One mystic altar
Within the mystic stone
Six seers listen
While the seventh utters
The name far distant star born
Bound by no god but the ONE
Whose name is beyond knowing …
With now only a little more than two (260-day) spins left until 12-21-2012, we are entering with the passage of each day, ever more fully into the fully post-historic, noospheric stage of the evolution of cosmic intelligence. This Red Overtone Moon year concludes the Seven Years of the Mystery of the Stone - Restoration of cosmic memory to the noosphere.
We are now about to enter the gateway of the White Rhythmic Wizard Year, 26-7-2011, the third year of the fourth and last Seed-Storm Bundle of the Sixteen Year Cube of the Law, the Self-Existing Flowering of the Resonant Storm.
This entry point marks 514 days to our target date and yet another quantum shift in our practices as synchronic code time travelers – chrononauts – as it signifies the third year of the Mystic Altar of the Mystic Stone! This is readily seen on the map of the cube of law where we are in the centermost portion, the perfect square perfectly enclosed by the other twelve units of the Cube of the Law. We are now in the third stage of the realm of the TEL-EK-TON-ON of wisdom.
The mystic Stone represents Cube positions 13-14-15-16 (sum =58) and days 19-20-21-22 (sum = 82) of the 28-day cycle. The two sums (58) and (82) = 140, number of the Telektonon, perfect ratio 5:7 – 5 x28 = 7 x 20, number of inscriptions in the middle chamber of the Temple of the Inscriptions where the speaking tube of prophecy has its outlet, and where the secret stairwell opens leading down to my tomb, where lies the mystic stone. For what else could the mystic stone be if not the great carved stone of prophecy laid across the sarcophagus of the great enigma of Time, Pacal Votan?
The Rhythmic Wizard in the Eagle power of Vision cube position opens the meaning of the mystic stone with the wisdom of “TON”, power of sound to become vision. This is the first Alpha stage of UR, when our magical powers and abilities begin to return! New Jerusalem arises as telepathic internalizing intelligence resonates as divine vision. This is what the power of the distant seers foresaw.
And now, deep within the inter-dimensional portal, of which my tomb is but a metaphor, we are fulfilling that stage of the distant seer’s vision that completes the 13 baktun cycle. The 8th Lha, Awesome Blowing Six Turquoise Winds, is the visionary voice of the distant seers who proclaims: “May the noosphere release the Bridge of Time that the Cosmic Race of Oma may return at last!”
Without clear mind – unborn awareness – the distant seers cannot contact you nor can you discriminate their messages from the rest of your mental chatter! For once we have grasped the message of TON we must then be ready for ON, the indestructible power of the 144,000 within the Cube: New Heaven, New Earth, Divine Self-Perfection. At this stage the cycle closes as the Rainbow of Universal Wisdom.
The last Seed-Storm year bundle, 4 Seed, 5 Moon, 6 Wizard and 7 Storm (Kin 4 +109 + 214 + 59 = 386 = Kin 126 Solar Worldbridger – takes us beyond fear and death to the storehouse of solar consciousness. The number 126 (7 x 18) represents a special frequency – that of the Interval ratio of 7 of the lost time in Eternity, root of the entire cosmology of 7 upon which the Law of Time is based.
When you first hear this, ratio interval frequency of 7, you wonder, what could that mean?
The clue is in the 13 and 7 – as it says in the Chilam Balam, the 7 primal generations are followed by endless cycles of 13. Or in the Zen Koan, “Why is the moon always new (or how old is the moon?) The answer is 13 and 7.” Now with the consideration of the frequency 126, is the solution to question what does it mean ratio interval frequency of 7?
Divide a circle into 20 parts each of 18 degrees, Mark off seven parts – the ratio interval of the lost time – and that leaves the thirteen parts of the circle. This is the root of the Law of Time, the 13:20 frequency with the implicit interval of 7 between the 13 and the 20.This is also why there are seven blank spaces on the galactic compass – those spaces represent the interval ratio of 7, making the 13 possible and establishing thereby the 20 18-degree units of the 360-degree circle (= 1 tun) = 13:7 = 13:20 ratio. Show wheel of law of time graphic
The seven parts of that circle then = 126 degrees (7 x 18), same frequency as kin 126, White Solar Worldbridger, the sum of the kin numbers of the four years constituting the Mystic Altar of the Mystic Stone. This indicates that during these four years the advanced consciousness of the noosphere will triumph as the redemption of the lost time in Eternity – victory of the power of 7 and the 13:20 Law of Time. Incidentally if 126 degrees represents the interval ratio of lost time, then the power of the 13 is represented by 234 degrees (13 x 18, or the kin equivalent of White Cosmic Wizard).
So we have the formula 13:20 = 360 degrees equals one tun of 360 kin, where
13 = 234 degrees, 7 = 126 degrees and 20 = 360 degrees, this is the frequency ratio established in the rupture of eternity, which scientists came to call the Big Bang. This frequency ratio has remained constant as the universal factor of synchronization, commemorated in the 260 kin harmonic module. The two key frequencies of the Law of Time even show up in the two numbers that occur in the scientists’ now commonly accepted estimation of the age of the universe: 13.7 billion years. Everything really is by the power of 7 – the underlying measure of the 13 Moon/28-day calendar. This is confirmed in the Qur’an, where 7 is the most frequently mentioned number occurring exactly 28 times! – the triangular of 7 (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) = 28.
This final Seed- Storm year bundle is unlike any other in all of history – its meaning goes back to the roots of the cosmic origins of our present universe. We must energetically now leave the old behind us. Its habits, ways of life, intoxicating illusions and seductions, are like a pile of dead leaves, which at the right moment will be caught up by a cyclone to be swirled and dispersed forever. Don’t be swept along with the old when this wind arises! Purify now!
In the formula of the Riddle of the Stone, the spiritual cosmic evolutionary key to the four years of the mystic altar lies in the formula of the magical word:
TEL – 4 Seed year, 2009-2010: Power of the Distant Seers – Skywalker Cube 13
EK – 5 Moon year 2010-2011: Power of the Star born to Remember – Wizard Cube 14
Seven Years Mystery of the Stone complete – Restoration of cosmic memory to the noosphere
TON – 6 Wizard year, 2011-2012: Power of sound to become vision – Eagle Cube 15 – First Alpha stage of UR, magical powers and abilities begin to return
ON – 7 Storm year, 2012-2013: 144,000 cubed within – Warrior Cube 16 – Second Omega stage of UR – Entrainment of the new cosmology of the Cube, redemption of the ratio interval of 7 as the dawning of the 7th Day of Creation, triumph of the noosphere.
It is important to understand that the word TEL-EK-TON-ON is a magical mantric formula. This mantric formula vibrates through the four years of the Mystic Altar as the intonation of the Hunab Ku, the final hyper-sound generated by the 5125-year synchronization beam. It is this sound that provides the resonant quickening for the quantum shift of the Harmonic Convergence of 2012.
The Riddle of the Stone continues after the intonation of the word
TEL EK TON ON with the following invocation essential to understand the wholly spiritual nature of the final four-year cycle of the sixteen year Cube of the Law.
Six seers listen
While the seventh utters
The name far distant star born
Bound by no god but the ONE
Whose name is beyond knowing
The name far distant star born is of course TEL EK TON ON. Who is listening to this intonation are the six seers – the three special messengers of the Awakening, Buddha, Christ, and Muhammad, and the three special voices, Padmasambhava, St. John of Patmos and Quetzalcoatl. The seventh that intones the distant star born name is Pacal Votan.
In the unique occasion of his cosmic mission to bring the prophecy of 2012 and the Law of Time to our world, the seventh seer is bound by no god but the ONE. The name of this God, is ultimately beyond knowing, for though we may call Him Allah or Hunab Ku, ultimately no Earthly name can bind or define the ONE, who is without equal, who commands all of universal existence, and to whom, by virtue of his all-governing cosmic laws of creation, everyone and everything bows in submission to the ONE.
On 22nd of December, we enter the seven mystic moons, a perfect 216-day cube cycle – the seven cycles of the Lord of Dawn opens up the return of Quetzalcoatl. This cycle goes in six cycles of 36 days and represents the cubing as put forth in the 20 tablets of the Law of Time with the 16th tablet. This represents the cubing of the 144,000 within the cube and culminates 26 July, 2013: Yellow Galactic Seed – Galactic Synchronization!
For more on these cycles and the seven baktuns following the end of the 13 baktun cycle of history, see the forthcoming Cosmic History Chronicle, Volume 7: Book of the Cube.
Please note. There is life after 2012. Pacal Votan shall return on, 5 Star, AD 4772, Tablet of the Inscriptions, Palenque. (See David Douglas, “José Argüelles,” The Mayan Prophecy 2012. Octopus Books, London, 2009, p. 133).