One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Featured Time is Art Artist - Issue #53

lynn bright

Photo of Lynn Bright

1. What is your artform and/or vision?

My art form explores the inner space of dream time as it first makes contact with the waking external world.

2. What other artists inspire you?

Salvidor Dali, Picasso, De Kooning' are artists that inspire me.

3. What does the phrase "Time is Art" mean to you?

The phrase "Time is Art" means to me the striving for quality. An ever present unfolding process that grows from stage to stage. Movement and measure connected like the growth of a plant from seed to flower.

This brings an appreciation of life as it makes use of our sense perceptions completely. The 9 to 5 mechanical clock separates us from this connection to reality -- both inner and outer.

Time is Art! Share Your Vision!Find Lynn Bright on the web:

Lynn Bright Art Studio Paintings

Time is Art