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Thirteen Baktun Wave Harmonic of History

13 Baktun map

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Entry into the new timespace has everything to do with a galactic beam—a higher frequency time wave that is emanated from the galactic core. All of history is condensed within a galactic beam that we are now passing out of. This particular type is a 5,125-year beam; its purpose is to accelerate human activity around the planet. This acceleration is called recorded history. This 5,125-year beam is nested within a 26,000 year beam, which is nested in a 104,000-year beam. These all climax in the Harmonic Convergence of 2012.

The galactic beam information forms the basic premise of The Mayan Factor, particularly the 5,125-year/13 baktun cycle or the wave harmonic of history. According to The Mayan Factor, the (long count) measure of 1,872,000 days, 13 baktuns, 260 katuns, 5,125 years 5200 tuns, is actually the measure of a particular synchronization beam. This Great Cycle is the measurement of this planetary passage through a time beam that is 5,125 years wide from August 13, 3113 BC to December 21, 2012.

The Thirteen Baktuns

1. Baktun 0 (=13). Baktun of the Star Planting. 3113-2718 B.C.
Entry of Earth into Galactic Synchronization Beam. Planting of “star-transmissions” of the galactic league among peoples across the planet. Consolidation of upper and lower Egypt, 3100 B.C. Expansion of Sumeria, 3000 B.C., Construction of Stonehenge begun, 2800 B.C.

2. Baktun 1. Baktun of the Pyramid. 2718-2324 B.C.
Contstruction/activation of Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, 2700-2600 B.C., marks anchoring of planet light body. Spread of Sumerian civilization, Akkad and Ur, and development of bronze. Beginning of Harappa, Indus civilization. Beginning of settled agricultural life, China, Mesoamerica, Andes.

3. Baktun 2. Baktun of the Wheel. 2324-1930 B.C.
Full establishment of wheel, initiation of transport technology and cyclical thought, written codes of law, and metallurgical technology in Mesopotamia. Sargon and first Babylonian empire. Beginnings of chariot warfare, territorial imperialism. Era of legendary emperors, China. Establishment of Minoan civilization, Crete.

4. Baktun 3. Baktun of the Sacred Mountain. 1930-1536 B.C.
Middle and New Kingdom in Egypt; relocation of center to Sacred Mountain of the West, Valley of the Kings, marks decision of Egyptians to perpetuate dynastic rule, consolidates pattern of defensive territorialism as norm for civilized life. Waves of invaders—Hittites, Aryans; destruction of Minoan, Indus civilizations.

5. Baktun 4. Baktun of the House of Shang. 1536-1141 B.C.
Establishment of Shang Dynasty, China, enunciation of yin/yang doctrine, advanced bronze metallurgy and pattern of Chinese civilization. Beginnings of Vedic civilization, India. Emergence of Chavin civilization, Andes, and Olmecs, Mesoamerica, Akhenaton, Egypt; Abraham and Moses, Israel; Hittite consolidation, Mesopotamia.

6. Baktun 5. Baktun of the Imperial Seal. 1141-747 B.C.
Babylonian-Assyrian empires. Iron weaponry and war machines. Rise of Mycenean Greeks in Mediterranean, sack of Troy, Chou Dynasty, China, emergence of I Ching. Spread of Olmec culture throughout Mesoamerica. Horse used for warfare, pattern of militaristic imperial rule and dynastic succession established as norm for civilized life on planet.

7. Baktun 6. Baktun of the Mind Teachings. 747-353 B.C.
Period of first wave of galactic Mayans in Mesoamerica. Persian Empire. Rise of philosophical individualistic thought supplanting earlier collective forms. Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle in Greece; six schools of Vedic thought, Mahavira and Buddha, India; Lao Tzo, Confucious, Chuang Tzu in China. Construction of Monte Alban, Mexico, beginnings of Mayan calendar systems.

8. Baktun 7. Baktun of the Anointed One. 353 B.C.-A.D. 41.
Hellenestic civilization, Alexander the Great; Rise of Rome, beginning of Roman Empire; Celts in Europe, advanced iron technology; Warring States’ consolidation of China by Ch’in Huang Ti, beginnings of Han Dynasty, Great Wall of China; spread of Buddhism as cosmolopolitan religion from India to Central Asia. Jesus Christ, gnostic religions of Middle East; diffusion of Olmecs and beginning of Teotihuacan.

9. Baktun 8. Baktun of the Lords of Red and Black. A.D. 41-435.
Completion of Pyramid Center of Teotihuacan, consolidation of Mesoamerica cultural regime, Lords of Red and Black, first teachings of Quetzalcoatl; Moche, Nazca, and Tiahuanaco in Andes; Easter Island; emergence of West African kingdoms; expansion and collapse of Roman Empire, rise of Christianity; collapse of Han Dynasty, spread of Buddhism in China, Southeast Asia.

10. Baktun 9. Baktun of the Maya. A.D. 435-830.
Second Galactic Mayan visitation, Pacal Votan of Palenque and flourishing of Mayan cultural regime; Muhammed and the rise of Islam; Roman Christian Western Europe and Byzantine Orthodox Christian Eastern Europe; rise of Hinduism, India; spread of Buddhism to Tibet, Korea, Japan; T’ang Dynasty, China; rise of kingdoms in Southeast Asia, Indonesia (Borobadur, Java); ascendency of Tiahuanaco, Andes; Polynesian civilization, Oceania, early flourishing of Nigerian civilization.

11. Baktun 10. Baktun of the Holy Wars. A.D. 830-1224.
Collapse of Classic Maya and Central Mexican civilization, 1 Reed Quetzalcoatl and rise of Toltecs; Chan Chan and Chimu civilization Andes; rise of I’fe in Nigeria; flourishing and spread of Islam and confrontation with Christian civilization—the Crusades; rise of Tibetan civilization; Sung Dynasty, China, printing press, gunpowder, Khmer Dynasty, Southeast Asia. Great Zimbabwe, East Africa.

12. Baktun 11. Baktun of the Hidden Seed. A.D. 1224-1618.
Expansion of Islam to India, Central and Southeast Asia, West Africa; seclusion of Tibet; rise of Turks, Mongols, conquest of China; seclusion of Japan; rise of Zimbabwe, East Africa, I’fe and Benin, West Africa; peak of Christian civilization, West Europe, and rise of Orthodox Russian civilization, East Europe; Reformation and split of Christian Church; spread and triumph of European civilization in conquest of Inca and Aztec empires; beginning of European colonization, decline of sacred world view (hidden seed).

13. Baktun 12. Baktun of the Transformation of Matter. A.D. 1618-2012.
Rise and triumph of scientific materialism, European world conquest, Industrial Revolution, Democratic revolutions of America, Europe; colonialism of Africa, Latin America, Asia; industrialization of Japan; Karl Marx and rise of commonism; communist revolutions of Russa, China; World Wars I and II; atomic bomb and nuclear era; rise of Third World powers, Islam, Mexico, and India; global terrorism and collapse of technological civilization; Earth purification and final era of global regeneration; information age and crystal solar technology; galactic synchronization.

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