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13 Moon Calendar

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Summary Critique of the Gregorian Calendar
by José Argüelles

Not only is the idea of the calendar as an instrument to determine a true and accurate year misleading, but solely focusing on this purpose blinds us to any consideration of time apart from duration or measurement of motion in space. The Law of Time asserts that the actual nature of time is synchronic; hence the purpose of calendars is to synchronize us in time according to various cycles whose harmonic numbers extend from and return us to a higher mental order of reality. It is a fatal error to dismiss a mathematics of harmonic perfection when it is allied with the ordering and comprehension of cycles. The pursuit of a true and accurate year totally subordinates the cyclic nature of time to the ceaseless imperfection and change that characterize the phenomenal world when it is considered as the sole factor of existence. This defines the thoroughly materialist world-view of the 12:60 consciousness.

In order to prepare the ground for a proper consideration of the Law of Time and the evolutionary necessity of the synchronic order of time as the harmonic reorganizing factor of humanity in its post-historic phase, it is necessary to expunge from the mind the error known as the Gregorian calendar. To demonstrate and expose the illogical and irrational nature of the Gregorian calendar as a standard of measure, the following seven points are presented as a simple appeal to the intrinsic logic and intelligence of any human being:

1. We require of a standard of measure that its units of measure are regular and equal with one another.
This is not the case with the Gregorian calendar, whose base unit of measure, the month, proceeds in an irregular and uneven manner:  31 days, 28 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, and 31 days. Why would anyone use a standard of measure with irregular units? Do you know what results when a crooked standard of measure is employed consistently for millennia? It might be noted that at the time of Augustus Caesar, August was called Sextile and had 30 days, while February then had 29 days. In order to honor Augustus and make him the equal of Julius (July) which had 31 days, the 29th day was taken from February and added on to Sextile, whose name was then changed to Augustus(August). By harmonic contrast, the Thirteen Moon calendar is perpetual in that all of its units of measure are equal—28 days each.

2.  The names of the months are as illogical as their uneven numbering.
January is derived from the God of the doorway; February is an obscure word referring to an animal divinatory rite; March refers to Mars, the planet and the god of war; April and May refer to goddesses of the spring; June to the wife of Jupiter; July and August, are named after the two most prominent Roman Emperors, Julius and Augustus Caesar. As for the remaining months, September, the ninth month means seven, October, the tenth month, means eight; November, the eleventh month, means nine; and December, the twelfth month, means ten. Having grown habituated to the crooked standard of measure, it is easy to overlook and dismiss as innocuous the irrational naming of the months. But is it so innocuous? What do the names of these months have to do with an order of time, or even a cosmology or culture of time, which we assume a calendar might reflect? By blindly accepting this irrational disorder of names, do we not predispose ourselves to accept irrational disorder in common place things around us, and even within the fabric of our society, thus reinforcing in us a tendency to accept a superficial treatment of the symptoms, while ignoring the roots?

3. Leap year and leap day is the most highly touted aspect of the Gregorian Calendar.
Structurally, the Gregorian calendar is indistinguishable from the Julian calendar. The only thing that separates the Gregorian from the Julian calendar is the correction of the leap year day. Pope Gregory XIII “corrected the calendar” by deleting three leap days from the years that begin the centuries, except those divisible by the number four. Leap day is the extra day that accumulates every four years due to the length of the astronomical year being 365.241299 days and not 365. It can be seen that the fraction .241299 is not quite 1/4, which would be .25. The Julian calendar did not take this into account, hence an error crept in that caused the spring equinox on the calendar to fall some ten days behind the solar moment of the spring equinox—a fact noted by the conquistadors when they encountered the Mayan calendar, which had no such discrepancy. Thus, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII “improved” on Julius Caesar’s calendar, some 1627 years later, by adopting the rule that there would be no extra day on centuries—00 years—except on those that are multiples of four. Hence, there was no leap day in the year 1900, but in the year 2000, a multiple of four, there was.

What is not well known is that the Vatican does not recognize the leap day in its ceremonial calendar. Why is that? In most countries where Latin-derived languages are spoken, leap day and leap year are referred to as bisiesto, or “bisextile” day and “bisextile” year. If leap year is every four years, why is it referred to by a word that connotes six, sextile? On the official liturgical Church calendar there is no February 29! Instead, there are two February 24s, and the second February 24 is not counted. If there were to be an extra day that was counted, then the system of fixed feast days would be thrown off. Instead, on leap years, February 24, the Day of the Feast of St. Matthew, is counted twice—or extended to be 48 hours. And since in the Church tradition derived from the Romans the days are counted from the first of the next month, the first always being known as the calends, the date February 24 is technically referred to as the “sixth of the calends of March” (February 24 = sixth calends of March, February 25 = fifth calends, February 26 = fourth calends, February 27 = third calends, February 28 = second calends, and March 1 = calends of March. For this reason, the leap year is known as bisiesto because sixth (siesto) calends of March is doubled, “bi.” Thus, February 29 is not recognized by the official Church calendar of the Vatican, and it is also not counted as a day in its liturgical calendar. February 29 only arose out of popular tradition in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The nemesis of accounting for the .241299 extra day per year reveals the fixation of astronomical time in seeking a “true” year and detracts from the possibility that the issue of an intercalary, or extra, day can logically and synchronically be handled in many other ways. In the end, it is the mystique surrounding leap day that further contributes to the numbing of the sensibility of time accumulated in the instrument known as the Gregorian calendar, “the little grid of boxes that rules so much of our lives” (San Jose Mercury News, quoted on book cover of David Ewing Duncan’s Calendar, 1998.)

4. The word we use to describe the instrument for measuring, the Earth’s orbit around the sun, calendar, is derived from the word calends.
Calends was the Latin name given by the Romans to the first day of every month. What does it mean? Calends is the name of the account book, the book of payments recording the monthly debts and bills to be paid! No wonder we are ruled by the philosophy “time is money!” This philosophy is rooted in the very word we use to describe time reckoning, calendar. A more accurate word for time reckoning might be “chronometer,” or even better, “synchronometer.” But perhaps the word “count” is simpler. We might just say, for example, Thirteen Moon/28-Day perpetual count.

5. Dominical letters code the years of the Gregorian calendar.
Scarcely known to anyone but Vatican insiders is the system of dominical letters that is used to code the years according to the day of the week on which the first Sunday of the year falls. Since the week has seven days, there are seven and only seven dominical letters. These are the letters a-g, where a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6, and g = 7. Hence, G-7 (group of seven most industrial nations), the name given in 1974 by the CIA to the ruling oligarchy of globalization, is totally rooted in the system of the seven dominical letters, a-g, to which the Gregorian calendar can be reduced. It works as follows: In 2001, the first day of the year was on a Monday, hence in this year all Mondays are coded by the letter a. Counting forward to the first Sunday, January 7, Sundays this year are coded g. The letter of the year, which is always a capital letter, is based on the lower case letter that codes the first Sunday, therefore, the year 2001 is coded as the capital letter G—it is truly a G-7 year! Not only that, but by this system of “G-7” dominical letters, it can be demonstrated that the order of the Gregorian calendar year repeats within a cyclic structure of precisely twenty-eight years, where the days of the week and the month repeat once again. Hence, the cycle 1973-2001 is a repeat of the cycle 1945-1973, which is a repeat of the cycle 1917-1945, and so forth, where the years 1917, 1945, 1973, and 2001 are calendrically indistinguishable from each other. In any twenty-eight-year cycle, there are always exactly seven leap years! Thus, the key code numbers 28 and 7 of the Law of Time and of the perfect Thirteen Moon/28-Day calendar are hidden in and even govern the cyclic order of the Gregorian calendar, whose secrets pretend to lie concealed in the Vatican archives!

Expose these secrets and show that the true harmony of time is contained in the 13:20 matrix of the Harmonic Module, which is perfectly coded by 28 and 7. Within this matrix, any set of four tones radially opposite each other, an occult quartet, always add up to 28. There are 65 (x4) such sets that constitute the Harmonic Module, while seven (multiplied by four) is the prime factor of 28, and is the key unit holding the 13:20 matrix in place, evident in the position of the seventh vertical column on either of which is a perfect harmony of six columns each. Thus seven is also the implicit number in the radial 13:20 (13 + 7 = 20: 20 – 7 =13). But whereas the 13:20 matrix is a harmony in which the Law of Time is encoded, the Gregorian calendar is a disharmony, but one that is nonetheless governed by the Law of Time. What the Vatican attempted to destroy at the hands of Bishop de Landa in 1562, in the famous book burning at Izamal Yucatán, is redeemed by the Law of Time. Free of the obscuring, illogical irrationality of the inexact measure of the Gregorian calendar, the actual truth of the synchronic order of time may be discovered and revealed as the 13:20 mathematical code of the Harmonic Module, perfectly coordinated with the Thirteen Moon/28-Day count.

6. The Gregorian calendar makes day/date calculations difficult.
The twelve uneven months of the Gregorian calendar operate by a subsystem of fifty-two 7-day weeks, plus one day. Because of the irregularity of the numbering of the months, and because there are 365 and not 364 days in a year, it is almost impossible to make easy calculations month to month and year to year, while insistence on the un-broken succession of the week only compounds this issue. For example, if today on the Gregorian calendar it is Friday, May 4, 2001. What day of the week will June 4 be? What day of the week will July 4 be? There is an immediate mental block—a numbing of the mind. You have to stop and think about it. And in this numbing pause in which your cognitive brain has to be engaged, you lose your telepathic awareness, much as when you look at a clock to find out what time it is. Why should it be this way? Who benefits? The answer is, the priests (who know the tedious rules for stating that if it is Friday and it is 2001, then it is dominical e) and the bankers (who gather interest based on the confusion over the erratic disparity of days every month). By contrast, on the perpetual Thirteen Moon calendar, this day would be Spectral Moon Gamma 3—while every third day of every Moon is coded by Gamma. In fact, the third day of every week is coded by the name Gamma. Once the 28-day count is mastered, there is no need to engage the cognitive brain to figure out what day of the week Crystal Moon 3 or Cosmic Moon 3 will be—and in this way the mind is liberated into a telepathic knowing.

The system of the seven-day week was introduced into the Julian calendar at the Council of Nicea, A.D. 325, and was adopted from the Jewish calendar which was derived from the Babylonians, for whom it was an astrological-astronomical construct. The fact that the week came from the Babylonians dissolves the argument used by the Vatican to counter the Day Out of Time. According to the Vatican, disrupting the succession of the seven-day week, would disrupt an order set in motion by God. The matter of the 7 and the 52 has a much deeper significance when understood in the higher-dimensional light of the Law of Time. A count of fifty-two 7-day weeks makes perfect sense if you have a count of thirteen 28-day months (7 x 52 = 13 x 28). The observance of the Day Out of Time, the 365th day of the year, produces a perfect and perpetual harmony. Knowing this, to continue to insist on fifty-two weeks while being unwilling to give up a twelve month count that does not have a Day Out of Time is to persist in an adherence to hopeless disharmony. Why do it?

7. What’s in a name? Think about it.
What does it mean to follow calendars called the Julian and the Gregorian? A calendar is an instrument of control. The two most significant calendar reforms in history were the Julian calendar reform of 46-45 B.C., and its successor, the Gregorian, in A.D. 1582. Julius Caesar’s motives had everything to do with his personal ambition and the conversion of Rome from a republican to an imperial form of government. Julius Caesar’s calendar assured it to be the basis of imperial dominance. The course of the empire utilizing the Julian and later Gregorian calendar has prevailed as the dominant force now inseparable from the course of history itself. The 445-day “year of confusion” (46 B.C.), which attended Julius Caesar’s reform, was matched by the second significant reform, the Gregorian, in which ten days were “lost forever,” between October 5-16, 1582, so that the calendar could “catch up” with the sun.

While European Catholic countries easily accepted the reform, Protestant countries grudgingly acquiesced. Throughout the Americas, however, the Julian-Gregorian calendar was imposed as an instrument of power and symbol of dominance over the peoples the Europeans had conquered, including the high civilizations of the Maya, Inca, and Aztecs—all of whom happened to use, among other calendars, a Thirteen Moon/28-Day count. As with Julius Caesar, for Pope Gregory XIII the moment was politically ripe for a reform that would communicate itself as a means of expressing and extending power and control, but this time over the entire globe. As European dominance and control spread around the planet, even nations with their own established timing systems accepted, for the sake of “international policy,” the Gregorian (Julian) calendar system for measuring the solar year. And so Western dominance over every aspect of global life became absolutely assured—until the moment of the Inevitable Event.

From its roots in the imperial ego of Julius Caesar to the timely “reform” of Pope Gregory XIII, it is not surprising that this calendar, “despite its odd quirks and the twists of history that produced it,” (Duncan, Calendar, p. 289) has become the standard of global civilization. Given the irregularity of the Julian-Gregorian calendar and the pursuit of the accuracy of astronomical time, history could be nothing more than a compilation of odd quirks and twists, while global civilization itself is the triumph of artificial time over the natural world. Only a species whose time sensibility had been captured by instruments of artificial measure could have become so alienated as to have produced the monstrous conundrum known as the “fast world,” a civilization where money and technological advance prevail over human sensibility and the natural order. It is toward the correction of this destructive momentum that all efforts of calendar reform must now be directed.

In light of this critique, it is worth reprinting the opening section of the “United Manifesto by Advocates of Calendar Reform” that was first published in 1914 at the beginning of the First World War—some ninety years in advance of the Great Calendar Change of 2004. It can be seen that the issues of irregularity that prompted reform then are still issues today. However, the effects of not attending to these issues have only become compounded and even more complex, resulting in the chaos of a world at war with terror. Such is the nature of an error gone uncorrected over time—it only becomes more entrenched and turns into the dogmatic and hopelessly conflicted thinking of the everyday mind and its way of life.

United Manifesto by Advocates of Calendar Reform
WHEREAS we, the undersigned, have for some time been interested in a Reform and Simplification of the Calendar now in use in Western Europe, America, and elsewhere, with a view to equalizing the four quarters of the year, alleviating the irregularities of the months, and establishing a perpetual correspondence between the day of the week and the day of the month, and have supported one or other of several proposals which have been formulated for effecting these reforms; and WHEREAS said proposals usually provide for placing the 365th day of every year and the 366th day of Leap Year without the weekly and monthly enumeration; and WHEREAS we have found that in certain quarters—both ecclesiastical and scientific—objections, possibly often sentimental, but none the less firmly held, have been stated to the employment and adoption of these expedients … Therefore we have resolved to unite in urging and advising that the very simple changes under noted should now be made in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars by international agreement … (Philip, Reform of the Calendar, 101-2.)

If you have a crooked standard of measure, and follow it because your parents were also following it, you have become a crooked man. It takes a crooked man to walk a crooked mile and build a crooked house. The issue of calendar reform is both logical and moral. Bad logic leads to bad morality. An error in time dooms the mind. Apocalypses are the reward for bad timekeeping. To remove yourself from the fires of your own self-created apocalypse, change your calendar. In a world of harmony there is no apocalypse.

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