unity. Think of primes as being composites of all preceding numbers internally arranged and interlocking in such a way that no other number can decompose them, However, no number stands alone. Every prime is connected with its reverse to an invisible matrix of the order of nine which underlies all number – 441 = 9 x 49 = nine time dimensions, each of the power of 7 squared.
In most cases vigesimal equivalents are given – note the decimal analogs to the vigesimal equivalents, i.e, 6.3 (123) = 63, 1.2.1 = 121, etc Where the vigesimal code is not given it is for the seeker to fill in. In most cases kin numbers have been left out. Those, too, the seeker may supply as he/she sees fit.
Though triangular and Fibonacci sequence numbers have been indicated, generally this “vocabulary” is not exhaustive. It is but a preliminary effort and does not extend to defining the squares of the numbers, reciprocals and so forth, nor the numerological sum of multiple digit integers. That is left up to the student. What is intended is a beginning vocabulary of the 441 frequencies of the Base Matrix with sufficient information that a further level of meaning may be found to the synchronic occurrence of different numbers.
The complete 441 Number
is included as an
Appendix to Book of the Cube.The experience of synchronicity is a telepathic one in which a subliminal signal is felt that transcends language, but yet gives rise to some profound non-conceptual understanding and emotion. This vocabulary will help give meaning to these experiences in such a way that one will understand that what is occurring via the synchronicity is a long distance telegram addressed specifically to your consciousness at that particular moment. These experiences of connecting the dots to some larger wave of thought moving through us are but steps in the evolutionary program leading to the universal unification.
For purpose of cosmological coherence and ease of study, the numbers have been grouped into 63 orders of 7.
Vocabulary of Number
All is number God is a number God is in All
0 Pure Mind, sphere, God as beyond form and conceptualization, pure light universe, that which makes advance into the infinite possible
1st order of 7
1 Unity, a unit, 1 kin, God as One, one which is in all number, Fibonacci 1 and 2, V21 H21 first coordinate of unity, initiates first, outermost circuit, 441 matrix
2 Polarity, binary power, basis of all even number, law of alternation, yin and yang, inhalation-exhalation, male-female, night-and-day etc. Fibonacci 3rd sequence
3 Activation, rhythm, triplet factor, law of 3, root of all dynamism and synthesis, first 2-D form – triangle, triangular of 2, Fibonaccci 4th sequence
4 Form, measure, 2², square and all four cornered forms, definition of space (four primary directions), stages of primary cosmic cycle, harmonic, first 3-D form, tetrahedron
5 Fifth force, quintessence, pentacle, pentagon (72˚ of a circle, 73 days of one 365 day ring/year), a chromatic, basis of pentatonic scale, Fibonnaci 5th sequence
6 Second platonic solid – Cube (six squares), Hexagon, basis of hexagisimal (count by sixes) code, snowflakes and crystal structures, basis of system of sixes as cosmic ordering principle, two triangles joined = tantric energy, triangular of 3, perfect number: 1+2+3 = 6, 1x 2 x 3 = 6
7 Interval frequency of lost time in eternity, basis of manifest universe, resonant power of primal creation, mystic root, basis of heptad (seven –day sequence), root of 441, supreme power of Divine order; with 13, occulted basis of Cosmic Wheel of Law of Time 13:7 as sum = totality 20, key term of creation formula 4:7::7:13 reciprocal = 142857, perfect recombinant for first six multiples
2nd order of 7
8 2 x 4, 2³, Galactic form and order, octagon, octave (resonant fractal of whole), diatonic scale, basis of 3rd 3-d solid, octahedron Fibannaci 6th sequence
9 Power number of rhythmic frequency of time – 3², universally consistent factors of 9 in decimal code always add to 9 or a multiple of 9, reciprocal = .111111 (see reciprocal of 11), basis of matrix of nine and of interval frequency of all numbers and their reverses as well as triplet series, number of Bolontiku – Nine Lords of Time
10 2 x 5, basis of decimal(increase by powers of ten) code, power of manifestation, triangular of 4, one half of totality (20)
11 Prime key, mystic frequency, the magician, liberation, decimal analog to vigesimal 21, reciprocal = .090909, with 9 perfect cyclical recombinant, V21-H11 first gate left hand unity, 441 matrix
12 2 x 6, 4 x 3, organizational form, stasis, root of 144 key sacred formal frequency, 12 = reverse of 21 viz. 12/21 (2012), number of synodic lunations in one solar ring (one lunar year, Muslim calendar), 4th solid, dodecahedron
13 Prime key, cyclic wholeness, Basis of wavespell, cosmic time fractal, frequency of cosmic time 13 x 20 (totality) = 260 galactic matrix = 13:20 frequency of time as universal factor of synchronization, with 7, basis of cosmic wheel and cosmology of time – 13:7 = 13:20 frequency, reverse of 31, viz. 3113 beginning of 13 baktun cycle, 13² = 169, reverse of 961 = 31², number of Oxlahuntiku, 13 lords of heavenly order, reciprocal = .076923, chromatic octave, Fibonacci 7th sequence, coordinating frequency first time dimension, cosmic creation
14 2nd order 7, 7 x 2, Wizards knowing – two sevens, one half of moon cycle, 13 + 1 principle of transcendence of time, hence wizard’s timelessness
3rd order of 7
15 5 x 3, triangular of 5, sum of any row in a magic square of 9, reverse frequency = 51 (3 x 17) 51 – 15 = 36
16 2 x 8, symphonic harmonic (2 octaves), 4², basis of sixteen stages of cube of law, harmonic root frequency
17 Prime key mystic key, the navigator, Noah, reverse of 71, Sura 71 Noah, 71 –17 = 54 (9 x 6)
18 2 x 9, 3 x 6, frequency of 18 dimensional universe, number of faces on a perfect double terminated crystal, base of tun, katun time count (18 x 20), evolution dimension completed in 2012, reverse of 18 = 81 = 9², 81 – 18 = 63, 18 + 81 = 99 (9 x 11)
19 divine prime, Command of God, vigesimal analog of 9, in vigesimal code all multiples of 19 = 19, number of Omega dimension – evolution dimension after 2012, consists of 9 layers (9 x 19 = 171), equivalent of 76th (4 x 19) energy dimension, reverse of 19 = 91 = 7 x 13. 91-19 = 72 (9 x 8)
20 2 x 10, 4 x 5, sum of key recombinants 9 +11, Totality, base of vigesimal system, written 1.0, sum of 13+7, frequency of wheel of the law of time – basis of 13:20 timing frequency, fifth solid icosahedron
21 Unity of Totality (20 + 1), Hunab Ku, basis of 441 21² matrix of the Synchronotron, reverse of 12, written 1.1, analog of decimal 11, in vigesimal code products of 21 are double like those of 11 i.e., 9.9 = 9 x 21 (189) just as 99 = 9 x 11, basis of Hunab Ku 21 heptad program of 7 gates and 20 daily archetypes, triangular of 6, reciprocal = .047619, Fibonacci 8th sequence , V21 H1 second coordinate of unity, 441 matrix
4th order of 7
22 11 x 2, or 9 + 13, sum of 13 heavens and 9 hells or “lower worlds”, as 22/7 = pi
23 prime frequency of solar sun spot cycle
24 2 x 12, 3 x 8, 4 x 6 radiant return, complex stable structure, frequency of Velatropa, harmonic root number (24² = 576 = 288 frequency of polar harmonic x 2), 3rd octave
25 Fifth Force, 5², frequency of galactic federation, reverse frequency = 52, Sirius code, 52 – 25 = 27
26 2 x 13, Tzolkin fractal, Galactic code, coordinating frequency of the matrix of Cosmic Ascension, second time dimension, fractal of 26,000 year Pleiadian cycle
27 Heart of Nine (9 x 3), 3³, with 37 prime cyclical recombinant, reciprocal = .037037, reverse of 27 = 72, 8 x 9, 27 + 72 = 99 (9 x 11)
28 4 x 7 harmonic standard, basis of 28 day cycle-13 Moon calendar, harmonic measure of galactic order, number of lunar mansions, third power of 7, triangular of 7 reciprocal = .0357142 (copy cat of 6 x 1/7, 857142)
5th order of 7
29 Prime key, cosmic constant (harmonic standard +1)
30 3 x 10, 15 x 2, 5 x 6, stable dynamic, vigesimal 1.10
31 Root prime, first gate of descending unity V11-H1 441 matrix, reverse of 13, maintains consistency in being reverse of 13 in a number of its multiples as well, e.g, 31 x 3 = 93 , reverse = 39 = 3 x 13
32 2 x 16, 8 x 4, crystal frequency (32 symmetry types in crystal order), 6th term in binary order (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32), four octaves
33 3 x 11, The Initiate, Initiatic, mystical attainment (highest order in freemasonry), all-seeing eye atop the pyramid, all numbers with 33 factor indicate initiatic power, vigesimal code 1.13
34 2 x 17, frequency of galactic wizard, reverse = 43 (night seer), 43 – 34 = 9, Fibonacci 9th sequence (21 + 13)
35 5 x 7, fifth force power of cosmic creation reciprocal (= .0285714 fractal of 1/7 x 2, .285714)
6th order of 7
36 Key harmonic frequency, fourth power of 9, 9 x 4, 18 x 2, 12 x 3 x 4 = 144, triangular of 8, 6², x 6 (=6³) = 216 perfect cube frequency, reverse of 36 = 63, 7 x 9, 36 + 63 = 99 (9 x 11)
37 vajra (indestructible) prime, with 27 prime cyclical recombinant, reciprocal = .027027, reverse of 37 = 73, 73 – 37 = 36 (4 x 9), 27 + 37 = 64 life code
38 2 x 19, frequency of the crystal mirror, cosmic reflecting principle
39 3 x 13, triple order of cosmic time, sign of the thrice born, coordinating frequency of the matrix of Cosmic Synchronization (third time dimension), vigesimal 1.19
40 2 x 20, 5 x 8, 4 x 10 vigesimal 2.0, mystic order of sacred time to complete a transformation, two totals, 1/10 of matrix of totality, fifth octave
41 Prime key, divine interval, defines interval between 20² (400) and 21² (441), antipode of 1 in first circuit 441, vigesimal 2.1, V1 H1 third coordinate of unity
42 21 x 2, 3 x 14, 6 x 7, second order of 21, vigesimal – 2.2, cube value of 7
7th order of 7
43 Prime key the night seer, vigesimal 2.3, reverse of 34, 43 – 34 = 9
44 4 x 11 fourth mystic order of liberation
45 5 x 9, 3 x 15, 4 + 5 = 9, all nine numbers in a magic square of nine add up to 45, 45 is triangular of 9 reverse of 45 = 54, 6 x 9, 45 + 54 = 99 (9 x 11)
46 23 x 2, two sunspot cycles, reverse of 46 = 64, 64 – 46 = 18 (2 x 9)
47 Prime key, “the Prophet” (Sura 47 “Muhammad”), reverse of 47 = 74 (2 x 37) 74 – 47 = 27, key cyclic recombinant
48 6 x 8 six octaves, or hexameride of the octave, frequency range of human senses, also 12 x 4, 2 x 24, 16 x 3, complex harmonic
49 7 x 7 supreme expression of creation order of 7, multiplied by 3² (9) = 441, frequency of units of each of nine time dimensions, number of days of bardo cycle, interval between death and rebirth, vigesimal 2.9 analog of 29 cosmic constant – multiples of 49: x 2 = 98, x 3 = 147, x 4 = 196, x 5 = 245, x 6 = 294, x 7 (7³) = 343, x 8 = 392, x 9 = 441
8th order of 7
50 5 x 10, 2 x 25, (5² x 2) fifth force amplification as power of manifestation
51 3 x 17, frequency of creative dissonance, vigesimal 2.11, V1 H11 first gate of right hand unity, 441 matrix
52 13 x 4, solar galactic frequency, basis of harmonic cycles – 52 weeks, 52 kin Dreamspell castle, 52 years cycle of Sirius B, prime super mental harmonic, basis of cycle of galactic compass, galactic return frequency
53 Prime key Quetzalcoatl, frequency of Sirian rebirth (52 + 1)
54 6 x 9, 18 x 3, 27 x 2, root frequency lunar wizard, base of higher order of star codes. x 2 = 108, x 4 = 216, x 8 = 432, x 16 = 864 (master time lens), x 32 = 1728 (12³) , x 52 = 2808, factor of velocity of God particle.
55 5 x 11, fifth order of eleven, liberation frequency of galactic federation, triangular of 10, Fibonacci 10th sequence (34 +21)
56 8th order of 7, 7 x 8, seventh octave, frequency of genesis, frequency of DNA start codon, “Voyaging” (fire on the mountain)
9th order of 7
57 3 x 19, frequency of Quran (in each of two suras (42 and 50) preceded by mystic letter “Qaf” (Quran), the Qaf appears 57 times, 57 x 2 = 114, number of suras in Quran), frequency of Overtone Earth, third clear sign of tomb of Pacal Votan
58 29 x 2, frequency of the Rhythmic Mirror, second clear sign, tomb of Pacal Votan
59 Prime key, closing of the cycle kin 59 Resonant (7) Storm (19), code of 2012-2013 year reverse of 59 = 95 (19 x 5), 95 – 59 = 36 (4 x 9), Sirian constant
60 3 x 20, 2 x 30, 6 x 10, 4 x 15, vigesimal 3.0, frequency of Pacal Votan, kin 60 first clear sign on his tomb, from discovery of his tomb (1952) to 2012 = 60 years, vigesimal 3.0
61 Prime key, fourth order of unity, V1 H21, antipode to 21,(V21 H1) in 441 matrix, vigesimal 3.1
62 31 x 2, double gate of supreme unity, initiatic completion, reverse of 26 (2 x 13), 62-26 = 36
63 3 x 21, 7 x 9, 63 x 7 = 441, in all orders of 441, 63, like 49 and 21, maintains consistency as its base matrix unit is always a multiple of the same factor as itself, key multiples: x 2 = 126, x 3 = 189, x 4 = 252, x 5 = 315, x 6 = 378, x 7 = 441, first nine orders of seven establish the 63 base frequencies of 441, or 1/7 of order of 441 – 63:441::142857: 999999, vigesimal 3.3
10th order of 7
64 8², eighth octave, 4³ (4 x 16), 2 x 32 crystal frequency doubled, mathematical code of DNA – 64 codons code of life., Seventh binary order (1,2,4,8,16, 32, 64) Sum of prime recombinants, 27 + 37. Note the first 13 orders of the vigesimal code reflect fractal factors of 64 (in bold), and how 64 and 64² correspond to 13:7 law of time factor:
1 = 1/64
20 = 1/32 of 64
400 = 1/16 of 64
8000 = 1/8 of 64
160,000 = ¼ of 64
3,200,000 = ½ of 64
64,000,000 = 1 x 64 (7th vigesimal order)
1,280,000,000 = 2 x 64
25,600,000,000 = 4 x 64
512,000,000,000 = 8 x 64
10,24 0, 000,000,000 = 16 x 64
204,800,000,000,000 = 32 x 64
4,096,000,000,000,000 = 64² (13th vigesimal order)
65 13 x5, frequency of galactic spectrum, ¼ 260, fifth force moved by power of cosmic cycle
66 6 x 11 triangular of 11
67 Prime key (6 + 7 = 13), vigesimal 3.7 37 and 67 are both primes, difference 30
68 17 x 4, navigator of the four directions
69 3 x 23, reverse of 96, 4 x 24, 96 – 69 = 27
70 7 x 10 tenth order of 7, power of 7 to manifest resonant order, 14 x 5, vigesimal 3.10
11th order of 7
71 Prime key, reverse of 17, liberated navigation, V11 H21 first gate of ascending unity (completes four gates to the four channels of eleven dividing 441 matrix into quadrants) vigesimal 3.11
72 8 x 9, 4 x 18 27 reverse, 72 – 27 = 45, key frequency = ½ 144, base of katun cycle, 7200 Kin, 72nd energy dimension complements 18th evolution dimension, as 18 72 determines duration of present cycle of evolution (21/12/2012 = 1872000 kin, ninth octave
73 Prime key biomass constant (73 x 5 kin chromatic = 365 day cycle), reverse of 37, 73 – 37 = 36, 73 x 8 = 584 day synodic Venuis cycle establishes Earth Venus 5:8 ratio, same as Fibonacci sequence
74 37 x 2, reverse = 47, 74 – 47= 27
75 25 (5²) x 3, 15 (triangular of 5) x 5, establishes fifth force frequency as triple action force
76 4 x 19, 7 + 6 =13, reverse of 67, 76 – 67 = 9, 76th energy diemsnion complements 19th (Omega) dimension, next stage of human evolution after Omega 2012, vigesimal 3.16 (= 19)
77 11th power of 7, magnitude of liberation by power of 7, perfect self-reflection
12th order of 7
78 triangular of 12, 13 x 6, frequency key to the prophecy of Pacal Votan as inscribed in the 13 seals of his tomb
79 prime, noosphere constant, kin 79 magnetic storm
80 8 x 10, 2 x 40, 4 x 20, 16 x 5, vigesimal 4.0, tenth octave, completes first outermost circuit 441
81 9², 27 x 3, reverse of 18 81 – 18 = 63, begins second circuit 441
82 41 (divine interval) x 2 reverse of 28 82 – 28 = 54
83 Prime key, vigesimal 4.3, 43 and 83 connect as the night seer (43) and the command of the night seer (83)
84 12th order of 7, also 6 x 14, 3 x 28, 3 x 21 vigesimal 4.4, 84 is frequency of the 84,000 dharmas – teachings of the Buddha; synchronic matrix has two sides of 84 units each, hence 84 right hand and 84 left hand dharmas
13th order of 7
85 5 x 17, fifth force power of navigation, 6² + 7² = 85, 13 moon calendar frequency interval, number of days in last three moons plus day out of time (280 + 85 = 365)
86 43 x 2, reverse of 68, 86 – 68 = 18, vigesimal 4.6
87 3 x 29, triple power cosmic constant, frequency of 9 Hand, 5th clear sign Pacal Votan’s tomb, frequency of Harmonic Convergence 1987 + 26 = 2013
88 8 x 11, 11th octave
89 Prime key, Fibonacci sequence 11 (34 +55), Kin 89 = 11 Moon
90 9 x 10, ¼ of 360˚ circle, divides circle into quadrants, V20 H11 second gate of left hand unity
91 13 x 7 thirteenth power of 7, key frequency 13:7 wheel of the law of time, triangular of 13, 91 defines term of terrestrial seasons- one quarter (13 weeks) of 364 day year vigesimal 4.11, reverse of 19 , 91 – 19 = 72, reciprocal frequency 10989 (.010989 – = 33 x 37 x 9, or 999 x 11)
14th order of 7
92 23 x 4, measure or form solar cosmic (sunspot) cycle frequency, reverse of cosmic constant 29, 92 – 29 = 63
93 3 x 31, 93, reverse of 39 3 x 13, 93 – 39 = 54, vigesimal 4.13
94 47 x 2, reverse of 49, 94- 49 = 45
95 19 x 5, reverse of 59, 95 – 59 = 36, vigesimal 4.15 (= 19)
96 Complex harmonic: 2 x 48, 3 x 32, 4 x 24, 6 x 16, 12 x 8, 12th octave, reverse of 69, 96-69 = 27
97 Prime key, 97-33 = 64, reverse of 79, 97-79 = 18
98 49 (7²) x 2, bicameral frequency of dolphins, 98 reverse of 89, 98 – 89 = 9, vigesimal 4.18
15th order of 7
99 11 x 9 reciprocal factor of 11 (1/11 = .999999)
100 10², decimal basis of percentage and monetary systems, 10 = ½ of 20, 10² = ¼ of 400 (20²), 6² + 8² = 10², vigesimal 5.0
101 Prime palindromic frequency (same written forwards or backwards)
102 51 x 2, 17 x 6, vigesimal 5.2, navigators cube – cube value of 17, hence frequency of the ark
103 Prime key, frequency of Sura 103: By the Time
104 Arcturus Code (13 x 8), 13th octave, 52 x 2 or two castles of four wavespells each
105 15 x 7 = 21 x 5, triangular of 14, vigesimal 5.5, frequency of primal Maldek
16th order of 7
106 53 x 2, Sirian rebirth doubled, frequency of 2 Worldbridger, northern key to tomb of Pacal Votan, first of 10 GAPs, alpha run, Tzolkin matrix
107 Prime key, “primal Adam” ( 3 Hand), vigesimal 5.7, reverse 701, 701 –107 = 594, 54 x 11
108 9 x 12, 27 x 4, 36 x 3, 54 x 2 Frequency of Galactic Mission – GM108X (4 Star), First heptad gate, First Time Lens codes tones 1, 5, 9, 13 (4th time dimension pulsar) vigesimal 5.8, V11 H2 second descending gate of unity
109 Prime key, reverse of 901, 901 –109 = 792, 72 x 11
110 11 x 10 manifestation of liberation, vigesimal 5.10
111 37 x 3 perfect cyclical recombinant frequency, first order, x 9 = 999 = 27 x 37
112 4 x 28, 7 x 16, 8 x 14, 14th octave, harmony of the wizards
17th order of 7
113 Prime key: Lord of the Dawn (9 Skywalker), Sura 113, Lord of the Dawn (Daybreak), creates recombinant triplet with 131 and 311, 131 – 113 = 27, 311 – 113= 198, 18 x 11, 113 + 131 +311 = 555 (1+1+3 =5)
114 19 x 6, number of Suras of the Quran, vigesimal 5.14 = 19, triplet 114 – 141 – 411 = 666 (1 + 1 + 4 = 6), 141 – 114 = 27, 411-114 = 297 = 27 x 11
115 23 x 5 fifth force of solar sunspot frequency, vigesimal 5.15
116 29 x 4, form of the cosmic constant, vigesimal code, 5.16
117 9 x 13 prophecy code (tomb dedication, also 13 heavens, 9 hells, etc,) key recombinant triplet 117 (9 x 13) 171 (9 x 19), 711 (9 x 79) 117 + 171 + 711 = 999
118 59 x 2, frequency of Alion planet, advanced evolutionary realm origin of the system of sixes, universal ordering principle
119 7 x 17, 17th order of 7, forms recombinant triplet, 119 + 191 + 911 = 1221 (frequency 12/21/2012) = 33 x 37, 911-119 = 792, 11 x 72, 191-119 = 72
18th order of 7
120 triangular of 15, 2 x 60, 3 x 40, 4, x 30, 5 x 24, 10 x 12, 6 x 20, vigesimal 6.0, 15th octave
121 11², analog to vigesimal 1.2.1 or 21², first unit 7th or mystic column, tzolkin, vigesimal 6.1
122 61 x 2, reverse of 221, 221 –122 = 99, 11 x 9
123 41 x 3 divine interval triplet, vigesimal 6.3, reverse of 321, 321 – 123 = 198, 11 x 18, key recombinant frequency, reverse of 891(99 x 9) 891 – 198 = 693, 9 x 77, 21, x 33
124 31 x 4, reverse of 421, 421 = 124 = 297 = 11 x 27, vigesimal 6.4
125 25 x 5 , or 5³ (5 x 5 x 5)
126 7 x 18, 14 x 9, 21 x 6, 42 x 3, 63 x 2 Frequency of Interval of lost time = 126˚ = 7/20ths of 360˚ circle representing law of 13:7, Synchronotron principle or wheel of the law of time, vigesimal 6.6 , V2 H11 second gate of right hand unity, frequency of Solar Worldbridger
19th order of 7
127 prime, reverse of 721, 721 – 127 = 594, 54 x 11
128 64 x 2, 16 x 8, 16th octave, 32 x 4, reverse of 821, 821-128 =693 = 63 x 11
129 43 x 3 triple form of the night seer, reverse of 921, 921 –129 = 792 , 72 x11
130 13 x10 ½ Tzolkin
131 prime, see 113 triplet (113 + 131 + 311)
132 33 x 4, reverse of 231, 33 x 7, principle 4: 7, 231 –132 = 99 = 33 x 3, 9 x 11
133 19 x 7, 19th order of 7, mystic mid-point in 19 = 260 code, vigesimal 6.13 = 19. Kin 133 = 3 Skywalker, seal 13, tone 3, = 3.13 Genesis code, supreme sign of the resurrection
20th order of 7
134 67 x 2, vigesimal 6.14 (6 + 14 = 20), 67 (6 +7 =13)
135 9 x 15 reverse of 531, (59 x 9) 531 –135 = 396 ,11 x 36
136 triangular of 16, 17 x 8, 4 x 34, 17th octave
137 Prime key, frequency “Ah Vuc Ti Cab, Lord of the Center of the Earth (7 Earth)
138 23 x 6, 69 x 2, solar frequency cube value 6 solar sunspot frequency
139 Prime key reverse of 931, 931 –139 = 792 = 11 x 72
140 20th order of 7, Telektonon ratio 5 x 28 = 7 x 20, 7/20ths of 400, 126:140::360:400
21st order of 7
141 47 x 3, palindromic middle term in triplet 114 + 141 + 411 = 666, 37 x 18
142 71 x 2, reverse of 241, 241 – 142 = 99 = 11 x 9
143 13 x 11 (143 x 999 = 142857 = fractal of 1/7)
144 12², 9 x16, 18 x 8, 18th octave, Mystic Order, reverse of 441, basis of baktun count, number of the elect, forms recombinant triplet 144 + 414 + 441, 414 – 144 = 270, 441 – 144 = 297 (27 x 11), 144 + 414 + 441 = 999, Fibonacci 12th order, V11 H20 second gate of ascending unity, second time lens codes tones 2, 6, 10, 3rd Heptad gate
145 29 x 5, fifth force cosmic constant,
146 73 x 2, reverse of 641, 641 – 146 = 485 = 11 x 45
147 21st order of 7, 49 x 3, 7 x 21, vigesimal (7.7) a “Total” or 1/3 of 441 either one of three bodies (temple destiny, or radiance), or three layers – terrestrial, celestial/noospheric (above), or universal (middle))
First Book Complete – Compendium of
the Terrestrial Temple
22nd order of 7
148 37 x 4, reverse 841 (29²) 841 –148 = 693 = 9 x 77, 33 x 21, 11 x 63
149 Prime key, vigesimal 7.9 analog of decimal 79 –noosphere constant – reverse of 941 – 941 –149 = 792 11 x 72
150 15 x 10, 25 x 6, 50 x 3, 30 x 5, fifth force command frequency, vigesimal 7.10
151 Prime key, palindromic number, vigesimal 7.11, analog of decimal 711- 79 noosphere constant x 9
152 19 x 8 vigesimal 7.12 = 19, 19th octave, completes second 441 circuit
153 17 x 9, 3 x 51, triangular of 17, commences 3rd 441 cuircuit
154 7 x 22, 22nd order of 7, 14 x 11, kin 154 = Wizard 14, Spectral tone 11, vigesimal 7.14
23rd order of 7
155 31 x 5, fifth force supreme gate of unity, command descending, reverse number 551(19 x 29, divine command of cosmic constant), 551 –155 = 396 = 11 x 36
156 13 x 12, 52 x 3, completes third Dreamspell (Blue Western) castle, vigesimal 7.16, 156 (13 x 12) reverse of 651 (31 x 21) 651 – 156 = 495 = 11 x 45
157 Prime key, first kin 13th wavespell, vigesimal 7.17, reverse of 751, 751 – 157 = 594 =11 x 54
158 79 x 2, binary noosphere constant, vigesimal 7.18
159 53 x 3, triple Sirian rebirth frequency, vigesimal 7.19, reverse = 951 (3 x 317) 951 – 159 = 792 = 11 x 72
160 80 x 2, 40 x 4, 20 x 8, 10 x 16, 5 x 32, 20th octave, frequency of kin 160, 4 ahau, long count beginning and end dates of 13 baktun great cycle, 3113-2012, vigesimal 8.0
161 23 x 7, 23rd order of 7, creation frequency of solar sunspot cycle, palindromic number, middle term, 116 + 161 + 611 = 888 (37 x 24), 611 – 161 = 450, 161 –116 = 45, vigesimal 8.1, V19 H11, third left-hand gate of unity
24th order of 7
162 81 (9² x 2), note the cyclic recombinant sequence: 126 (7 x 18, 7:13 code)-162-216 (perfect cube)-261 (9 x 29, cosmic constant, reverse of 162)-612 (9 x 68) and 621 (9 x 69) = 1998 (999 x 2, 27 x 37 x 2)
163 Prime key, reverse of 361 (19²), 361 –163 = 198 = 11 x 18, vigesimal 8.3
164 41 x 4, full measure divine interval, kin frequency (yellow galactic seed) for 7/26/2013, galactic synchronization, vigesimal 8.4, frequency of law of galactic wholes
165 33 x 5, fifth force power of the initiate, vigesimal 8.5, reverse of 561 (33 x1 7, frequency of initiatic navigation), 561 – 165 = 396 = 11 x 36 (396 also 33 x 12)
166 83 x 2, vigesimal 8.6 reverse of 661 – 661 –166 = 495 = 11 x 45
167 Prime key, reverse frequency 761, 761 – 167 = 594 = 11 x 54
168 24th order of 7, 21st octave. 8 x 21, 6 x 28, 4 x 42, 14 x 12, reverse of 861 (287 x 3, 41 x 21), 861 – 168 = 693 = 63 x 11, 21 x 33, 77 x 9, 231 x 3
25th order of 7
169 13², reverse of 31² 961, difference 792 = 11 x 72, vigesimal 8.9, 13th kin thirteenth wavespell, 13 Moon
170 17 x 10, manifestation of the navigator, vigesimal 8.10
171 19 x 9, triangular of 18, middle term in key triplet 117-171 –711 = 999
172 4 x 43, full measure of the Night seer, vigesimal 8.12
173 Prime key, reverse of 371 (53 x 7), 371 – 173 = 198 = 11 x 18, vigesimal 8.13 (logarithmic sequence)
174 29 x 6, cosmic constant multiplied by cube value 6, frequency of the Book, root frequency of Cosmic History Chronicles (number of verses in Quran 6348, 6348 –6174 (14 x 441) = BMU 174)), vigesimal 8.14
175 25th order of 7, 7 x 5², resonant power of fifth force
26th order of 7
176 22 x 8, 11 x 16 = 22nd octave, vigesimal 8.16
177 3 x 59, vigesimal 8.17, frequency of the galactic Earth, reverse number 771 (257 x 3), 771-177 = 594 = 11 x 54, first term in triplet: 177- 717 – 771 = 1665 = 37 x 45 = 9 x 185 , V11 H3 third gate of descending unity
178 89 x 2 (11th Fibonacci x 2) reverse of 871 (13 x 67) 871 –178 = 693 11 x 63, 33 x 21, 3 x 231 etc. vigesimal 8.18
179 Prime key, reverse of 971, 971 – 179 = 792 = 11 x 72, vigesimal 8.19
180 90 x 2, 45 x 4, 15 x 12, 9 x 20, 5 x 36, 3 x 60, 6 x 30 ½ 360˚ circle, vigesimal 9.0
181 Prime key, palindromic number, cosmic interval 441-260 = 181, vigesimal 9.1
182 26th order of 7, 13 x 14, 91 x 2 (law of 13:7 moved by binary power) vigesimal 9.2
27th order of 7
183 3 x 61 4th coordinate of unity activated
184 8 x 23, 23rd octave 4 x 46, octave of the solar sunspot cycle
185 37 x 5 frequency of 3 Serpent, initiates cycle of galactic spectra, generator of red electric current Vulom magnetic attraction force field, reverse of 581 (83 x 7) 581 – 185 = 396 = 11 x 36, vigesimal 9.5
186 83 x 2, vigesimal 9.6, reverse 681 (227 x 3) –186 = 495, vigesimal 9.6 = 15, 1+8 +6 = 15, value of the speed of light 186,000 mph
187 11 x 17, reverse of 781, 781 – 187 = 594 = 11 x 54 vigesimal 9.7
188 47 x 4, measure of the prophet, reverse 881, 881 –188 = 693, vigesimal 9.8
189 27th order of 7, 27 x 7, 9 x 21, 3 x 63, vigesimal 9.9, major synchronization of 7,9, 21, and 27, reverse 981 (109 x 9) 981- 189 = 792 = 11 x 72
28th order of 7
190 19 x 10, triangular of 19, vigesimal 9.10 = 19
191 Prime key, palindromic = 11 reciprocal of 9, vigesimal , 9.11 (kin 191, tone 9, Monkey 11), middle term in triplet, 119 + 191 + 911 = 1221 (37 x 33), 911-191 = 720 = 10 x 72
192 64 (DNA code) x 3, triple incarnation frequency, 8 x 24, 32 x 6, 16 x 12, 24th octave,
193 Prime key, reverse of 391 391 –193 = 198 11 x 18, vigesimal code 9. 13, prophetic key to dedication of tomb of Pacal Votan (long count, V3 H11 third gate of right hand unity
194 97 x 2, vigesimal 9.14, code of the Crystal Wizard, Book of the First Lost Generation, Book of the Throne, note 9.14 = 914 – 194 = 720
195 13 x 15, vigesimal 9.15, code of the Cosmic Eagle, Book of the Second Lost Generation note 9.15 = 915 – 195 = 720 , Book of the Avatar
196 28 x 7, 28th order of 7, establishes 28:7 harmonic matrix creation frequency, 14², 7² x 4, 260 –196 = 64 DNA code + 28:7 matrix = 13:20 frequency, 9.16 code of the Magnetic Warrior Code of the Book of the Third Lost Generation, Book of the Mystery
29th order of 7
197 Prime key = reverse of 791 (113 x 7, Lord of the Dawn, power of creation) 791-197 = 594= 11 x 54, vigesimal code 9.17 code of Lunar Earth, Book of the Fourth Lost Generation, Book of the Initiation
198 11 x 18, recombinant frequency, second power of 9, simple gematrical frequency of Synchronotron, reverse of 891 (99 x 9), 891 – 198 = 693 = 21 x 33, 9 x 77, etc vigesimal code, 9.18 codes Electric Mirror Fifth Book of the Lost Generation Book of the Timespace
199 Prime key, reverse of 991, 991 – 199 = 792 11 x 72, vigesimal 9.19 (=28) codes Self-Existing Storm, Book of the Sixth Lost Generation, Book of the Transcendence
200 20 x 10, 5 x 40, 8 x 25, 100 x 2, 25th octave, vigesimal code 10.0, Codes Overtone Sun, Book of the Seventh Lost Generation, Book of the Cube
201 67 x 3, vigesimal 10.1, frequency of kin 201, 6 Dragon, Rhythmic Moon out of Time, 2012-2013 (Moon in which old cycle closes)
202 101 x 2, internally balanced frequency, characteristic of all multiples of 101, Vigesimal 10.2
203 7 x 29, 29th order of 7, cosmic constant of cosmic creation, Vigesimal 10.3
30th order of 7
204 4 x 51, 12 x 17, navigator’s temple, vigesimal 10.4
205 41 x 4, fifth force order of divine interval (41), vigesimal 10.5
206 103 x 2, vigesimal 10.6, 206 frequency of 11 Worldbridger and10.6 analog 106 frequency of 2 Worldbridger refer to the dissolution of the world cycle of Mars, kin 206 = eve of 21-12 2012, dissolution of terrestrial cycle of history
207 9 x 23, destiny cycle of solar sunspots, frequency of kin 207, Blue Crystal Hand, 21-12 2012 Closing of the Cycle, vigesimal 10.7
208 52 x 4, 104 x 2, 13 x 16, 8 x 26, 26th octave, fourth castle complete, 208th step to Merlin’s Tower, 20 Tablets Law of Time: 208th moon, Cosmic Moon 2013, final stage prior to Galactic Synchronization, vigesimal 10.8
209 11 x 19, first stage of the matrix beyond history V11H19 (209) third gate of ascending unity 441, vigesimal 10.9
210 30th order of 7, 7 x 30, 42 x 5, 6 x 35, 21 x 10 vigesimal 10.10, number days in Wuku Balinese ritual synchronization calendar, triangular of 20
31st order of 7
211 Prime key, completes triplet 112 + 121 + 211= 444 = 12 x 37, 211 – 121 = 90 –112 = 99, frequency of 10th clear sign tomb of Pacal Votan, 3 Monkey, vigesimal 10.11
212 53 x 4, measure of Sirian rebirth, vigesimal 10.12, middle term triplet 122 + 212 + 221= 555, 15 x 37
213 71 x 3, rainbow prophecy activation frequency, vigesimal 10.13
214 2 x 107, orginal Adam (107) transformed into new time wizard, vigesimal 10.14
215 43 x 5, fifth force of the Night Seer, all-penetrating vision, vigesimal 10.15
216 supreme perfection of the cube, 6³, 6 x 36, 3 x 72, 2 x 108, 8 x 27, 27th octave, completes third 441 circuit, third time lens codes tones 3, 7, 11, in traditional Kabbalah 216 letters in name of God
217 31st order of 7, 31 x 7, begins fourth 441 circuit, creation power of supreme gate of unity, coordinating unit (V18 H18) fourth time dimension, Cosmic Cube, and third mental sphere, waking conscious
32nd order of 7
218 109 x 2, reverse of 812 (= vigesimal 2.0.12, 28 x 29, cosmic constant of harmonic standard), 812 – 218 = 594 = 11 x 54, vigesimal 10.18, frequency of kin 218, discovery of the tomb of Pacal Votan
219 3 x 73, activation frequency of the biomass constant, vigesimal 10.19
220 10 x 22, 11 x 20, 44 x 5, 55 x 4, vigesimal 11.0
221 13 x 17, code of the cosmic navigator, Chac Le, midpoint between 1 and 441, in the magic square of 441 221 is the central unit (V11 H11), and all the rows, vertical and horizontal add up to 442 or 221 x 2 or 441 + 1, vigesimal 11.1
222 111 x 2, 37 x 6, perfect self cyclical recombinant frequency, second order
223 Prime key, reverse of 322 (29 x 14), 322 – 223 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal 11.3
224 32nd order of 7, crystal frequency of cosmic creation, = 8 x 28, octave of the harmonic standard, 4 x 56, measure of Start Codon, 16 x 14, vigesimal 11.4, V18 H11 fourth gate of left hand unity and coordinating unit 6th time dimension and sixth mental sphere, subliminal conscious
33rd order of 7
225 15², 45 x 5, 9 x 25 (3² x 5² = 15²)
226 113 x 2, “Lord of the Dawn commands the Power of Death” vigesimal 11.6
227 Prime key, reverse of 722 (days 7-22 cube journey) 19² x 2, 722 – 227 = 495 = 11 x 45, 227 + 722 = 949 = 13 x 73, cyclic order of biomass constant, vigesimal 11.7, pi = 22/7
228 19 x 12 “Temple of God’s command”, vigesimal 11.8 (=19)
229 Prime key, reverse of 922, 922-229 = 693 = 21 x 33, 231 x 3, matrix of the initiate of the Hunab Ku 21 code
230 23 x 10, frequency of manifestation of solar sunspot cycle, vigesimal 11.10
231 7 x 33, 33rd order of 7, 3 x 77, 11 x 21, triangular of 21, initiatic creation frequency, supreme mystical frequency, in traditional Kabbalah, 231 sephiroths or angels of creation, coordinating unit second time dimension, Cosmic Ascension, fourth mental sphere, continuing conscious
34th order of 7
232 8 x 29, 29th octave, octave of the cosmic constant, vigesimal 11.12
233 Prime key, 13th Fibonacci sequence (144 + 89), vigesimal 11.13
234 13 x 18, corresponds to 234˚ or 13/20 of 13:7 wheel of the law of time cosmological basis of frequency 13:20, frequency of Cosmic Wizard, 234 inverse of 432 second master time lens, 54th Octave, 432 – 234 =198 = 11 x 18, also 234 is recombinant with 324, 18² and with 342, 19 x 18
235 5 x 47, fifth force frequency of the order of the prophet (47), first kin, 19th wavespell, vigesimal 11.15
236 59 x 4, measure of Sirian constant, reverse of 632 (= 8 x 79, noosphere constant) 632 – 236 = 396 = 11 x 36, vigesimal 11.16
237 3 x 79 activation frequency of noosphere constant, reverse of 732 (= 61 x 12), 732 – 237 = 495 = 11 x 45
238 34th order of 7, 119 x 2, 17 x 14, wizardry of navigation, reverse of 832 (64 x 13, 52 x 16, number of weeks in 16 year cube of law) 832 –238 = 594 =11 x 54, V11 H4 coordinating unit seventh time dimension, vertical higher dimensional command of descending order
35th order of 7
239 Prime key, reverse of 932 (= 4 x 233, 13th Fibonacci sequence), 932 – 239 = 693 = 9 x 77, 21 x 33, vigesimal 11.19
240 30 x 8 30th octave, 24 x 10, 60 x 4, 40 x 6, 3 x 80, 2 x 120, 5 x 48, vigesimal code 12.0
241 Prime key, vigesimal 12.1 analog of 121 (11²) , reverse of 142, 241 – 142 = 99 = 11x 9, begins 13th cycle of 20 in Tzolkin
242 121 x 2, 11² x 2, binary activation of the mystic code, vigesimal code12.2
243 27 x 9 (3³ x 3²) 81 x 3 (9² x 3), Heart of Nine, code frequency of Valum Votan (= 9 Night), reverse of 342 , 19 x 9, 342 – 243 = 99 = 11 x 9
244 4 x 61, 122 x 2, reverse of 442 (221 x 2, 17 x 26), 442 – 244 = 198 = 11 x 18
245 35th order of 7, 7² (49) x 5, V4 H4, coordinating unit first mental sphere pre conscious and first time dimension cosmic creation, vigesimal code 12.5
36th order of 7
246 6 x 41 cube frequency of divine interval, reverse of 642 (321 x 2), 642 – 246 = 396 = 11 x 36
247 13 x 19, supreme expression of 19 code , 19 = 260, Cosmic Cycle of the Command of God,13 x 19 + 13 = 260, 13 x 20, reverse of 742 (371 x 2, 53 x 14) 742 – 247 = 495 = 11 x 45, vigesimal code, 12.7 (= 19)
248 31 x 8, 31st octave, first unit of 20th wavespell
249 83 x 3, triple command of the night seer, reverse of 942 (157 x 6) 942 – 249 = 693 = 9 x 77, 21 x 33, 7 x 63, vigesimal 12.9
250 25 (5²) x 10, 5x50, 125 (5³) x 2, ¼ of 1000, vigesimal 12.10
251 Prime key, vigesimal 12.11, frequency of kin 4 Monkey, signature of 9/11 twin Towers event, –4 sublimating fourth magnitude, sublimated transformer sequence thermic force field (V4 H10) (Holomind perceiver codes)
252 21 x 12, 36 x 7, 36th order of 7, 9th order of 28, 252³ = interval of cosmic creation = 288³ – 2808² = 252³ or 144 x 12 x 21 x 441), V4 H11, fourth gate right hand unity, coordinating unit fifth time dimension, fifth mental sphere, superconscious, vigesimal code, 12.12
37th order of 7
253 Prime key, reverse of 352 (11x 32), 352 – 253 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal 12.13, triangular of 22
254 127 x 2, reverse of 452 (113 x 4), 452 – 254 = 198 = 11 x 18, Vigesimal code, 12. 14
255 51 x 5, 17 x 15, navigator of fifth force triple activation, vigesimal code 12.15
256 16², 44, 64 x 4 completion of four psi genetic space matrix quadrants, master harmonic matrix, 8 x 32, 32nd octave, cosmic crystal resonance, vigesimal 12.16
257 Prime key, master frequency of the planetary navigator, reverse of 752 (16 x 47, harmonic code of the prophet) 752 –257 = 495 = 11 x 45, vigesimal 12.17
258 43 x 6, cube frequency of the night seer, vigesimal 12.18, meditation of endlessness dissolving
259 37 x 7, 37th order of 7, reverse of 952 (17 x 56, 34 x 28), 952 – 259 = 693 = 21 x 33, V4 H18, coordinating unit third time dimension, cosmic synchronization, second mental sphere, subconscious, vigesimal code 12.19
38th order of 7
260 13 x 20, master code frequency of the law of time, 13:20 universal frequency of synchronization, foundation of the Synchronotron 13:7 wheel of the law of time, 4 x 65, 52 x 5 basis of Dreamspell castles, wavespells, harmonics, chromatics, etc., vigesimal code 13.0, , radion value first week 7:7::7:7
261 9 x 29, destiny frequency of cosmic constant, sum of all occult kin pairs, vigesimal code 13.1
262 131 x 2, harmonic balance frequency, vigesimal code 13.2, middle recombinant of triplet 226 + 262 + 622 = 1110 = 37 x 30, 262 – 226 = 36, 622 – 262 – 360 (tun/wheel), vigesimal code 13.2
263 Prime key, reverse of 362 (181 x 2) 362- 263 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal code,
264 33 x 8, 33rd octave (mystic chord), 132 x 2, 66 x 4, 11 x 24, vigesimal code 13.4
265 53 x 5, fifth force frequency of Sirian rebirth, reverse of 562 (281 x 2) 562 –265 = 297 = 11 x 297, vigesimal code, 13.5
266 38th order of 7, 19 x 14, V11-H18, fourth gate of ascending unity, coordinating unit eight time dimension, vertical higher dimensional command of ascending order, vigesimal code 13.6 (= 19)
39th order of 7
267 Prime key reverse of 762 (381 x 2) 762 – 267 = 495 = 11 x 45, vigesimal code 13.7 (= frequency of 13:7 Synchronotron wheel of the law of time)
268 67 x 4, note: 267 + 1 = 67 x 4, reverse = 862 (431 x 2) 862 – 268 = 594 = 11 x 54, vigesimal code 13.8
269 Prime key, reverse 962 (481 x 2), 962 – 269 = 693 = 21 x 33, 11 x 63, 9 x 77, vigesimal code 13.9
270 27 x 10, 9 x 30, 90 x 3, 45 x 6, 54 x 5 frequency 270˚ = ¾ circle, vigesimal code 13.10
271 Prime key, recombinant 721 (103 x 7) 721 –271 = 450 = 45 x 10, vigesimal code 13.11
272 8 x 34, 34th octave, 17 x 16, harmonic balance frequency of navigators code, vigesimal 13.12 completing unit fourth circuit, 441
273 39 x 7, 39th order of 7, 13 x 21, 91 x 3, cosmic cycle of Hunab Ku 21, vigesimal code 13.13, begins fifth circuit 441, interdimensional phase unit, V17 H17, radial matrix cosmic cube and core galactic channel, beta-beta hyperplasma, radion value second week 7:7::7:7
40th order of 7
274 137 x 2 “The Wizard who tames the center of the Earth”, vigesimal 13.14, ESP input unit, core channel Cosmic Cube
275 11 x 5², liberating frequency of the fifth force (galactic federation) vigesimal 13.15
276 23 x 12, frequency temple of the solar sunspot cycle, station of the Wizard (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), vigesimal 13.16, triangular of 23
277 Prime key, reverse of 772 (193 x 4), 772 – 277 = 495 = 11 x 45, vigesimal code 13.17
278 139 x 2, reverse of 872 (109 x 8), 872 – 278 = 594 = 11 x 54, vigesimal code 13.18
279 31 x 9, frequency of the destiny gate of the nine lords of time (bolontiku), vigesimal code 13.19, station of the Pathfinder (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes) V15-H11 fifth left hand gate of unity
280 40th order of 7, 35th octave, 35 x 8, 28 x 10, 14 x 20, 4 x 70, 5 x 56, 40 x 7, 140 x 2, completes Telektonon return cycle, equivalent to first ten moons of the 13 Moon year, vigesimal code 14.0 analog 140 Telektonon code
41st order of 7
281 Prime key, reverse of 182 (13 x 14, ½ 13 moon year), 281 –182 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal code, 14.1
282 141 x 2 (note carry over from previous 14.1 to 141 x 2), station of the path finder, vigesimal code 14.2 station of the Seer (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes),
283 Prime key reverse of 382 (191 x 2), 382 – 283 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal code 14.3
284 71 x 4, ESP input unit beta-alpha core channel Cosmic Ascension, (holomind perceiver codes), vigesimal code 14.4 (decimal analog 144)
285 19 x 15, 3d-4d inter dimensional phase unit, V17 H5, radial matrix cosmic ascension and core galactic channel, beta-alpha hyperplasma, vigesimal code 14.5
286 13 x 22, 26 x 11, radion value third week 7:7::7:7, ESP output unit beta-alpha core channel Cosmic Ascension, vigesimal 14.6
287 41st order of 7, 41 x 7 divine interval moved by primal creation power of 7, radion value fourth week 7:7::7:7, vigesimal code 14.7
42nd order of 7
288 144 x 2, 72 x 4, 36 x 8, 18 x 16, 9 x 32, 96 x 3, 12 x 24, 36th octave, master frequency of polar harmonic, fourth time lens codes tones 4, 8, and 12, station of the Serpent Initiate, red electric circuit gnerator (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), radion value 7 mystic moons, fourth week 7:7::7:7, vigesimal code 14.8
289 17² reverse of 982 (491 x 2) 982 – 289 = 693 = 21 x 33, initiatic matrix frequency of the navigator, vigesimal code 14.9
290 29 x 10 frequency of the manifestation of the cosmic constant, vigesimal code 14.10
291 3 x 97, 2nd heptad gate, the Avatar, station of the Avatar (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), vigesimal code 14.11, V11 H5 Fifth gate of unity descending
292 146 x 2, 73 x 4, frequency of form and measure of the biomass constant, vigesimal code 14.12
293 Prime key reverse of 392 (49 x 8), 392 – 293 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal code 14.13
294 42nd order of 7, 42 x 7, 49 x 6, cube value of 49, station of the Hierophant (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), vigesimal code 14.14
Second Book Complete, Universal Order
of the Radiant Ones
43rd Order of 7
295 59 x 5, fifth force Sirian Constant, reverse frequency 592 (296 x 2, 37 x 8), 592 – 295 = 297 = 11 x 27
296 37 x 8, 37th octave, ESP input unit alpha-alpha core channel Cosmic Creation (holomind perceiver codes), vigesimal code 14.16
297 11 x 27, master recombinant interval frequency (key example 441 –144 = 297), 3d-4d inter dimensional phase unit, V5 H5, radial matrix cosmic creation and core galactic channel, alpha-alpha hyperplasma, vigesimal code, 14.17
298 149 x 2 ESP output unit alpha-alpha core channel Cosmic Creation, vigesimal code 14.18
299 13 x 23, frequency of cosmic cycle of solar sun spots vigesimal code 14.19
300 20 x 15, 10 x 30, 60 x 5, 50 x 6, 25 x 12, 3 x 100, Station of the Artist (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes),vigesimal code 15.0 triangular of 24
301 43rd order of 7, 43 x 7, resonant creative power of the night seer, vigesimal code 15.1
44th order of 7
302 151 x 2, vigesimal code 15.2, Note: carry-over from prior 15.1 to 151 x 2 to vigesimal code 15.2, reverse of 203, 302 – 203 = 99 = 11 x 9
303 101 x 3, perfect self-recombinant, station of the Compassionate One (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), vigesimal code 15.3, V5 H11 fifth gate of right hand unity
304 19 x 16, double harmonic octave of the command of God, 38th octave, 38 x 8, 76 x 4, vigesimal code 15.4
305 61 x 5, fifth force of the fourth coordinate of unity, reverse of 503, 503 – 305 = 198 = 11 x 18
306 153 x 2, 51 x 6, 17 x 12, frequency of the temple of the navigator, station of the Healer (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), vigesimal code 15.6
307 Prime key reverse of 703, 703 – 307 = 396 = 11 x 36
308 44th order of 7, 7 x 44, 77 x 4, 11 x 28, spectral moon frequency of liberation by means of harmonic standard, ESP output unit alpha-beta core channel Cosmic Synchronization, vigesimal 15.8
45th order of 7
309 103 x 3, 3d-4d interdimensional phase unit, V5 H17, radial matrix cosmic synchronization and core galactic channel, alpha-beta hyperplasma, vigesimal code 15.9
310 31 x 10, 5 x 62, ESP input unit alpha-beta core channel cosmic synchronization, vigesimal code 15.10
311 Prime key completes triplet 113 – 131 – 311, reverse of 113 (lord of dawn frequency) 311 – 113 = 198 = 11 x 18
312 13 x 24, cosmic cycle of Velatropa 24 system, 8 x 39, 39th octave 12 x 26, 6 x 52, 3 x 104, Sirius B (52) and Arcturus (104) frequencies synchronize, station of the Magician, blue electric circuit generator (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), vigesimal code 15.12 = analog 1512 = 216 x 7)
313 Prime key self recombinant palindromic, middle term in triplet 133-313-331, 331 – 313 = 18, 313 – 133 = 180 = 10 x 18, 133 + 313 +331 = 777 = 21 x 37, vigesimal code 15.13
314 157 x 2, reverse of 413 (59 x 7), 413 – 314 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal code 15. 14, corresponds to UR harmonic 103, Channel of command becomes self-evolving
315 45th order of 7, 45 x 7, 63 x 5, 21 x 15, 9 x 35, V11-H17 Fourth heptad Gate of the Initiation, station of the Prophet (Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), vigesimal code 15.15 , fifth gate of ascending unity, UR Harmonic 95, Galactic art whole becomes meditation of reality
46th order of 7
316 79 x 4, form and mesure of noosphere constant = 4 plate psi bank code, corresponds to Ur Harmonic 79, Tree of Cosmic Fiore Generates Planet Mind, vigesimal code 15.16
317 Prime key reverse of 713, 713 – 317 396 = 11 x 36, vigesimal code 15.17
318 3 x 106, 6 x 53, cube value Sirian rebirth, station of the Sage(Hunab Ku 21 archetypes), vigesimal code, 15.18
319 11 x 29, frequency of liberation by means of the cosmic constant, vigesimal code 15.19
320 40 x 8, 40th octave, 4 x 80, 10 x 32, 20 x 16 , 5 x 64, vigesimal 16.0, ESP input unit beta-beta core channel Cosmic Cube, last unit 5th 441 circuit
321 107 x 3, core intergalactic channel beta-beta hyperplasma activates codes of cosmic cube, vigesimal 16.1, V16 H16, first unit 6th circuit 441 matrix
322 46th order of 7, 161 x 2, 23 x 14, 46 x 7, vigesimal code 16.2, wizard’s solar sunspot cycle code
47th order of 7
323 palindromic prime, mid term in triplet 233+323+332 = 888 = 37 x 24, vigesimal code, 16.3
324 18², 9 x 36, 108 x 3, 27 x 12, 81 x 4 (note 18² is also a product of both 9² (81) and 6² (36), harmonic frequency matrix of 18-dimensional universe, vigesimal code 16.4 (decimal analog 164)
325 13 x 25, 5 x 39, triangular of 25, cosmic cycle of 5th force vigesimal code 16.5
326 163 x 2, V16 H11 sixth gate of left hand unity, sixth unit Dum Duar blue luminic force field vigesimal code 16.6
327 109 x 3, recombinant of 273 (= difference of 54) reverse of 723 (3 x 241), 723 – 327 = 396 = 11 x 36, vigesimal code 16.7
328 41 x 8, 41st octave, octave of the divine interval, vigesimal 16.8, decimal analog of 168, 21 x 8 – parallel frequency to 41 x 8
329 47th order of 7, creation frequency of the prophet, vigesimal code 16.9, decimal analog 169 or 13 x 13, note 13 and 7 factors in this frequency
48th order of 7
330 11 x 30, 33 x 10, 3 x 110, initiatic frequency of manifestation, vigesimal code 16.10, establishes 33rd decimal order, “the initiate”
331 Prime key, V16 H6, core intergalactic channel beta-alpha (beta-nova) hyperplasma, activates codes of cosmic ascension, vigesimal code 16.11
332 166 x 2, 83 x 4, second frequency decimal order of 33
333 37 x 9, 111 x 3, prime self-cyclic recombinant, key integer in decimal order of the Initiate, vigesimal code 16.13
334 167 x 2, reverse of 433, 433 – 334 = 99 = 11 x 9
335 67 x 5 (note parallel with 167 of previous frequency) corresponds to UR harmonic 107, Infinite mind wave illumines space, vigesimal code 16.15
336 48th order of 7, 42 x 8, 42nd octave, 21 x 16, V11 H6 sixth gate of unity descending, corresponds to UR Harmonic 85 Galactic life whole channels time, Vigesimal code, 16.16
49th order of 7
337 Prime key, seventh frequency in 33rd decimal order, reverse of 733, 733 – 337 = 396 = 11 x 36, vigesimal code, 16.17, corresponds to UR Harmonic 69, Firmament divides time
338 169 x 2 (13 x 26), power of 13² doubled, galactic time wave frequency, vigesimal code 16.18
339 113 x 3, triple birth Lord of the Dawn, fulfills 9th magnitude of 33rd decimal order, vigesimal 16.19
340 17 x 20, vigesimal code 17.0, frequency of the sacred time of the navigator, Noah (17) (40 days and 40 nights in the Ark)
341 11 x 31, supreme frequency of unity, V6 H6 core intergalactic channel alpha-alpha hyperplasma, activates codes of cosmic creation, vigesimal 17.1 (decimal analog of 171 19 x 9, see next frequency for carry over)
342 19 x 18, 9 x 38, recombinant frequency: 234 (13 x 18 = 234˚ or 13/20 of 360˚ circle), 243 (27 x 9 = “Valum Votan”), 324 (18², matrix of eighteen dimensional universe), 342 (19 x 18, God’s command of 18-dimensional universe), 423 (9 x 47, prophet’s power of nine) and 432 (54 x 8, 54th octave and second master time lens, combines 108 (x 4), 144 (x 3) and 216 (x 2)).
343 49th order of 7, 7 x 7² or 7³, master power of creation matrix
50th order of 7
344 43 x 8, 43rd octave, octave of the night seer, vigesimal code 17.4
345 5 x 69, 23 x 15, fifth force triple activation of solar sunspot cycle, vigesimal code 17.5
346 173 x 2, reverse of 643, 643 – 346 = 297 = 11 x 27, recombinant with 364 = 28 x 13, 364 – 346 = 18, vigesimal code, 17.6, V11 H6, sixth gate of right hand unity, sixth unit Dum Kuali red thermic force field
347 Prime key, reverse 743, 743 – 347 = 396 = 11 x 36, vigesimal 17.7
348 29 x 12, 6 x 58, 87 x 4, 116 x 3, 174 x 2, temple of the cosmic constant, vigesimal code, 17.8
349 Prime key reverse, 943 (23 x 41 divine interval of solar sunspot cycle frequency) vigesimal code 17.9
350 50th order of 7, 7 x 50, 14 x 25, 70 x 5, 35 x 10, manifestation of fifth force power of cosmic creation, vigesimal code, 17.10
51st order of 7
351 27 x 13, 9 x 39 triple power frequency of prophetic code 9 and 13, V6 H16 core intergalactic channel alpha-beta hyperplasm, activates codes of cosmic synchronization, triangular of 26
352 44 x 8, 44th octave, 88 x 4, 11 x 32 crystal frequency of liberation, vigesimal code 17.12
353 palindromic prime, middle term in triplet 335+353+533 = 1221 = 11 x 111, 33 x 37, 533 – 353 = 180, 18 x 10, vigesimal code 17.13
354 177 x 2, 59 x 6, cube value Sirian constant, number of days in a 12-month lunar year, vigesimal code 17.14
355 71 x 5, corresponds to UR Harmonic 102, System of commands evolves cosmic space, vigesimal code 17.5
356 89 (11th Fibonacci) x 4, V11 H16 sixth ascending gate of unity, corresponds to UR Harmonic 94 Structure of Reality becomes architecture of space
357 51st order of 7, 51 x 7, 119 x 3, 17 x 21, vigesimal code 17.17, supreme navigators code of Hunab Ku 21, corresponds to UR Harmonic 78 Day and night defines cosmic space
52nd order of 7
358 179 x 2 reverse frequency 853, 853 – 358 = 495 = 11 x 45, vigesimal 17.18
359 Prime key, reverse 953, 953 – 359 = 594 = 11 x 54, vigesimal code 17.19
360 18 x 20, 9 x 40, 36 x 10, 45 x 8, 9 x 40, 5 x 72 , 24 x 15, 3 x 120, 2 x 180, = 360˚ of a circle, 1 tun (Mayan 360-day cycle), completes 6th circuit 441, 45th octave vigesimal code 18.0
361 19², frequency of matrix of divine commands, number of days in 19th month Ba’hai 19 month calendar, first unit in 7th 441 circuit, vigesimal code 18.1, coordinating internal unit, 4th time dimension
362 181 x 2 (carry-over from previous 18.1), binary order of cosmic interval (181),441 – 362 = 79, noosphere constant, vigesimal code 18.2
363 11 x 33, 121 (11² x 3), supreme initiatic liberation frequency, palindromic harmonic, vigesimal code 18.3
364 52nd order of 7, 52 x 7 supreme Sirian creation frequency, number of days in 13 moon 28 day calendar cycle, 52 x 7 = 13 x 28, 4 x 91, fulfillment of law of time cosmological ratio, 4:7::7:13, (4 x7 = 28, harmonic standard, 7 x 13 = 91, frequency of synchronotronic wheel of law, 4 x 13, = 52, Sirius B frequency) vigesimal code 18.4
53rd order of 7
365 5 x 73, fifth force perfection of biomass standard, corresponds to 365-day vague solar orbital frequency (364 + 1), vigesimal code 18.5 (decimal analog, 185, 5 x 37 reverse of 73 x5), V15 H11, 7th gate of left hand unity, 7th magnitude Dum Duar blue luminic force field
366 61 x 6, solar cycle with intercalary leap day added, cube value, reverse of 663 (51 x 13), 663-366 = 297 = 11 x 27, vigesimal code 18.6
367 Prime key, reverse of 763 (109 x 7), 763 – 367 =396 = 11 x 36, vigesimal code, 18.7
368 8 x 46, 46th octave, 16 x 23, harmonic order of solar sunspot cycle, vigesimal code 18.8
369 41 x 9, ninth order of divine interval, reverse of 963 (107 x 9) 963 – 369 = 594 = 11 x 54, vigesimal 18.9 (analog 189 parallel frequency 21 x 9), coordinating internal unit, second time dimension
370 37 x 10, manifest order of key recombinant factor, vigesimal code 18.10
371 53rd order of 7, 7 x 53, supreme creation frequency of Sirian rebirth, vigesimal code 18.11, high end recombinant factor = 731 (43 x 17, navigation frequency of the night seer) 731 – 371 = 360, totality of wheel (or tun) of the law
54th order of 7
372 4 x 93 31 x 12, temple of the first gate of unity, corresponds to UR harmonic 112, Infinite mind wave evolves infinitely, vigesimal code 18.12
373 Palindromic prime, middle term in triplet 337 + 373 + 733 = 1443 = 37 x 39, 373 – 337 = 36, 733 – 373 = 360, wheel of totality, vigesimal code 18.13, V11 H7 seventh gate of descending unity, corresponds to UR Harmonic 83, Galactic life whole extends into space
374 187 x 2, 11 x 34, 22 x 17, planetary wizard’s liberating navigation codes, vigesimal code 18.14, corresponds to UR harmonic 67, Divine Decree establishes space of second creation
375 5 x 75, 5² x 15, 5³ x 3, fifth force quintessential action code, vigesimal 18.15
376 47 x 8, 4th octave, octave of the prophets, 188 x 2, 94 x 4, vigesimal code 18.16
377 29 x 13, cosmic cycle of cosmic constant, coordinating internal unit 1st time dimension, vigesimal code 18.17
378 54th order of 7, 7 x 54, 42 x 9 18 x 21, 27 x 14, 126 x 3, 189 x 2, frequency of 378-day Saturn synodic loop around Earth, 378 x 29 loops = 28 365-day solar Earth years, vigesimal code 18.18, triangular of 27
55th order of 7
379 Prime key, reverse of 973 (139 x 7), 973 – 379 = 594 = 11 x 54, vigesimal code 18.19
380 19 x 20, 38 x 10, 76 x 5, 95 x4 Command of God as Totality, vigesimal code 19.0
381 127 x 3, V7 H11 7th gate of right hand unity, 7th magnitude Dum Kuali red thermic force field, vigesimal code 19.1
382 191 x 2 (see prior frequency 19.1 for carry-over), recombinant cyclic harmonic 832 = 64 x 13, frequency of 16-year cube of the law, recombinant interval factor 450 = 10 x 45, vigesimal code 19.2
383 palindromic prime, middle term in triplet 338 + 383 + 833 =1554 = 37 x 42, 833 – 383 =450, 10 x 45, vigesimal code, 19.3
384 48 x 8, 48th octave, “hexameride of the octave” frequency range of human experience, high harmonic frequency of the code of life, 8 x 48 = 64 x 6 cube value of DNA code, number of lines in I Ching, binary order of DNA code, 32 x 12, crystal temple code, vigesimal code 19.4 (decimal analog, 194, First Book of First Lost Generation, Crystal Wizard)
385 55 x 7, 55th order of 7, 11 x 35, fifth force liberation of creation frequency, vigesimal code 19.5, internal coordinate third time dimension
56th order of 7
386 193 x 2, reverse of 683 (frequency of the year of the disincarnation of Pacal Votan), 683 – 386 = 297 = 11 x 297, vigesimal code 19.6
387 129 x 3, 43 x 9, frequency of the night seer moved by the ninth power, vigesimal code 19.7
388 97 x 4, 194 x 2, Bode number of the orbital ratio Pluto, vigesimal code, 19.8 corresponds to UR harmonic 100, Union of ascent and descent established as cosmic space
389 Prime key, reverse 983, 983 – 389 = 595 = 11 x 54, V11 H15, seventh gate of unity ascending, 441, vigesimal code 19.9, corresponds to UR harmonic 92, Galactic art whole becomes structure of reality
390 39 x 10, 13 x 30, 3 x 130, 5 x 78, 6 x 65, manifestation of triple order of cosmic time cycle, vigesimal code 19.10, corresponds to UR harmonic 76, Command of cosmic creation engenders firmament
391 17 x 23, navigation of the solar sunspot cycle, vigesimal code 19.11
392 56th order of 7, 7 x 56, 8 x 49 (7²) 49th octave, 98 x 4, 196 (14²) x 2, vigesimal code 19.12 final unit in 7th 441 circuit
57th order of 7
393 131 x 3, master palindromic, middle term in triplet 339 + 393 + 933 = 1665 = 45 triangular of 9 x 37, 933 – 393 = 540 = 10 x 54, first unit in 8th 441 circuit, first unit in 9th time dimension, corresponds to hyperparton of secondary luminic cell kemio, light of inner heat, vigesimal 19.13
394 197 x 2, reverse of 493, 493 –394 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal code 19.14
395 5 x 79, fifth force factor of noosphere, vigesimal code 19.15
396 11 x 36, 99 x 4, major recombinant interval factor, fourth power of nine moved by liberating power of 11, V14 –H11 eighth gate of left hand unity, vigesimal code 19.16, station of the Navigator
397 Prime key, reverse of 793 (13 x 61), 793 – 397 = 396 = 11 x 36, see preceding entry, vigesimal code 19.17
398 199 x 2, frequency of the master teachers doubled, vigesimal code 19.18
399 57th order of 7, 7 x 57, 21 x 19, 133 x 3, master frequency command of God moved by power of Hunab Ku (21), corresponds to secondary thermic cell, kum, heat of inner light, vigesimal code 19.19
58th order of 7
400 20², Master frequency of totality, 10² x 4, 50 x 8, 50th octave, 25 x 16, 5 x 80, 2 x 200 vigesimal code 2.0.0, establishes third order of absolute vigesimal count (Ka’l-tun or 400 count – distinct from relative katun, 360 (18) count where 20 tuns = 1 katun of 7200, whereas 20 x 400 = 1 K’al tun = 8000
401 Prime key, reverse of 104(13 x 8) , 401 – 104 = 297 = 11 x 27, corresponds to UR harmonic 105 octave of infinite mind wave, vigesimal code 1. 0.1
402 6 x 67, 2 x 201, 3 x 134 corresponds to position of hyperneutron of 8th hyperparton circuit, V11 H8, 8th gate of descending unity, vigesimal code 1.0.2, corresponds to UR harmonic 81, Radiogenesis establishes galactic life whole, station of the Yogi(ni), 6th heptad gate
403 31 x 13, numerological correspondence to 3113, beginning of present 13 baktun cycle, vigesimal code, 1.0.3 corresponds to UR harmonic 65, Octave of Divine decree “Be!”
404 harmonic palindromic, 101 x 4, 202 x 2, vigesimal code 1.0.4
405 81 9² x 5, 9 x 45 triangular of 9, 27 x 15, vigesimal code 1.0.5 corresponds to primal heat cell hyperparton dum kuali
406 58th order of 7, 29 x 14 cosmic constant of the wizards, 203 x 2 vigesimal code 1.0.6, triangular of 28
59th order of 7
407 11 x 37, master recombinant frequency, e.g., 407 x 351 (27 x 13) = 142 857 (reciprocal of 7), 407 x 27 = 10989 (reciprocal of 91), 407 x 189 (27 x 7) = 76923 (reciprocal of 13), etc. vigesimal code 1.0.7
408 8 x 51, 51st octave, 24 x 17 navigator of velatropa frequency, 12 x 34, 4 x 102, 3 x 136 2 x 204, V8- H11, eighth gate of right hand unity, vigesimal code 1.0.8, station of the Worldchanger
409 Prime key reverse of 904 (113 x 8), 904 – 409 = 495 11 x 45, vigesimal code 1.0.9
410 41 x 10, manifestation frequency of divine interval, vigesimal code 1.0.10 (parallel vigesimal analog 10.10 = 210 = 21 x 10)
411 Prime key, reverse of 114 (19 x 6) third unit in triplet 114 + 141 + 411 = 666 (37 x18), 411 – 114 = 297, vigesimal code 1.0.11, corresponds to primary light cell, luminic hyperparton dum duar
412 206 x 2, 103 x 4 frequency of the temple of the Martian redemption in time vigesimal code 1.0.12
413 59th order of 7, Sirius constant moved by power of cosmic creation, vigesimal code 1.0.13
60th order of 7
414 23 x 18, 46 x 9, 69 x 6, 138 x 3, V11 H14, 8th Gate of Ascending Unity, Fifth Heptad gate, gate of the Timespace station of the Enlightened One, corresponds to hyperelectron, activates South (Darka) pole with double-extended electron, UR Harmonic 90, Galactic Art Whole defined by time, middle term in triplet 144-414-441, vigesimal code 1.0.14
415 83 x 5, reverse frequency 514 (257 x 2) 514 – 415 = 99 = 11 x 9, vigesimal code 1.0.15
416 8 x 52, 52nd octave- Sirian resonance – 4 x 104, 2 x 104, 13 x 32, 16 x 26, final unit in 8th 441 circuit, hyperelectron circuit complete, vigesimal code 1.0.16
417 139 x 3, reverse frequency 714 (7 x 102, 17 x 42) 714 – 417 = 297 = 11 x 27, first unit of 9th 441 circuit, vigesimal code 1.0.17, V13 H13 fifth force coordinating unit fourth quadrant of 441 (beta-beta zone)
418 19 x 22, 11 x 38 frequency of “House of God”, vigesimal code 1.0.18
419 Prime key (first prime since 409), reverse of 914 (457 x 2), 914 – 419 = 495 = 11 x 45, vigesimal code 1.0.19, V13 H11, ninth gate of left hand unity
420 60th order of 7, 7 x 60, 5 x 84, 30 x 14, 28 x 15, 10 x 42, 3 x 140, 20 x 21, amplification of 5:7 Telektonon ratio, vigesimal code 1.1.0, totality (20) multiplied by transcendent unity (21), decimal analog of 110 – 11 x 10
61st order of 7
421 Prime key, reverse of 124 (31 x 4), 421 – 124 = 297 = 11 x 27, vigesimal code 1.1.1 (decimal analog 111), V13 H9 fifth force coordinating unit third quadrant of 441 (beta-alpha zone)
422 211 x 2, final term in triplet code 224 + 242 + 422 = 888 = 37 x 24, 442 – 224 = 198 = 11 x 18 (242 – 224 = 18, 422 – 242 = 180, 18 factor triplet) vigesimal code, 1.1.2
423 141 x 3, 47 x 9 power of nine code of the prophet, V11H9 ninth gate of descending unity, vigesimal code 1.1.3 (decimal analog 113, Lord of the Dawn)
424 Palindromic harmonic (same in reverse), 53 x 8, 53rd octave, octave of Sirian rebirth of Quetzalcoatl (Lord of the Dawn), 4 x 106 2 x 212, vigesimal code 1.1.4
425 17 x 25, 5 x 85, fifth force amplification of the avigator, V9 H9 fifth force coordinating unit first quadrant of 441 (alpha-alpha zone), vigesimal code 1.1.5
426 213 x 2, 142 x 3, 71 x 6 cube value 71, first gate of ascending unity (note how all integers of the 61st order of 7 all have multiples of the last digit of each number, vigesimal 1.1.6
427 61st order of 7, 61 x 7 creation power of 4th coordinate of unity, V9 H11, ninth gate of right hand unity, vigesimal code 1.1.7 (decimal analog 117, 9 x 13)
62nd order of 7
428 214 x 2, 107 x 4, frequency of the star form of the primal Adam, vigesimal code 1.1.8
429 13 x 33, frequency of the initiate of the cosmic cycle, 11 x 39, 3 x 143, V9 H13 fifth force coordinating unit second quadrant of 441 (alpha-beta zone), vigesimal code 1.1.9
430 43 x 10, manifestation of the night seer, 5 x 86, vigesimal code 1.1.10 (decimal analog 1110 = 111 x 10)
431 Prime key, reverse frequency 134 (67 x 2) 431 – 134 = 297 = 11 x 27, vigesimal code, 1.1.11 (decimal analog 1111 = 101 x 11)
432 Master frequency, 8 x 54, 54th octave, second master time lens, coordinates first, second and third time lenses (108 x 4, 144 x 3, 216 x 2) , 72 x 6, 12 x 36, 9 x 48, 18 x 24, 16 x 27, vigesimal code 1.1.12, final unit ninth 441 circuit
433 Prime key, reverse of 334, final term in triplet 334 + 343 + 433 =1110 (see above 430 = 1.1.10) 111 x 10, 433- 334 =99 = 11 x 9 (this triplet is governed by 9 factor, 343-334= 9, 433- 343 = 90, 10 x 9) vigesimal code, first unit 10th 441 circuit “Stations of the Ark”
434 62nd order of 7 x 62, 31 x 14, V12 H11, tenth left hand gate of unity, vigesimal code 1.1.14
63rd order of 7
435 29 x 15, 5 x 87, 145 x 3, vigesimal code triangular of 29, cosmic constant, final triangular frequency within 441 base matrix, vigesimal code 1.1.15
436 109 x 4, reverse frequency 634 (317 x 2), 634 – 436 = 198 = 11 x 18, V11 H10 tenth gate of descending unity, innermost gate of descending commands, 436 – 31 (first gate of supreme unity = 405 9² x 5), vigesimal code 1.1.16
437 19 x 23, frequency of solar sunspot frequency at the command of God, vigesimal code 1.1.17
438 219 x 2, 146 x 3, 73 x 6, cube value of biomass constant, V10 H11, tenth gate of right hand unity
439 Prime key, final (85th) prime before 441, reverse 934 (467 x 2), 934 – 439 = 495 = 11 x 45, vigesimal code 1.1.19
440 8 x 55 55th octave, 11 x 40 10 x 44, 110 x 4, 220 x 2, 88 x 5, 22 x 20, V11H12 tenth gate of ascending unity, vigesimal code 1.2.0
441 Key Master Frequency of Sirus B and Galactic Hierarchies, 7th heptad gate, 21², 9 x 49, 7 x 63, 3 x 147, unification of laws of 3, 7, and 9 V11 H11, 11th Gate of Unity, channel to 11th dimension cube system and dimension of Lordly Spiritual Technological totalities, channel for coordinating hyperplasma Sirius B-52/Element 113 basis of universal fractal of universe of number, concluding unit of 441 Base matrix, vigesimal code 1.2.1 – decimal analog 121 = 11²
Third Book Complete, Celestial Order
of the Mind Lords
Multiples of 441 to 21³
Seven planes of the Terrestrial Order
441 First layer – Plane of Unified Humanity
882 Second layer – Plane of Universal Spirit
1323 Third layer – Plane of the Dream-time
1764 Fourth layer – Plane of Intrinsic Awareness
2205 Fifth layer – Plane of Universal Kundalini energy
2646 Sixth layer – Plane of Revelation
3087 Seventh layer – Plane of Power of Knowing
Seven planes of the Universal Order
3528 Eighth layer – Plane of Power of Art
3969 Ninth layer – Plane of Cosmic healing power
4410 Tenth layer – Plane of Compassionate energy
4851 Eleventh layer – Plane of Lordly Spiritual Technological Totalities
5292 Twelfth layer – Plane of Universal Wisdom
5733 Thirteenth layer – Plane of Prophecy
6174 Fourteenth layer – Plane of Power of Psychic Force
Seven planes of the Celestial Order
6615 Fifteenth layer – Plane of Telecosmic vision
7056 Sixteenth layer – Plane of All-Penetrating Intelligence
7497 Seventeenth layer – Plane of Synchrognosis
7938 Eighteenth layer – Plane of Cosmic Memory
8379 Nineteenth layer – Plane of Superconscious metamorphism
8820 Twentieth layer – Plane of Supramental Enlightenment
9261 Twenty-first layer – Plane of Galactic Totalalities – Synchronotron – Powers of Universal Cosmic Creation – Hunab Ku 21.
Cube of 21 complete – 21³ = vigesimal, analog of 1331 = 11³
These are the keys. Any number can be located within these 21 layers, all numbers can be reduced to the Base Matrix 441, simply by subtracting the 441 or 9261 multiple prior to that number from that number, i.e., 758 - subtract 441 from that number and you get the Base matrix Unit – BMU = 317 (317 + 441 = 758), or 1377 - the next multiple of 441 prior to that is 1323, subtract 1323 from 1377, BMU = 54 The same can be done with the 260 kin simply by subtracting the multiple of 260 that precedes that number.
This Number vocabulary is but a beginning. It is not complete. Whatever you find left out you may complete yourself – but share your findings with the other students of the Synchronotron. Synchronotron is a living system. Once we have entered it we become part of a living stream that is operating at another dimension in other world systems simultaneously. This vocabulary is meant to be a reference to study of the 441 Synchronotron. The meanings of the numbers are ultimately determined by the parameters of your own consciousness and experience in the synchrony of the moment, yet, because of the numbers, the meanings are also universal. We are one and going toward unification.
Also, please keep in mind that this is not public information. This information is actually a part of much larger work in progress that is being carried out by the Galactic Research Institute. So please use it only as reference for your work with the Synchronotron. Pease respect the intention with which this work is imparted to you and do not take it out of context.
We live in a world that makes life increasingly difficult. For this reason we wish to spread a light that radiates equally to the hearts of all. We who are learning the Synchronotron are climbing a few rungs of a ladder together and we must attain our goal as one mind. Unification of the planet is our goal and the noosphere is the next stage of our journey. Synchronotron is a method for practicing a higher stage of communication and language, one that places us at one with intelligences from other worlds. But we must be pure of heart and mind to practice this language. Its immediate application is to establish a telepathic language of unification on this planet, so it is a great responsibility to undertake the study and practice of the 441.
In forthcoming Bulletins we will share the letter from Mevlana that was read at the opening of the Seminar. We will also experience how to write and receive telepathic sentences and how to read and get the most out of the vigesimal code.
All praises to the One!
May the teachings of the rainbow truth of the Law of One prevail everywhere throughout the universes!
Valum Votan, Galactic Research Institute
Proceed to Intergalactic Bulletin #2 - Holomind Perceiver: What it is and how to use it