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The 441 Synchronotron is a vast system. This is why it is important to make sure that we have understood the basics before proceeding to the next step; otherwise we can get lost in a sea of numbers and lose sight of what this system is all about.
The next few Intergalactic Bulletins will be dedicated to going through some of the fundamentals in a systematic way. There is a vast amount of information about the Synchronotron that is yet to be released of which, for now, will be put out through the Intergalactic Bulletins. Many of the basic aspects will be repeated, but in different ways since this is a living multidimensional system.
The ultimate purpose of the daily practice is to activate the holomind perceiver, the seventh mental sphere or the “sixth sense.”
The holomind perceiver is the new sense organ located in our corpus callosum that is made conscious and evolved through this practice.
Philosophers and thinkers such as Pierre de Chardin had prognosticated that there would be a further evolution of the brain, which is the purpose of the Synchronotron as discovered by Valum Votan.
This system is part of a process known as cephalization, which refers to the evolution of the brain and brain functions through the balancing of the right and left hemispheres (see CHC, Vol. 3).
As the new organ of the brain, the holomind perceiver, once activated, enables us to perceive with the whole mind or perceive radially with all the senses simultaneously.
By applying these practices we are helping to evolve the brain and “switch on” the noosphere through a qualitative shift into cosmic consciousness. This entire program is based on the 13 Moon, 28-day calendar (synchronometer); it is all a function of the 13:20 timing frequency, the frequency of universal telepathy.
Though there are many numbers (base matrix units/BMUs) that can be found daily, it is important to remember that there are five daily BMUs to focus on first. These five BMUs and their number sets lay the foundation for the rest of the practices.
If you are new to this practice, see “IntroductiontotheSynchronotron”, “Introducingthe 441 Matrices” and “HowtoEnterthe 441”.
The five key daily BMUs are:
From here, you can begin to add in more numbers, but make sure that you first understand this part. The key to this whole system is based on telepathic imprinting. The purpose of working with the daily numbers is to imprint them into the holomind perceiver and to be able, ultimately, to visualize the entire matrix within your brain.
Again, it is first important to familiarize yourself with the key numbers and understand how to plug them into the holomind perceiver (HMP) to derive a “readout.”
When plugging these in you imagine that the holomind perceiver is overlaid on your corpus callosum, like a nano-chip. You can study the components in Book of the Cube for full graphics as well as the other Intergalactic Bulletins. See also “Holomind Perceiver: What it is and How to Use it.”
So, work with these five numbers to start, finding their properties and meanings and looking them up in the 441 dictionary. Once you become familiar with how this works and how to “read” them within the holomind perceiver, then you can begin to integrate more numbers into your practice. See examples of “readouts” at the end of this bulletin.
One other key to remember is that this is a spiritual practice; each number is a spiritual entity. These numbers are meant to complement whatever your spiritual practice might be. We will explore this further in upcoming Intergalactic Bulletins.
The first step is to familiarize yourself with each of the underlying structures of these 21 x 21 matrices. Meditate on the pure structures and the numerical sequence of each of the 441 matrices: Base Matrix, Space Matrix, Time Matrix and Synchronic Matrix.
Time Matrix![]() |
Space Matrix![]() |
Synchronic Matrix ![]() |
Base Matrix ![]() |
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We are dealing with four different matrices arranged in four different number sequences. When we work with and overlay these matrices it creates different effects and opens up different aspects of our consciousness.
You can print these graphics out and fill in the numbers to begin to imprint.
The second step is to study the nine time dimensions that are prevalent in all the matrices. Note the different flows/number sequences and overlays within these nine dimensions.
Work to memorize these so that you can call them up at will in your mind. This is THE KEY that forms the basic foundation for the understanding of the different overlays.
Once you become familiar with the nine time dimensions, then the location of the daily codes in the holomind perceiver will have more meaning.
Also familiarize yourself with the seven mental spheres and how they relate to the nine time dimensions. For further study of these mental spheres, see Book of the Transcendence.
Note also the location of the three bodies: third-dimensional body, fourth-dimensional body and fifth-dimensional body. Each of the three bodies corresponds to three primary chakras: Crown, Heart and Root. 3 (bodies) x 7 (mental spheres) = 21. 21 x 21 = 441.
Becoming familiar with this fundamental underlying structure is key to unlocking the rest of these matrices and the key to “reading” and activating the seventh mental sphere: the holomind perceiver.
There are four outer time dimensions, four radial time dimensions and one inner core time dimension, for a total of nine time dimensions.
Of the nine gateways of the nine time dimensions:
In the inner time is the palace of wisdom: “I see from within a single eye that sees as three.”
1, 2, 3, 4 are the times that define the cycle of galactic life
5th and 6th times maintain the balance
7th and 8th times channel the commandsThe 9th time – within the secret essence sublime storehouse of cosmic electricity – coordinates all power and wisdom to be written on the Cosmic Breath blowing its commands from within the body’s mystic centers, a new being to become! -Valum Votan
Just as the four quadrants created by V.11, H.11 establish the basis for the matrix of space, so the nine time dimensions establish the basis for the matrix of time.
Outer Time Dimension 1: Upper left (V1-7, H1-7)
Function: Cosmic Creation
Crown of 4-D body
Biopsychic plane
1st mental sphere: Preconscious. Profound samadhi of cosmic creation.
Outer Time Dimension 2: Upper right (V15-21, H1-7)
Function: Cosmic Ascension
Crown of 3-D body
Biopsychic plane
4th mental sphere: Continuing conscious. Higher mind control of cosmic ascension.
Pleiades force field
Outer Time Dimension 3: Lower left (V1-7, H15-21)
Function: Cosmic Synchronization
Root of 4-D Body
Gravitational plane
2nd mental sphere: Sub- or Unconscious. Informative samadhi of cosmic synchronization.
Outer Time Dimension 4: Lower right (V15-21, H15-21)
Function: Cosmic Cube
Root of 3-D body
Gravitational plane
3rd mental sphere: Conscious. Waking conscious mediumship of cosmic cube.
Sirius force field
This completes the structure of the four outer time dimensions.
The four radial times are the middle matrices that unify and connect the outer time matrices and 3-D and 4-D bodies with the 5th-dimensional self and the higher electromagnetic frequency fields.
Radial Time Dimension 5: Left center (V1-7, H8-14)
Function: Connect 1st and 3rd outer time dimensions — downward flow connecting cosmic creation to cosmic synchronization.
Activating electromagnetic thermic force field (red)
Heart of 4-D body
Electromagnetic plane
5th mental sphere: Superconscious. Activating red kuali (spiral) energetic line of force – right-handed time.
AA Midway Station force field
Radial Time Dimension 6: Right center (V15-21, H8-14)
Function: Connect 2nd and 4th outer time dimensions — upward flow connecting cosmic cube to cosmic ascension.
Sublimating electromagnetic luminic force field (blue)
Heart of 3-D body
Electromagnetic plane
6th mental sphere: Subliminal conscious. Sublimating blue duar (rectilinear) energetic line of force – left-handed time.
Antares force field
Radial Time Dimension 7: Upper center (V8-V14, H1-H7)
Function: Connect 2nd and 1st outer time dimensions – mediate celestial-biopsychic flow from cosmic ascension to cosmic creation.
Cosmic command matrix — descending vertical time.
Crown of 5-D body
Biopsychic plane
7th mental sphere, holomind perceiver: Radiosonic radialization of consciousness (descending).
GM108X force field
Radial Time Dimension 8: Lower center (V8-14, H15-21)
Function: Connect 3rd and 4th outer time dimensions – Mediate terrestrial-gravitational flow from cosmic synchronization to cosmic cube.
Harmonic command matrix — ascending vertical time
Root of 5-D body
Gravitational plane
7th mental sphere, holomind perceiver: Radiosonic radialization of consciousness (ascending).
Arcturus force field
Inner Core Time Dimension 9: Center (V8-14, H8-14)
Function: Omnigalactic Central Star Council: Radio tuning, transmitter and receiver station, the source of all the 441 and synchronic codes.
Heart of 5-D body
Electromagnetic plane
7th mental sphere, holomind perceiver – central
Note: The movement of all radial time is toward the center inward, which is coordinated by the mystic gates of the two 11 axes (BMUs 11, 31, 51 and 71).The movement of all outer time is a circulating horizontal-vertical or vertical-horizontal flow.
Vertical radial time mediates horizontal outer time flows.
Horizontal radial time mediates vertical outer time flows.
Note also that the 7 prime circuits connect outer and radial time. In radial time the circuits are equalized with 7 units per circuit. The ninth time dimension is self-contained.
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Let’s look at the number readouts for Spectral Moon 8, Kin 241 of the Rhythmic Wizard Year to see how we can begin to “read” the daily codes of the holomind perceiver. We will include the instructions and example of the basics, but of course, more can always be included – keeping in mind this is an extraterrestrial practice.
Study the graphic at the end of this text to understand the daily readouts, and also study "Holomind Perceiver: What it is and How to Use it". To learn how to get the daily numbers, please see “How to Enter the 441 Cube Matrix”, or Book of the Cube to go more in depth.
Make your daily readouts into a work of art incorporating the different aspects of the synchronic order. You might write the numbers in different colors, incorporate different aspects of the synchronic order, or put inspiring quotes next to them, or whatever way helps you to integrate these so they come alive for you.
Note that all numbers in the holomind perceiver represent a “magnitude.” All positive (+) numbers activate; and all negative (–) numbers sublimate. Note that time dimensions 7, 8 , and 9 are all in the seventh mental sphere.
Here is an example of how to begin reading the holomind perceiver codes (which you integrate with the daily numbers): A meditation of the Sirian Star Council.
Spectral Moon 8 (11.8)
Kin 241, Red Resonant Dragon
White Rhythmic Wizard Year
1. Heptad Gate. Locate the daily heptad gate and write down its BMU. (Note that the 7 heptad gates are not moving variables, but are established for each day of the week/heptad.)
Heptad Gate 1: V.11, H.2 = Base Matrix Unit (BMU): 108
V.11, H.2: HMP code = UR Harmonic rune 84 “Galactic Life Whole Becomes Medium of Transmission.” (Note that all the heptad gates are located on mystic 11th vertical axis, and all heptad gates correspond to one of the 48 UR Harmonic runes). Opens the second circuit and the first mental sphere: preconscious.
2. Time Matrix. Locate the 13 Moon date (i.e. 11.8) in the outer time matrix (See graphic or click here for a printable chart). Then locate this same point on the Base Matrix. Write down this number, it is the Base Matrix Unit (BMU) of the Time Matrix for today. Then find it in the HMP matrix.
Time Matrix (V.7, H.17):
BMU = 311
HMP code = +8
Here’s how we can read it:
Eighth magnitude activates 6th dimensional ESP coordinate of cosmic synchronization in the 3rd time dimension. Located in the second mental sphere (sub/unconscious) on the fifth circuit: Informative samadhi of cosmic synchronization.
Now find all the number overlays from the three matrices (Time, Space and Synchronic) to get the Time Matrix Telepathic Frequency Index (TFI).
Time = 90; Space = 149; Synchronic = 56.
TFI = 295 (59 x 5) Fifth force Sirius constant
3. Space Matrix. Locate daily kin number on the Space Matrix. Then locate this same point in the Base Matrix. Write this number down, this is the Base Matrix Unit of the Space Matrix. Then locate these coordinates in the HMP matrix. Now find all the number overlays from the three matrices (Time, Space and Synchronic) to get the Space Matrix Telepathic Frequency Index (TFI).
Space Matrix (for kin 241) (V.13, H.16):
BMU 358 (179 x 2) 52nd order of 7.
HMP code: +9 Beta-Beta
Here is how we can read it:
Ninth magnitude activates external space of cosmic cube in the 8th time dimension. Located in the seventh mental sphere (holomind perceiver) on the sixth circuit: Radiosonic radialization of consciousness (ascending). Arcturus force field
Space = 241; Time = 266; Synch = 175.
TFI = 682 (341 x 2)
4. Synchronic Matrix. Locate daily kin in the Synchronic Matrix. Then find this same point in the Base Matrix. Write this number down, this is the Base Matrix Unit of the Synchronic Matrix. Then locate this same point in the HMP matrix. Now find all the number overlays from the three matrices (Time, Space and Synchronic) to get the Synchronic Matrix Telepathic Frequency Index (TFI).
Synchronic Matrix (V.17, H.1):
BMU 25 (5²)
HMP code = +3
Here’s how we can read it:
Third magnitude activates external time of cosmic ascension in the 2nd time dimension. Located in the 4th mental sphere: Continuing consciousness — Higher mind control of cosmic ascension. Pleiades force field.
Synch = 241; Time = 39; Space =309.
TFI = 589
5. Master Coordinating TFI. Now add up the three TFI’s to create your daily master coordinating TFI. If it is more than 441 then subtract by nearest multiple of 441 until you get a number that is 441 or under.
295 (Time Matrix TFI) +
682 (Space Matrix TFI) +
589 (Synch Matrix TFI) = 1566
Master Coordinating TFI = 1566 (522 x 3)1566 - 1323 (441 x 3) = 243
BMU = 243 (code of Valum Votan)
Locate the BMU on the Base Matrix to get the coordinates, and then locate these coordinates on the holomind perceiver.
243 = V.4, H.6
HMP code = -13
We can read this like:
Thirteenth magnitude sublimates fifth force coordinating circuit of cosmic creation in the 1st time dimension in the 4th circuit. Located in the 1st mental sphere: Preconscious. Profound samadhi of cosmic creation.
At this point you will have located five places on the holomind perceiver. Meditate on all the different aspects of these five positions within your brain/mental spheres. (Also, each week/heptad, for the seven days of the week you can add the daily Master Coordinating TFIs to keep track of your weekly cumulative frequency, which can also be reduced down to a BMU and HMP location). … to be continued…
Kin 185, on behalf of Kin 11, Kin 249
TFI: 1353
BMU: 30 (V.1, H.12)
HMP: UR rune 106: Infinite Mind Wave floats in time.
Seventh Time dimension, first circuit of the GM108x force field
Kin eq. 53 (Quetzalcoatl)
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