One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Issue #69


GALACTIC NEWS UPDATE - Overtone Moon - White Planetary Wizard Year

This Moon:

Galactic Education Center - Brazil - UPDATE

The initial stage of acquiring a property in Brazil has been achieved with the purchase of 14.7 hectares of land for the purpose of building the first GEC.

The property is located approx. 10 kms outside of Canela RS Brazil.

This is a culmination of effort from André Staehler and Tiele Vasconcelos from Centro Escola Lei do Tempo, in conjunction with the Foundation for the Law of Time, to secure a property for this purpose and to have it operational by the Day Out of Time (DOOT) 2016.

The property has on its boundary a magnificent waterfall approx.. 15 metres high by 30 metres wide. Plans and photos will be available later in the year. STAY TUNED!

"To Be" School - Netherlands

A pilot school called "To-Be" was initiated in Holland on Blue Magnetic Night, Saturday October 3rd 2015. Participants were introduced to the 13 Moon calendar and the Law of Time, to develop a new school together which is rooted in a bigger galactic vision. The school project is in sync with a reformation process of education, which is currently a growing issue in the Dutch society. To learn more, visit

CoSM Receives Banner of Peace

"Everyone's an artist, making real the endless song
Everyone's a healer, knowing light's the right for wrong
Everyone's a lover, making every moment count
Everyone's a leader, drinking from the sacred fount

Yes,everyone's artist, and the outlet's through your heart
Yes, everyone's a healer, ending war by making art."

Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan
Poem excerpt "Everyone is an Artist"

On October 26, 2015 ~ KIN 206 11Worldbridger, one of the international Peace emissaries representing the Banner of Peace Council of the Foundation for the Law of Time, had the opportunity to meet with visionary artists Alex Grey and his partner Allyson Grey at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM) in upstate New York, and in an unplanned and spontaneous ceremony delivered to them the Banner of Peace as a gift in recognition of their outstanding work as pioneers of the evolution of consciousness through Art.

"Grey's unique series of 21 life-sized paintings, the Sacred Mirrors, take the viewer on a journey toward their own divine nature by examining, in detail, the body, mind, and spirit. The Sacred Mirrors, present the physical and subtle anatomy of an individual in the context of cosmic, biological and technological evolution. Begun in 1979, the series took a period of ten years to complete. It was during this period that Alex developed depictions of the human body that “x-ray” the multiple layers of reality, and reveal the interplay of anatomical and spiritual forces. After painting the Sacred Mirrors, he applied this multidimensional perspective to such archetypal human experiences as praying, meditation, kissing, copulating, pregnancy, birth, nursing and dying. Grey's recent work explores the subject of consciousness from the perspective of “universal beings” whose bodies are grids of fire, eyes and infinite galactic swirls."

During the brief ceremony, Grey expressed his admiration for Nicholas Roerich as a source of inspiration and immense gratitude for receiving the banner as very special and significative "unexpected" gift. He and his wife also expressed their willingness to give the banner a special place at COSM.

International Peace Emissary Paulo Caminante, KIN 118 1Mirror has been working with indigenous communities and peace initiatives in Colombia, South America and completing a sacred healing pilgrimage throughout the most important cities of the United States carrying the Banner of Peace during special events and ceremonies.

For the Foundation for the Law of Time it was very special and rewarding to find out that as a beautiful reflection of the infinite mirror of relationships, Alex, born on November 29, 1953 ~ KIN 230 White Solar Dog, share the same birth galactic signature with Helena Roerich (Nicholas Roerich's wife), and that his wife Alyson, born March 3, 152~ KIN 114 White Planetary Wizard, has the same signature as John Lennon and this entire 2015-2016 Solar Ring.

May Love, Peace, ART and Synchronicity prevail on Earth!

To know more about the Roerich Pact please go to:
If you would like to volunteer or donate time, ideas or money to support the work of the Banner of Peace Council, please contact:

Upcoming Event in Byron Bay, Australia!

[Image of Green Central Castle of Enchantment]