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My artform is a synthesis of visual illustration with underlying properties of nature including the basic harmonic relationship between space and time. It synthesizes visual art with science. It encompasses principles known from sacred numbers and geometry, wedding ancient knowledge with unified field physics.
While my art can be accessed strictly on an intuitive visual basis there are often precise correlations with physical and mathematical relations in nature allowing access to scientific methods further expressing my vision of universal harmony.
A) Mother nature with all her splendor
B) M.C. Escher
C) Bob Marshall (pioneer in Synchrographics)
D) HSM Coxeter (Geometer extraordinaire)
E) Barbara Hero
F) Leonardo DaVinci
Time (t) at its core level is discrete angular displacement in any direction. This is rotation which creates cycles throughout the universe from the microscopic to macroscopic level. Time exists only with space (s) which is discrete linear displacement in any direction, as two reciprocal aspects of motion (V=s/t). These form all patterns found in nature from spirals, polyhedra and toriadal structures; all key aspects of the unified field.
On a higher dimensional plane life and consciousness are formed from the same basic space-time patterns. These manifest as individual expression in the form of visual art, dance, music. Time (and its reciprocal space) IS art.