One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Issue #72


Life is precious. It is a gift to receive a human body. If you love someone, tell them ... often.

Our hearts were touched to receive news of the passing of 2-year-old Vela Devi Badaltjawdharie, Blue Cosmic Storm, Kin 39, of Suriname.

Her passing has opened portals of the heart.

Our heart goes out to her parents Rohit, Stephanie and Vela's uncle Avinash who reached out to us during the time of Vela's passing. Her aunt is a practitioner of the law of time.

"Our solar system is at the center of a 6,000-light year diameter defined by the pulsar Vela, a remnant of a supernova oscillating at an incredible rate of speed. A pulsar is an advanced, evolved late state of what was once a supernova. This Vela pulsar is what pulsed the information of the larger Cosmic History frame of reference, reaching all the way back to the point of the interval of lost time in eternity." --see Accessing Your Multidimensional Self

Vela Devi Badaltjawdharie
March 23, 2013: Blue Cosmic Storm, Kin 39 - January 11, 2016: Blue Planetary Night, Kin 23