"19 Points on Sirius"
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The following excerpt from The Knowledge Book was read by José Argüelles/Valum Votan to the students of the first 441 Synchronotron Seminar, Cisternino, Italy 2009
- Sirius is a double universe star, it's emblem is the Double Eagle.
- The Sirius focal point in the Second Universe is also called the Great White Bright. It projects its energy to the big Sirius, that is the Great Bright, in the first universe.
- The big Sirius in the first universe is at least nine times more powerful in energy than your Sun. It is also called the Great Bright.
- Sirius in the first universe collects and projects the entire power of the Sirius focal point in the second universe.
- The small Sirius is also called the second Sirius. Its rotation period around the big Sirius if 52 years. Note: A question was asked. In the world calculations the rotation period of small Sirius was calculated as 50 years. What is the reality, 52 or 50? Answer: In world calculations the period deviations of the zodiac units in the 50 years rotation has not been calculated.
- The mission of the small Sirius is to distribute fractionally the energy of the big Sirius to the nine constellations.
- Each constellation is 7 in number. If we calculate the great stars of each constellation together with the big Sirius, that is the Great Bright, and with the second Sirius, that is the small Sirius, they make nine.
- The third Sirius or the Illona constellations is responsible for the Milky Way galaxy. It is the first nine which project the Divine Order.
- Illona constellations, that is the third Sirius, is the closest one to the second universe to the dimension of the first Sirius. Since it receives the frequency closest to the channel of the Lord your planet is dependent on a special system.
- The total of the Illona constellations is also called the third Sirius. You cannot observe these stars from your planet due to their being lined up one behind the other. Their periods are in the same plane. The other constellations are the same too. Only a satellite sent from your planet can spot them from their rear plan.
- The big Sirius, the small Sirius, the third Sirius are a triangular focal point projecting the divine order of the Second Universe.
- Information in the focal points of the Illona constellation is projected on you from the four channels of the supreme assembly.
- Each constellation has an Establishing Order, an Administrative Mechanism, a Supreme Assembly and a Central System.
- The nine constellations mentioned above are under the direction of the Single Order Establisher.
- The evolutionary order each constellation gives to the dimensions to which it belongs is different, but the focal point is the same.
- The evolutionary energy belonging to your planet is given by the first nine constellations to which you belong.
- The direct triple focal point of your system is the Malik code.
- The whole of the focal point which we made you draw as a diagram comprises the order of the entire universe.
- All this operational ordinance is connected to the center above the center, however the most powerful focal point is the Illona focal point because it is the only focal point nearest to the godly dimension and which projects its ordinance on the other systems and it is the nearest energy source to you. For this reason the Divine Order is projected on your planet in the most correct and direct manner.
It is presented for your information,