One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Featured Time is Art Artist - Issue #69

Martin Kuipers

Photo Collage of artist Martin Kuipers - -

What is your artform and/or vision?

Last april I started experimenting with making music based upon the daily melodies, that can be calculated using the Synchronotron. I just left my job and made a radical shift in my life. I told myself to finally do what I always said a would do if I had time: making music.

For a few days in a row I used the basic five-note melodies as a foundation for short musical pieces. My dear friend Vaxac (Ger)Ben directed me to the synchronotron-notes, and created a piece of software that helps calculating them. He deserves notion and my gratitude in this story, for he was the one to ask me what would happen if I would combine the thirteen melodies of a wavespell into one piece. The Yellow Sun Wavespell was the first wavespell-based piece I put online.

Soon after that I made the Red Skywalker and the White Worldbridger tracks. Wavetracks seemed like a good name and I decided to create videoclips to accompany the music. I try to capture the energies and the story of the wavespell in a combination of music and visuals. My intention for these pieces is to help people tune into the specific wavespell, helping them meditate and learn the basic structures. I'm always surprised and delighted to find how seemingly random notes are working out into a new story told and discovered in the language of music.

My goal is to create Wavetracks for a full cycle of 20 wavespells. At this moment there are 15 tracks online. After that I will see what will come next. Up until now it has been a solo endeavour, a personal experiment, a way of studying the Law of Time from an other perspective. The recent attention to my work from various Law of Time scholars and enthusiasts around the globe has been very encouraging. What will come next will unfold itself in the coming months. It is my wish to find and collaborate with other musicians and artists.

Who are your main artistic inspirations/influences?

The basic structure of the wavetracks are coming from the Synchronotron calculations. Five seemingly random notes a day, thirteen days in a row. Some tracks only use these five notes for each day, in different tempo and octaves. For instance the Yellow Sun Wavetrack and the Red Serpent Wavetrack are fully-fractal this way! Amazing to hear what happens, this really gave me a deeper understanding of "Time is Art". Ofcourse I enjoy my artistic freedom in choosing instruments, layers and moods. Other tracks I try to capture the essence of the energies and stories, so there is more of a creative process, arranging, composing and producing involved.

My musical inspiration comes from a broad variety of artists. I love the ambience and broadness of Keith Kenniff aka Helios. And I'm always taken away by the energy and deep layers of Röyksopp. I've discovered to a lot of worldmusic from India, Australia and South America lately, which has become an inspiration for me as well.

What does the phrase "Time is Art" mean to you?

A profound chain of synchronistic events has led me into doing the things I do today. It started with small synchronicities challenging me to make a difficult choice.  As soon as I made this choice, the synchronicities became bigger and more interconnected. Learning about the Law of Time helped me see these interconnections and the absolute beauty of it, eventually leading me to the path I’m on now. It has been a privilege to experience this story which to me personally, is like a piece of art.

This experience has changed my understanding of Time. It has shifted from my logical and doubting mind to a feeling and knowing in my heart. "Time is Art" to me is closely connected to music. The beauty of music can only unfold when played in Linear Time in a specific order, following a basic set of rules. When sharp notes and disharmonies merge into heartfelt melodies and harmonies a movement comes to be in our senses, bodies, minds and souls.

For me Time follows the same principles. And finally the time has come. Time to let the sharp and disharmonic notes die out, take a deep breath and play the notes that are written inside our hearts, and hidden al around us, in time and in synchronicities. It is time for the next measure filled with notes that will fuse together into an amazing harmony, so finally, the piece of art, we've been working on for such a long time here on Earth can finally be seen by the cosmos.

Time is Art! Share Your Vision!

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Time is Art