One Earth One People One TimeNoos-letter of the Foundation for the Law of Time

Featured Time is Art Artist - Issue #45
Jami Lin - Following Passions

Jami Lin - Rainbow Magnetic Serpent

I “met” Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan in (1975) in college with his profound Mandala book. At the time, I didn’t have words to define “expanded consciousness.” I felt and loved every detail of each well-worn’s soul, even with broken spine, remains a treasure on my shelf. Jose’s energy inspired a vision that came to life years later with my first book on universal sacred geometry, it’s cyclic-relationships of heaven and earth, and how to apply them to create nurturing sanctuaries: Earth Design the Added Dimension (original title with praises from Deepak Chopra).

"Earth Design" was even featured on 60 minutes at Book Expo America

With seeking to greater-working knowledge of the 13 Moon along with Jose’s, Red Queen’s and your support, new visions include sharing universal relationships between “galactic traditions” and “terrestrial Feng-Shui-Flying-Star” moon cycles.

For now, here’s one of my artforms that serves YOU in kicking off Gregorian New Year and your success during its first moon: Jan 1/New Moon Feng Shui:

Make your home sparkly clean and during this moon:

•    Center: Burn Red. candle in for 5 minutes a day (minimum) - set intention for prosperous year for everyone
•    N: avoid activity - place object with metal-chiming sound
•    NE: fabulous energy with Yearly and Monthly stars place moving water
•    W: avoid activity - place object with metal-chiming sound, get plenty of sleep, take vitamins
•    SW: place ceramic/terracotta pot with metal (coins?) for greater ease and grace
•    S: place object with metal-chiming sound, hug and kiss loved ones to avoid arguing
•    SE: place quiet water such as a blue vase with 4 Yearly energy, don't add moving water to the monthly 8
•    E: special energy this month, add living plant to stimulate bright blessings
•    NE: fabulous energy with Yearly and Monthly stars place moving water

1. What is your artform and/or vision?

Expressing my passions and as Joseph Campbell says, “Following my Bliss”

2. What other artists inspire you?

Everyone who expresses themselves through original thought and creativity

3. What does the phrase "Time is Art" mean to you?

Expressing yourself NOW without compromise!


[In Lak'ech T-Shirt]Send self-addressed/self-stamped (with $1 postage) business-size envelope and $10 check for Swarovski-quality, “In Lak’esh” CRYSTAL Shirt Transfer and instructions) - Send to:

Sharing Transformation
230 West Tampa Ave.
Venice, FL 34285

Future offerings? Custom "Galactic Signature" Shirts
Anyone know who this was created for? (with love!)


1. Keynote/Opening Ceremonies at Earth Dance:

Jami Lin's opening ceremony inspires personal and global transformation. Experience Sacred Geometry, the Rainbow Bridge (Jose Argüelles/ within YOU and Co-Creation. Discover the metaphysical (science/spiritual workings of nature) that “always was” and is the new catalyst of human evolution. Learn the “Oneness Sign” which in the evolved expression of the (two-finger) peace sign…..through our co-creative hearts, we will be the change we want to be in the world.

2. Three mini videos with Delia Skye, my beloved "Galactic Mentor."
Expanding YOUR Rainbow Bridge, Your Galactic Purpose & Mayan Prophesy of NEW Time

Expanding YOUR Rainbow Bridge


On Jami Lin's Rainbow Passions: started working with color when mom gave me an easel to paint next to her at 3-years old.

1. Award-winning book:
what is ColorAlchemy:

2. Jami's Feng Shui/Earth Design: Creating Nurturing Sanctuaries

greatest design project to date:

Enjoy video (at bottom of page) explaining how our home is designed according to sacred geometry, numerology and all the relationships between heaven and earth… and how we make Feng Shui adjustments according to the every-changing energies of the 13moons.

3. "Rainbow Skincare:"
on TV:

based upon the frequency of each color, each color penetrates the skin at different depths. My focus is using RED light which goes deep into tissue and stimulates collagen and elastin production for "Ageless Skin."

4. EmBodyHeARTWear Chakra Shirts with Swarovski-quality crystals

5. Rainbow Jewelry:

6. My Store:

7. Rainbow Play!

Time is Art! Share Your Vision!Find Jami Lin on the web:

Please friend me on FB:
Enjoy my monthly radio show: (rumored that Red Queen is joining me next month!) (Jami Lin's award-winning "Rainbow" book)

Time is Art