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Message From the Amazonian Chiefs: Who is Caring for the Earth?
Renewing the Mission of the Foundation for the Law of Time
And the CREST13 Project

The Money of the most industrialized countries is worthless when the Earth begins to shake. The world leaders are turned into children when faced with the powers of nature, and technology becomes no more than a piece of straw which can’t even be used to build bridges over great rivers.

Confronted with the fury of nature, nothing and no one can save themselves nor be saved. In order to calm everything down and bring balance to the global nature of the Earth, there is only one path; Stop cutting down trees, don’t take any more oil or minerals from the earth, and stop consuming with excess.

Let us not forget, change does not come from governments, but from each human being. Each human being is responsible for everything that might occur on Earth.
—“Message from the Forest” statement of the Amazonian Chiefs of the Shuar nation, Ecuador

These words from Indigenous elders of the Rain Forest speak to the renewed mission of the Foundation for the Law of Time. To implement the return to natural time is to restore harmony to the Earth.

We must call for a stop to the destruction now. We must envision a constructive alternative to the wholesale devastation of the biosphere that our species alone is causing – before Earth’s feedback loop destroys us. The Foundation agrees: The governments cannot help us. It is we ourselves who must take responsibility for the Earth. The calendar change is the first step to totally reorient our thinking from unconscious chaos to conscious harmony.

The Foundation for the Law of Time views the disasters and conflicts of the world as a sign of an unprecedented shift in our evolutionary nature – the biosphere-noosphere transition. To comprehend this evolutionary opportunity we must begin to prepare for it now. We must leave the old time. We must motivate ourselves to a higher level of responsibility and assume a more compassionate, expanded state of consciousness. This is the way we can help the Earth.

This is the vision of the CREST13 Project that includes the establishment of 13 Centers for the Restitution of the Natural Mind around the world to restore ourselves to our natural mind while engaging in telepathic experiments to anticipate our next evolutionary stage of development. www.crest13.org