One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Featured Time is Art Artist - Issue #64

David Michael StarBear

Photo Collage of artist David Michael StarBear
White Galactic Wind / Brother in The Yepomera Mexico "Crest" Project
Painting Submission "Meta Ascension" Oil and Acrylic
Musician / Artist

What is your artform and/or vision?

In this incarnate dimension, I work within the realms of sonic and physical creations. Music, Painting and living Metal Sculpture. In my vision of the higher realms, i see the unfolding of the mastery of this lifetime and all of its nuances as the truest. mot creator based expression of art. The blessing of walking and observing this planet, in this delicate yet infinite human form is truly my greatest reflective inspiration.

Who are your main artistic inspirations/influences?

In this lifetime, there are numerous places and beings i have observed have influenced my artistic expression. Where I feel the place of origin is my father, whom is wonderful artist and his place of work for over 30 years, Walt Disney. I grew up as a young child in the 60's and 70's going to work with my father and sitting and watching some of the most inspired artists given full creative liberty to sit in large rooms and just create. I honor all of life as inspiration that moves me, and bless my father for planting and nurturing the seeds to explore this artistry.

What does the phrase "Time is Art" mean to you?

As the dream spell work, the journey of our ancestors and our beloved brother Jose continues to open and unfold to me, Time is Art propels its meaning and significance deeper into my heart. For me it speaks to the possibilities of Gratitude based reciprocity. It opens the infinite potential of shifting our views of the congested paradigm of monetary currency and the programmed drive to accumulate to one of expressing our adoration towards others life art, whatever form that may take thru the energetic currency of love and adoration. Time is art offers the freedom of removing the shackles of lack mentality, and stepping towards infinite abundance consciousness. Gate Gate !


Time is Art! Share Your Vision!

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Time is Art