One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Featured Time is Art Artist - Issue #56

Serena Urdiales

[Photo of Artist]

What is your artform and/or vision?

Para mí, la vida es arte. El arte de vivir según lo que siento guiada por la irracionalidad de mi corazón (aunque ya se descubrieron las cardioneuronas). También vivo la poesía como una búsqueda de puentes entre esa irracionalidad intuitiva y sintiente, y el mundo de las palabras.

For me, life is art. The art of living according to what I feel, guided by the irrationality of my heart (although, they just discovered the cardio-neurons). I also live poetry as a search for bridges between that intuitive and sentient irrationality, and the world of words.

What other artists inspire you?

La artista que más me inspira es la diosa. No deja de asombrarme la capacidad creativa de la Madre Naturaleza. También tengo mis escritor@s favoritas entre ell@s: Paula Jiménez, Mane Rodríguez, Claudia Masín, Fernando Pessoa, Dafne Pidemunt, Celia Remaggi...

The artist that most inspires me is the goddess. It never ceases to amaze me the creative capacity of Mother Nature. Also, I have my favorite writers, among them are: Paula Jiménez, Mane Rodríguez, Claudia Masín, Fernando Pessoa, Dafne Pidemunt, Celia Remaggi...

What does the phrase "Time is Art" mean to you?

Significa erradicar, por fin, la antigua falacia que decía que el tiempo era dinero y apropiarnos de nuestro tiempo y de nuestra vida con creatividad y amor en cada acto y pensamiento.

It means to eradicate, at least, the ancient falacy that said that "time is money" and take charge of our own time and our life with creativity and love in every act and thought.

I Stretch
I go far
I reflect myself
I grow, I stretch
I return the double road
From me to me

Echo of my river,
I laugh (at me).
Pronouncing from outside
The sounds of the inside.

I saw holding the sand in my hands
And it sifts
Between the fingers that precious treasure
Of time-makes-life-clay.
And I saw let go
That sand all together, all of a sudden
Offering to that inevitability
Other way
Of become part of the eternal.

The Wings of Desire
An angel saying
That it wants to have weight, and know
The colors, aromas and tastes
Find where time starts and
Space ends.
Find not the station where the train
stops, but
The station
Where the station stops

The hollow sounds of silence
Profound surface
Deep limit
Of the nothing
Pushing existence
To be

The Invisible "Relójica"
The invisible relógica
That weaves the lights of the present drawing,
Of the fragmented mirror of god
Falls off the plot and is sustained
By that rumor of unheard echos
By the threading of the silent signs.
Zero plus zero plus zero
Is the exact equation of this moment.

Time is Art! Share Your Vision!Find Serena Urdiales Online

Time is Art