Following are 441 code keys compiled by kin from around the world, based on their studies of the 441 Synchronotron Cube Matrix and Hunab Ku 21. If you are new to the Synchronotron please first begin at the Introduction and Intergalactic Bulletins.
A 441 Matrix combining all of the other matrices, where each coordinate contains: (1) Time Matrix value; (2) Space Matrix value; (3) Synchronic Matrix value; (4) TFI for Time+Space+Synchronic Matrices; (5) Base Matrix Unit and (6) Diatonic scale octave value (1-8 = DO – DO'). Incredibly useful for double-checking your daily 441 Synchronotron practice.
Click here to download the Multiple Matrix code key.
This is a graphic showing the Hunab Ku 21 structure with its 21 archetypes and 52 heptad paths. Heptad path values are given for each of 52 paths. For example, Heptad Path 1 connecting Primal Force (108) and Serpent Initiate (288) has a heptad path value of 396 (= 108+288), etc. Very helpful for finding the daily heptad path value in the Hunab Ku 21 practice.
Click here to download the 52 Heptad Path Frequencies code key. (en Español)
Similar to the above diagram, but laid out in a spreadsheet form and including more information for further study. Such as the combined value the 4 heptad paths present in each of the 13 Moons, Kin equivalent. etc. Click here to download the 52 Heptad Path frequencies Spreadsheet. (en Español)
Wavespell reference showing Hunab Ku 21 Time Lens data for the four pulsars, and tonal values for all thirteen tones, plus their BMUs and combined pulsar frequencies. For further information see "Archetypes, Time Lenses and Telektonon Units"
Click here to download the Time Lens Wavespell Diagram. (en Español)
For further Synchronotron study. This Table shows (for all 260 kin) the Oracle TFI, the BMU and resulting Kin Equivalent. The Oracle TFI is the sum of the five kin within the fifth force oracle.
For example: Kin 1, Red Magnetic Dragon
Destiny Kin/Red Magnetic Dragon (1) +
Analog/White Magnetic Mirror (118) +
Guide/Red Magnetic Dragon (1) +
Antipode/Blue Magnetic Monkey (131) +
Occult/Yellow Cosmic Sun (260) = 511.
511 reduced by 441 yields BMU 70 (511 - 441 = 70).
511 reduced by 260 yields Kin Equivalent 251 (511-260 = Kin 251, Blue Self-Existing Monkey)
Click here to download the Fifth Force Oracle TFI Table. (en Español)
Hunab Ku 21 & Tzolkin study and application. Two Tzolkins: The first Tzolkin shows the Oracle BMU-TFI for all 260 Kin. (Simply add the Heptad Gate number and you'll have the daily Hunab Ku 21 BMU-TFI value!). The second Tzolkin shows all 260 Kin, but with the Oracle BMU-TFI reduced to a BMU.
For example: Kin 1, Red Magnetic Dragon
Destiny Kin/Dragon (108) + Analog/Mirror (402) + Guide/Dragon (108) + Antipode/Monkey (312) + Occult/Sun (414) = 1344.
Reduce by the nearest multiple of 441: 1344 - 1323 = BMU 21
Click here to download the Oracle BMU-TFI Tzolkins. (en Español)