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Featured Time is Art Artist - Issue #49

Stephanie Stockton:
"We Can Create: Einstein's Theory of Relativity Flipped"

Stephanie Stockton

1. What is your artform and/or vision?

My artform is a mixture of type and watercolor created in Adobe Illustrator. Einstein said time (and space) are relative concepts. His E=mc2 equation is famous; perhaps we can playfully use it to inspire ourselves to think differently about positive and negative personal energy we create every moment. We generate it with our thoughts and our behavior toward ourselves and one another. The "formulas" for positive and negative energy are defined. The upside down "2" stands for a new unconditional love that will be defined by individuals from around the world attending an international symposium where its definition would be agreed upon. This new global unconditional love definition would transcend political, linguistic, economic, demographic and cultural boundaries and definitions. I see teenagers around the world wearing baseball caps and t-shirts displaying the upside down 2 symbol.

2. What other artists inspire you?

I am inspired by Jack Vettriano, the Scottish painter. He did not attend art school. Emotional hardships fuel his creativity. Some in the art establishment criticize his work for its simple style and subject matter, calling it sophomoric; many in the general public find great pleasure in it.

3. What does the phrase "Time is Art" mean to you?

The phrase "Time is Art" to me means that time, like art, is created. We create it. We can feel as though we have too much of it, too little of it, that it moves fast or that it moves slowly. It is fluid, dynamic. Like art, it is created, by us.

Time is Art! Share Your Vision!Find Stephanie Stockton on the web:

Time is Art