Intro material:
[1:14] Description of world travels, reaction to seeing them. I thought very deeply about these things.
[4:14] Why can’t we just get rid of that poverty? This has been going on too long. Too much injustice (etc). The only way to end the oppression is by a complete change in the world order. The world order as it will resist the truth.
[6:30] ...deep voice from more public presentations or appearance until after December 21, 2012.
The teaching:
[7:05] The world will change because the noosphere is inevitable. I saw that my responsibility was to continue to go within to cultivate higher states of mind, states of mind that will approximate the noosphere, that would activate my capacity for telepathy. (expounds on this)
When we talk about the noosphere
we are talking about a future condition
of the evolution of planet Earth
and the evolution of the human species,
the evolved organic intelligent matter of Planet Earth.
[8:47] We are in a time referred to as the biosphere-noosphere transition. (cites Vernadsky and de Chardin) The noosphere is the new term for the impact of human thought on the biosphere. We are creating a type of crisis, the bio-geo-chemical combustion. The world we live in today is in the midst of this bio-geo-chemical combustion.
[10:58] The bio-geo-chemical combustion is the quickening of the effect of human thought on the biosphere. Creating a major unprecedented crisis. This crisis is a necessary moment to precede coming into a new condition of being—a new state of being.
[11:00] water to steam metaphor.
[11:20] We are going from one state into a new state. The new state is the biosphere.
[11:30] The noosphere is to the biosphere as steam is to water. Two different states or conditions.
[11:45] Why the World Forum on Spiritual Culture is important.
[12:15] We need to see the world as one whole entity, one whole being. We need to have a noospheric lens to look at what is happening today. This world is a unity. It is an indivisible unity. It is a complex whole system. This system is indivisible. It consists of layers: a lithosphere, a hydrosphere, an atmosphere, a biosphere and a final layer, the noosphere. From the most dense to the least dense—the etheric sphere of the noosphere.
[13:17] We are now at the point where we can say, “The noosphere is immanent.” December 21, 2012 is the moment of transition—the moment when water boils and becomes steam—when we enter a new condition, a new state.
[13: 58] In this new state what is important are mental-spiritual values. (Mentions World Forum on Spiritual Culture.) The noosphere is a radical departure from the previous age. We are going from an age of materialism to an age of spirituality.
[14:30] We are operating by a higher dialectic, the dialectic of self-transcendence.
When an organism enters into a critical state
of irreducible complexity and crisis,
then the only way it can evolve
is through a transcendent leap into
a new state of synthesis and simplicity.
This is the noosphere.
[15:35] Some of us must anticipate what is the new consciousness of the noosphere.
[15:50] We can speak of it in two ways. One of these is social organization. We will see a radical reorganization of human society based on the reality of the human being as a single planetary organism.
[16:15] This will be a boundary-less society. This will be new order in which the problems (lists) will be eliminated. They will be seen as intolerable. We will have an instinctively compassionate reflex which rejects these kinds of possibilities for the human condition—the possibility of the suffering of our brothers and sisters for whatever reason. So there will be a new social organization.
[16: 55] continues introducing Vernadsky’s idea of the planet of reason... the only way for us to evolve is to go to the higher logic. If we actually operate at this level of higher logic we will be happier, we will solve our problems more quickly, we will organize our society so that it conforms to what you might call the dictates of higher reason. This is the mental aspect of the noosphere. There is also a spiritual aspect of the noosphere. The mental aspect of the noosphere shades into the spiritual.
[18:36] Our logic is based on our scientific comprehension of the nature of the biosphere and how it operates.
[18:46] Right now we are in total disregard (of the logic of the biosphere). We continue to burn the forests, plunder the oil, and so forth.
[19:05] When we arrive at a position of a higher logic, the logic of the Earth, the logic of the biosphere, when we see that the Earth is a unity, it demands that we develop a logic of unity to reorganize ourselves and our society as a planetary whole. Then we also develop the spiritual insight.
[19:30] The spiritual insight is the perception of the truth that we are being guided by a higher spiritual force, that there is a supreme creator behind the whole universal process, that evolution has a purpose which goes from lower states to higher states, that, in the grandest most simple terms, that the evolution has gone from inorganic to organic matter--which we call life--to the evolution of mind and from mind to the evolution of supermind.
[20:20] Introduces Sri Auribindo (1874-1949) and the Supermind.
[20:57] The supermind manifests on the Earth as the noosphere.
[21:00] Introduces de Chardin and “planets with noosphere.” Throughout the universe, throughout the cosmic whole there are planets where evolution has gone from inorganic to organic, to the mentalization of matter to the spiritualization of matter. That planet is a planet with noosphere. Our planet is on the verge of becoming one of those planets scattered throughout the universe that is a planet with noosphere.
[22:40] The spiritual condition of the higher cosmic mind is one in which there has been a complete development of the psychic faculties, of what we call the paranormal faculties. Where perhaps some of our great mystics in the past were able to have communion with God, communion with the divine nature, realization of the Godhead.
[22:51] These beings, these mystics, these saints, sometimes referred to as “these God-mad people,” they were able to break through the boundaries of the ego, the boundaries of the individual self, and attain to that higher condition.
We are talking about the potentiality of
every last human being, every last Earth citizen,
attaining that particular state
where we have that communion with the divine nature.
This is the higher spiritual level of the noosphere.
[25:15] It is important that we have a comprehensive view of who we are, what we are doing on Earth at this moment.
Graphic of the Noosphere:
[24:10] Shows the graphic of the Place of the Noosphere in Evolution
[25:31] The process of the development of the human psyche and all of its powers...a sophisticated nervous system which can capacitate and receive and transmit all sorts of levels of different information that exist throughout the universe in different mental layers...our brain is the capacitor to receive these layers and then we reformulate that and create the different responses that we create.
[26:25] Then we have the evolvement of the human being.
[26:50] The human species begins to go out all over the planet...we are one of the only species who can adapt to any temperature, any climate situation on the planet. The human being was meant to be a planetary organism.
[27:17] Up to this point we have not attained full consciousness of this fact. We have not attained the consciousness of what it means to be a single planetary organism —a single freely thinking planetary organism—whose responsibility is to maintain and channel the higher consciousness of the planet.
[27:58] Holocene Era. 26,000 years ago we have the emergence of homo sapiens, of which type we are. As Teilhard de Chardin says, the homo sapiens group brought not only fire but art. These are the two characteristics—that man knows how to tame the fire and the human being also knows how to create art, elaborate, diverse forms of art. With the emergence of homo sapiens there is living intellectual matter on Earth.
[29:07] 3113 B.C. beginning of Mayan Calendar commemorates the point in time of the emergence of the organized expanding socialization—into cities, into what we call civilization. Very rapid. Sumeria, Egypt, China, India.
This begins the cycle of 13 baktuns. One baktun is 144,000 days. 13 baktuns = 1,872,000 days, 5,125 solar years. 3113-2012. From the first baktun to the 12th baktun we have the spreading of civilization throughout the world. (lists) That happened in the 12 baktuns from 3113 – 1618 AD. At that point another quickening: the European conquest of the world occurred. Set the stage for the final baktun, the 13th baktun. 1618 – 2012 = 394 years.
The last 144,00 days...such a rapid acceleration of activity, of the impact of human thought on the biosphere, obviously something was going to happen. This was all just a build-up. Scientific and Industrial Revolution. Population of the human race accelerated. The population explosion began in 1750...from 500 million to almost 7 billion...14 times over.
[32:51] The closer we get to the present moment, the greater the process of acceleration. This process of acceleration is due to one principle factor: the mechanization of time. This was set in place at the very beginning of the 13th baktun cycle.
[33:42] The clock is the ruler of our senses, the ruler of our mind. Because of this mechanization of time, the industrial revolution could occur. Everything is based on the mechanization of time. (expounds)
[34:34] Discusses the automobile. It privatized the means of transport. It created a possibility of any human being going from one place to another in their own capsule without having their feet touch the Earth. This machine of course was driven by the petroleum industry. These two factors [clock and automobile] have been the most significant factors in reshaping the face of the Earth—the face of human society—Until the 1970s and 1980s. At that time was the next most significant machine and perhaps even the most significant: the computer.
[35:33] While the automobile was the mechanization of our kinetic sensibility, the computer was the mechanization of our mental processes and functions.
[35:55] With the computer, we enter into the final stage. The Industrial Revolution made possible what is called the technosphere.
[36:05] The technosphere is the stage in which we are living and have been for more than the last 50 years. The technosphere is the artificial structure of global civilization that is in coordination and control of the biosphere.
[36:36] The technosphere as the conglomerate projection of the collective impact of human mechanized thought—this technosphere is its own type of mechanized symbiotic entity. As a symbiotic entity it devours and thrives upon the biosphere. All of the deforestation goes into the technosphere. All of the oil, all of the resources taken from the Earth go in to feed the technosphere. We as human beings are the bees or ants of the technosphere. We make sure that the technosphere keeps running. The technosphere is the dominant force controlling the biosphere.
[37:37] This is merely an intermediate phase. The technosphere is the principle agent that creates and produces the bio-geo-chemical combustion that characterizes global warming.
[38:00] The global warming is part of the effect of creating a consumer culture—the materialism of the final age. All the resources taken from the Earth are to create goods that can be bought for money by people who are essentially wage-slaves, who work for that money so they can buy these goods that are produced from raw resources taken from the Earth without asking for the Earth’s permission.
[39:00] The phenomenon of terrorism. Terrorism exists because the intrinsic process and the triumph of historical materialism, which really occurred with the end of the cold war. The historical capitalist consumerism and materialism became absolutely dominant in 1990-1991.
[40:00] Terrorism exists simply because of injustice, because of oppression, because of an unwillingness to comprehend or understand different religions or different ideologies. The dominant civilizational force already anticipates a clash of world civilizations; meaning that whatever will not be in accord with the principles of the free market economics that produce globalization must be curbed or eliminated. This creates terrorism.
[40:54] The biosphere-noosphere transition began roughly some 20 years ago when we entered into the phase of the computer and of the cybersphere—the artificial intelligence that characterizes the very last stage of the technosphere. Describes the virtual noosphere (Internet etc.), virtual telepathic capacity.
[41:45] Telepathy does not rely on the Internet, does not rely on a electro-magnetic grid. Telepathy is a pure mental thought-wave going from one higher self to another higher self...We evolve the higher self through our mind to produce that telepathy.
[42:34] We enter the stage where the biosphere-noosphere transition is complete when we get past December 21, 2012. At that point there we start the evolution to the pole of psychic convergence. Discusses divergence and convergence.
[43:15] When we get past the 2012, we get into the planetary noosphere horizon. We enter into what Vernadsky referred to as the Psychozoic Era.
The Psychozoic Era represents the spiritualization
of mind and matter.
It represents the greatest moment in the evolution
of the Earth since the emergence of life.
The emergence of life from inorganic matter occurred 500 million years ago.
[43:50] Now we are going to the emergence of the dominance of mind and spirit from life. Life is the intermediate term between matter and mind.
[43:57] Now the mental aspect of our evolution will become increasingly dominant and we will experience what is referred to as psychic compression.
[44:09] Everything will be psychically compressed. We will know everything; everything will be known to each being. Each being will have the psychic compression of the whole within their own system so we will be going from what is referred to as human phase to the superhuman phase, from homanization to super homanization, from mind to super mind.
[44:38] discusses the noospheric constitution.
[46:10] ...We have lost our human trust, but as we get to the other side of things and we experience a quantum shift in our consciousness, we are going to experience the restoration of that trust.
We are going to experience the restoration of
the true spiritual understanding of the nature of life.
We are going to experience
the quality of everything being sacred.
Everything is sacred. You don’t just take and plunder. You consider what it is. You consider its role and place in the whole of the biospheric-noospheric evolutionary scheme of things.
[47:10] We are all part of one large universal pattern. This universal pattern is now reaching what we might call its apocalyptic Judgment Day moment. We are all placed at that condition right now. Everything that is occurring in the world is churning up so that the mistakes and the errors and the incapacities—the ineffectiveness of the human institutions—are being very clearly shown. This is a Judgment Day process.
[47:38] The human institutions that exist are not based on a God-centered reality. They are not based on a sense of the divine order of reality.
[47:53] (The noosphere constitution) recognizes that at this point it is important to create concrete steps that address all the issues of how we make this transition. How do we go from maximum the other end of the noospheric spectrum: the Pole of Psychic Convergence?
[49:25] We are going into a new consciousness. We will be leaving the egoic consciousness that has been exacerbated and brought forward by the cybersphere, the consciousness of the individual ego. We are going into a new consciousness, the noospheric consciousness which is a psychic higher super mental consciousness that has already an intrinsic understanding of ourselves as being a divine reflex. We are manifestations of the original God nature. We come from an original luminous God source and in the end we go back to the self-existing luminous God source.
[51:25 ] The coming of the noosphere means that the biosphere we will be reaching a maximum crisis and everything will be tuned upside down, just as everything is turned upside down at this moment.
[51:48] Other events will be happening now and between the end of 2012.
[52:06] It’s important that noosphere study groups be formed in every country.
[52:34] No one can predict the exact nature of this transition, of this momentous moment, the greatest since the advent of life on Earth.
[52:47] It is very important that we consider that, yes, this is actually happening, just as the events in our world today are actually happening. We have in our power the capacity to at least change our old attitudes, to change and shift our ways so we are oriented to the fact that the world as we know it, the old order, may be malfunctioning altogether by the end of 2012.
[53:26] We must consider the possibility of electro-magnetic solar storms that will gravely curtail the electro-magnetic grid of the Earth by the middle or end of 2012, thus, in effect, putting to an end much of civilization as we know it. We must be prepared and ready.
[53:40] We are also talking about entering into a new time. We are living in one time and we say, “Once Upon a Time”—that was another time.
Well, in 2013 we will say “once upon a time”
and we will refer to the whole of history.
[54:15] We will be in a new time where we will have a positive sense of our relationship with ourselves and with the whole. Need for a new harmonic timing standard. 13 Moon 28-Day Calendar; based on harmonic-cosmic-mathematical principles and organizes our life in accord with patterns of synchronicity.
[55:08] When we move into the noosphere, the quality of mind is such that synchronicity is an every day every moment occurrence, because we will be released from a purely third-dimensional mind into a fourth-dimensional mind as well. In the fourth dimension, the organization of mental processes and the facts of life is according to synchronicity. 13 Moon 28-Day perpetual timing standard. This is a tool to use now.
[56:15] We will each be a cell, an organizing neuron of the total mental field of the Earth.
[56:24] What this mental field will be like is unimaginable from our present perspective. It is very much like the frog at the bottom of the well, thinking the sky is what you can see from the bottom of the well. The frog gets out of the well and sees that it’s much larger than he ever imagined and much different. That is another way of looking at the shift in consciousness that we will be experiencing when we pass that point on December 21, 2012.
[5:45] We are looking at the noosphere as the future of our civilization. The noosphere as the preservation of the true spiritual culture of the human race. The noosphere as the field of potentiality where we can begin to establish true communion and communication with the cosmic civilizations throughout the universe. The noosphere is how the human being grows up.
Concludes with acknowledgements to the World Council on Spiritual Culture.
[58:45] We are bound by one common heart, one common blood. We are one family, united in the telepathic field of the noosphere. Thank you
See for written articles on the noosphere as well as other material in depth. Check the “Site map” at the end of various sections to see the full content of this very in-depth site in outline form. This is the site of the Foundation of the Law of Time and is José Argüelles’ main interface with the planet. has further material relating to the noosphere and the conference referred to in this talk.
Transcription by Elizabeth Whitney; 415-663-1389